People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.
-George Bernard Shaw
Table of Contents
- Fear is a Cage - Not Just A Blonde
- No evidence of modern forgery in ancient text mentioning ‘Jesus’s wife’
- Who are you? pt.1 - Cosmicmessages
- Fine Tuning - Mayan Messages
- Creativity Is Its Own Path - Heavenletters
- Daily Message ~ Thursday April 10, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
- Everyone Is A Piece Of The Puzzle
- Love Is
- The moringa is a miracle tree that is being promoted as a solution to Third World malnutrition
- Health & Longevity Secrets From Around The World
- I Wish All Schools Taught These 5 Lessons
- "Giving Yourself A Break" Could Add Years to Your Life
Fear is a Cage - Not Just A Blonde
Many of us are trapped in cages created by our fears. We fear many things including: death, other people, the future, even ourselves!
Fear is a liar and a thief! It tells us we will be hurt! It steals our time and our peace-of-mind! Fear’s purpose is distraction and destruction. Fear distracts us from our true inheritance and destroys our peace. We can set ourselves free by realizing fear is not real.
Fear cannot hurt us. We are safe in the arms of a loving God. By appearing like a friend we mistakenly listen yet fear keeps us in the darkness of anxiety, worry, stress under the guise of protecting us! Fear is an illusion that keeps us from fully experiencing God’s presence in every facet of our lives.
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No evidence of modern forgery in ancient text mentioning ‘Jesus’s wife’
In an effort to eliminate knowledge of the Divine Feminine, the Christian Church has long denied that Jesus was married, and even goes so far as to call Mary a "whore". A recent finding by scientists calls all that into question, from the Boston Globe:
New scientific tests have turned up no evidence of modern forgery in a text written on ancient Egyptian papyrus that refers to Jesus as being married, according to a long-awaited article to be published Thursday in the Harvard Theological Review.
The findings support the argument of Harvard professor Karen L. King that the controversial text, the first-known explicit reference to a married Jesus, is almost certainly an authentic document.
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Who are you? pt.1 - Cosmicmessages
So I was thinking the other day, what is it that I really stand for? What do I truly believe? There are so many healers, teachers, priests, leaders (political, social, economical, religious) all with their own views. Always encouraging others to follow their path. Why not allow others to find their own? This isn’t to put down any of them, but I don’t believe that it’s really that important anyone else belives what you have to say. I think it’s important that YOU truly believe what you have to say.
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Fine Tuning - Mayan Messages
FINE TUNING As the frequency of the Earth rises, it affects every living and inanimate object on the surface and within. If these things do not match her frequency, they will lose their connection.
In order to keep your connection on Earth during this time of transition, you will need to raise your vibrational frequency. Many of you are raising your frequencies, yet are still not equal to mother Earth. The quickest, easiest and most effective way to raise your energetic level is through a deep experience of love.
As long as you hold on to lower vibrational feelings such as fear, anger, desire and frustration, you will suffer the consequences of being out of tune with the Earth and her inhabitants.
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Creativity Is Its Own Path - Heavenletters
Maybe nothing is as it seems, and nothing has to be what you think or have been taught or what the world says how life ought to be. No one can really speak for you, beloveds. You have to speak for yourself.
Although it is that you can only do one thing at a time, who is to say that you must be focused on only one thing at a time! You are a creative human being to whom ideas come. Ideas come when they come. Who says you are to set aside a certain schedule for ideas? Who says that your ideas are not to come randomly? Perhaps it’s okay for your ideas to come when they come even when you are already in the midst of creating another idea? Who says that you can’t work on two or three or five or more creative endeavors all at once? It could be that this is the loveliest way for you to produce. Efficiency is not always efficient. Anyway, what does efficiency have to do with creativity? Creativity is its own path.
What is good for the goose may not be good for the gander. What may be good for a CPA may not be good for an artist or a writer. Playing hop-scotch may not be right for one adult, yet it may be right for another.
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Daily Message ~ Thursday April 10, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
Have you ever purposely sent love to yourself? We highly recommend it. Send love to yourself, exactly as you are, and celebrate your unique perfection. Send love to yourself for any event you can remember when you felt you weren’t given the love you needed, perhaps as a child, or during another difficult time in your life. Send love to your past selves, and also to your future selves. See yourself as the divine, beautiful and essential part of the whole that you are, and celebrate that while you are at it. Love yourself until you feel yourself filling up and overflowing with it. From that place, you can only have more love to share with the world, and will draw even more in return, because you will be gloriously saturated in the energy of love.
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Everyone Is A Piece Of The Puzzle
Everyone is a part of God, everyone. Not a single person is separate, so what does this mean when you reject or hate another? If your goal is the realization of the Divine Mystery, then every Human Being, every single part of your life is a piece of that Puzzle. I highly recommend embracing it all, not ignoring any tiny bit. If you do that, you'll have an incomplete picture, a limited vision.
Everyone in your life has a gift for you, and you have a gift for them. More accurately, you are the gift, and you can also get to know yourself more deeply through your interactions with others. What we need the most now is for people to come together, not united through some belief, but out of Love for themselves and each other. We have so much division at the moment when we could instead be learning so much from each other.
Many spiritual communities form cliques, which means "a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons held together by common interests or views". This is not a very helpful thing, it just creates more division and separation, which is something the world does not need any more of. Exclusive groups with exclusive teachings, is this what it means to be spiritual? If it is, perhaps we should toss out the whole concept of spirituality and just focus upon being Human Beings.
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Love Is
What many people today think love is is not truly love at all. Love has no conditions, no limits, and no boundaries. Love is really all there is. Everyone loves something, whether it is a person, animal, plant, etc. Without love, there would be nothing. True love is a precious gift we have to give to ourselves. Only you can decide to be love, and choose love as the answer to all questions.
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The moringa is a miracle tree that is being promoted as a solution to Third World malnutrition
You may not have heard of the moringa (Moringa oleifera), a tree native to the Himalayan foothills, but peoples across the world have recognized its miraculous potential, and it is now widely planted across South Asia, Africa, and Central and South America.
Governmental and non-governmental organizations have actively started promoting it as a cure for many of the ills associated with poverty worldwide.
The moringa is a drought-tolerant, pest-resistant, fast-growing tree that produces edible flowers and seed pods all year long. Every edible part of the tree is highly nutritious; the pods in particular provide all the essential amino acids and are rich in a fat similar to olive oil.
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Health & Longevity Secrets From Around The World
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I Wish All Schools Taught These 5 Lessons
1) Meditation
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"Giving Yourself A Break" Could Add Years to Your Life
From MDConnects:
Chill out- it might add years to your life, according to researchers.
New research reveals that lifespan could be affected by how people deal with stress. The latest findings suggest that learning to adequately deal with stress can actually add years to your life.
U.S. researchers from The Brandeis University found that people who forgive themselves for mistakes are physically healthier than those who obsess over them.
Researchers said that the latest study shows that that the secret to longevity is to take it easy and give yourself a break.