It is a little known fact that Jesus Christ was nearly called Manny shortly after his birth. Just before he was, however, someone walking past the stable peeked a look inside to see what was going on. Hitting his toe on a sharp stone he cried out, ”Jesus!”
”Oh, that’s a good name,” said Mary. ”We will call him that.”
Table of Contents
- Dead-ends Open Us to Divine Direction - Not Just A Blonde
- What's Really Making You Unhappy? - Aligned Holistics
- Blind Leading the Blind - Knowing Whispers
- Daily Message ~ Sunday May 18, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
- Daily Message ~ Saturday May 17, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
- Like Me! - The Creator Writings
- How We Sabotage Ourselves Through Pride
Dead-ends Open Us to Divine Direction - Not Just A Blonde
When we find ourselves at the end of the road… or the end of our rope, this is where we often give up. When we find ourselves in a position where all our plans have failed and we have lost the strength to go on, we finally let go. When we are done trying to do it on our own, we realize we need help. Once we accept the fact that we need help… then we are ready to ask for it.
Asking for help is an act of bravery and submission to someone or something other than oneself. Why do we resist doing this until exhausted and depleted? Asking for directions, or insight is not weakness! It is better to ask for help in forging a new path than to waste away in a dead-end life.
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What's Really Making You Unhappy? - Aligned Holistics
I love the Internet. In addition to being an endless source of puppy videos, it’s an outlet that allows us to share ideas with the world. So, being the coach and happiness junkie that I am, I have a Google alert set for the word “happiness.”
Each day my inbox is filled with ideas of happiness that are either material, fleeting, or edible.
Most of our goals in life relate to finding some version of lasting happiness, yet we are conditioned to believe it’s a brief reaction to an event. Whether that be due to our belief in lack, modern psychology’s view of emotions, or our lack of resilience, we are taught that happiness is a goal to pursue. In reality, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a choice.
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Blind Leading the Blind - Knowing Whispers
Religions and spiritual leaders influence millions by pushing their beliefs. They believe in the Bible, the Koran, and the Gita, but do not personally ‘know’ the essence within them.
Too many believe in beliefs and are not who they profess to be, nor any closer to the truth than the totally unaware.
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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 18, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
We often encourage you to be true to yourself, to allow your own unique and special light to shine in order to have an authentic experience. But did you know this is also so you can be of the highest service possible?
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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 17, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
There is never a missed opportunity to give yourself healing or experiences you feel you didn’t get. Waiting for someone to change, to behave differently, to make things up to you, or to have some kind of epiphany is only stalling your own growth and expansion. Such a strategy is making you dependant on another for your wellness, which is giving your power away.
Moving on from your old stories is embracing your freedom and wellness. It is a wonderful act of self love, to step out of the role of wounded victim. To do so doesn’t mean you condone what happened to you in any way. It simply means that you are ready to detach from it energetically, once and for all. Take whatever wisdom you can find from your experiences and let the rest go!
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Like Me! - The Creator Writings
It is not your ‘job’ to get people to like you. If they do not, the failing, issue or problem is not yours and there is no need to take ownership of it. If you continue to be your glorious self and move through your existence as The Universe intended, it will not make a difference. Be who you are and the right people will be drawn. ~ Creator
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How We Sabotage Ourselves Through Pride
As with just about everything else, people have interpreted pride into both positive and negative aspects. It's easy to see the self-destructiveness of the negative aspects of pride, especially within other people. How pride leads to arrogance, an enormous ego, and thinking you're better than others. But then there's the "positive" aspect of pride, feeling good about yourself and your accomplishments. On the surface it may seem like this sort of pride is helpful. I have achieved something, so I allow myself to feel proud of my accomplishments. This kind of thinking is encouraged by our society, it's very common.