GFP Newsletter - 4/25/2014

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Innocence is a totally different phenomenon. It has nothing to do with knowledge and nothing to do with ignorance either. It is a state of total freedom – from ignorance and knowledge both. It is a state of wonder. It is a very positive state of tremendous awe. When you are full of wonder and awe; when your heart starts throbbing with each beautiful moment that passes by – with the roses, with the marigolds, with the lotuses, with the stars, with the sun, with the moon, with people, with rivers, mountains; when you can experience and feel the mystery of life; when you are so sensitive, so vulnerable, so open that the miraculous can penetrate to the very core of your being, then you are innocent.


If you are having difficulty with forgiveness ask for help and for clarity. - John Smallman


To leave the illusion behind is humanity’s divine destiny because humanity’s destiny is divine. It has ensnared, enslaved, and entranced you all for far too long and your unwillingness to release yourselves from it is all that holds you within it. You have the power and the capability to do so because you are divine beings, and, because it is your will and God’s, you will release yourselves.


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Decrease Fear, Increase Love - Mayan Messages


DECREASE FEAR, INCREASE LOVE   In order to conquer your fears, you must face them. Just as a bully often backs off when his target steps up to him, your fears will dwindle and back off when you boldly confront them. Changing the behaviors that kept the fears intact also requires effort and courage, for this is your public statement that you are changing something inside yourself that no longer serves you. You may be encouraged by some and ridiculed by others, but stand fast to your truth and press forward.

Your love will exponentially increase with each fear you release, for you cannot hold on to both at the same time. If you are having an issue with a loved one and harboring anger, hate or frustration, you will block the flow of love. Although some love may filter through, when your time together is going well, the flow is still constricted due to the lower frequencies still targeted towards that person.


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The Answer for Me is Love - Steve Beckow


Waves of Love 44This is such a rugged time for me. Everything incomplete is coming up. And some of you tell me it’s the same for you.

Whether it’s a trough in the waves of love or an intensified energy that draws all incompletions out of me, it’s painful, deep, unbearable.

I’m going through existential loneliness and I know it’s caused by seeing myself as separate from God.

I think all loneliness comes from that. It’s the chief cause, the head vampire of existential loneliness.

We try to fill this yawning chasm of emptiness with sports cars and speedboats and vacations.  But nothing fills it. It can only be filled with God.


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Heal Yourself - Knowing Whispers


Writing heals, because it addresses what we are feeling within. In other words, writing opens the door to ourselves.
Writing focuses on what is buried in the unconscious and it allows us to explore our mind, and feelings. It is a time when we can ask ourselves questions in the privacy of our own thoughts and feelings -- and we come to realize we do have the answers within us.
Writing is very therapeutic, because we progress at our own pace.


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If You Deny God, You Deny Yourself


God is omnipresent, this is something even the backwards religions teach. Do you understand what this means, how amazing it is? God is not separate from you in anything you do, God is always there. And don't worry, God knows what you look like naked, the realization of God's omnipresence doesn't need to make things awkward when you're taking a shower or during sex.

For those who believe in a judgmental god, I can see how omnipresence can be a frightening thing. Supposedly the ultimate authority figure is watching and scrutinizing everything you do, even more so than the NSA! It's a good thing God Is Unconditionally Loving, which makes damning others through judgment impossible. Still, people damn themselves with their own judgements, and the judgments of others.


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Daily Message ~ Friday April 25, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Dear Ones, the idea that you have to “go it alone” is simply not true. You have so many loving guides and helpers, as well as your own higher self, Source, the masters, the angels, an entire universe, all sending you love and happy to assist whenever you ask! So many of you are struggling so unnecessarily. Simply ask for help. That is what activates your team. Then, surrender and flow, and you will find yourself moving into a life of far greater ease.


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