GFP Newsletter - 4/28/2014

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We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Turn towards the Light which will never reject you - John Smallman


All are One. You all know that, you accept it as a basic fact or concept, and then you dismiss it from your minds as you go about your daily affairs. But you need to make it a part of yourselves, an aspect of yourselves that you carry in your conscious awareness at all times, otherwise it remains as meaningless to you as any field of study of which you have only vague knowledge and that holds no interest for you; an idea that is unimportant and is therefore readily dismissed and forgotten.


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Why A Good Dose of Gratitude Might be the Only Medicine You Need - Christina Sarich


positive happy health 263x164 Why A Good Dose of Gratitude Might be the Only Medicine You NeedAre you thankful for your family? For the way the rainwater sparkles on your skin in the sun? How about a friend? Are you feeling lucky to just be alive? It turns out feelings like these are extremely good for your health. In a time when medical costs seem to rise higher than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, we can concentrate on feeling thankful without it costing us a single dime.


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Be Happy - The Master Shift


I remember at Sunday school I was given a little card with the words ‘be happy’ … but there was no explanation of what that really meant.

I tried all sorts of ways to ‘be happy.’

I thought I would be happy if I could just make my parents proud of me. I thought I would be happy if I could keep my partner happy. I also thought I would find happiness if I never upset any one ever again, and if I avoided being hurt. In short if I could just say, do and be perfect I would be happy.


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Forgiveness - Positive Thoughts


Nothing in life causes more pain and suffering than the judgments we hold about and against others and ourselves. I think Byron Katie says it best: “When you argue against reality, you will suffer.” Judgments are the thoughts or arguments we hold about or against what is, what was, and what should be. All judgments create suffering and need to be forgiven.

Releasing Judgement 

Every interaction and experience in life offers the opportunity to become aware of those things that we do not recognize and/or do not accept about ourselves. This is the foundation of all judgments. It is very easy to point out in others the things we deny, dismiss, avoid, excuse, and resist acknowledging that we actually believe are true about us.


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Daily Message ~ Monday April 28, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


The whole idea that anything is too good to be true denotes a belief of powerlessness. When you are consciously co-creating, you will draw to you more and more wonderful creations. Would you look at a book you wrote, or a painting you just finished and say it is too good to be true? Why then would you say this about your dreams coming true from your focus and intention? How is that different? Dreams do come true, Dear Ones, all the time. Love yourselves enough to expect, and accept the best. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Rose Blossoming in Fullness - Heavenletters


God said:

No matter how far along in life you may think you are, you are a beginner. You are a beginner in that you are always growing. There is no end to you, beloveds. You are always beginning. You cannot take a breath and relax thinking that you have become all you are to become. You can take a breath and relax knowing that you will continue to learn and grow and continue to express all that is within you to express.


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Seeing Past The Distractions


Soul healing only comes when the being is fully Present, no need to make it any more complicated than that. You can bring incredibly transformative healing upon yourself in any moment, this one included. Any place, any time, those factors are really quite trivial, the only thing real healing takes is Presence. An intense awareness of what's going on within yourself, that's how you rediscover your authentic self, which is all that true healing is.


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