Today's writing is, "Those Who Rebel Against Society Are Often Doing It A Favor":
If nothing else, this is a message of compassion. I don't want to discourage rebellion, nor do I want to encourage rebellion, I just want people to love each other.
We live in a very divided society, and the elite have learned to exploit this division for their own gain. Conservatives vs. liberals, native born vs. immigrants, rich vs. poor, so much petty conflict among people who have so much more to gain by working together. People who have far more in common than different, yet the manipulative media keeps people focused upon the differences, the divisions. The media gives equal weight to two contradictory pieces of propaganda, and calls this "balance". Telling the truth would be balance, what the media spreads is cognitive dissonance which leads to confusion and conflict.
Then there's the mainstream society and the countercultures. At the moment in the US, I don't know of any countercultures that mainstream society takes seriously. Hipsters, goths, punks, emos, environmental activists, the Occupy movement, feminists, all of these are mocked openly, they're generally considered a joke by mainstream society. Back when these movements were gaining momentum they were taken a bit more seriously because they threatened societal norms, but now they're usually the butt of jokes and treated with disrespect.
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