Today's writing is, "Everyone Is A Piece Of The Puzzle":
Everyone is a part of God, everyone. Not a single person is separate, so what does this mean when you reject or hate another? If your goal is the realization of the Divine Mystery, then every Human Being, every single part of your life is a piece of that Puzzle. I highly recommend embracing it all, not ignoring any tiny bit. If you do that, you'll have an incomplete picture, a limited vision.
Everyone in your life has a gift for you, and you have a gift for them. More accurately, you are the gift, and you can also get to know yourself more deeply through your interactions with others. What we need the most now is for people to come together, not united through some belief, but out of Love for themselves and each other. We have so much division at the moment when we could instead be learning so much from each other.
Many spiritual communities form cliques, which means "a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons held together by common interests or views". This is not a very helpful thing, it just creates more division and separation, which is something the world does not need any more of. Exclusive groups with exclusive teachings, is this what it means to be spiritual? If it is, perhaps we should toss out the whole concept of spirituality and just focus upon being Human Beings.
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