GFP Newsletter - 5/7/2014

will's picture

All fixed set patterns are incapable of adaptability or pliability. The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.

-Bruce Lee

1500-Year-Old Bible Discovered In Turkey Indicates Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified


A 1500-year-old bible has been discovered in Turkey. Discovered in 2000, the book that contains purportedly the Gospel of Barnabas has been transferred by the Turkish government to the Ethnography Museum of Ankara with a police escort. Barnabas was a disciple of Christ, and in the work, claims that Jesus was not crucified, instead it says he ascended to heaven alive and Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place. Furthermore, the 1500-year-old bible states that Jesus Christ was not the son of God, but simply a prophet who passed on the word of God.


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Love Links Us - Not Just A Blonde


We weren’t created to be self-sufficient but to need each-other. We each need love. Love is something that is meant to be shared with each-other. This need is something we each have in common and should never bring us shame.

Love is Divine energy. Love is a living moving thing! Love is always going somewhere. Love is always doing something. Love links us to the heart of God.

When love seems still it is not. Although it holds us in the stillness, it’s energy is swirling around us in a holy embrace. Although Love is present in solitude, it feels most at home in the company of others.

Read the rest here... (


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No decision is ever made without your express consent. -Ron Head


councilMichael and The Councils

 Our topic for discussion today is The Councils.  All of you have experience of these.  Many of you have memories and dreams of this.  Even the very best efforts to describe these to you will fall very far short, but you have reached a level of awareness now that makes it possible to begin acquainting your conscious minds with this image, this interpretation of ‘how things work’.


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 7, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics


Many of you dislike to accept gifts or assistance because you feel like it will leave you indebted to the giver and you don’t want to owe anyone. So let us present this thought. If you understand that you are the co-creator of your life expression and that you draw to you what you experience, don’t you owe it to yourself to accept all that love and assistance? ~Archangel Gabriel


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Smoke in Our Hands - Knowing Whispers


The ego needs props for an identity born of ideas, images and thought. 

It searches for perfection through the mind – for an identity that never dies.  This process is like trying to catch smoke with your hand.

The ego is driven by a will to dominate and control, with no consideration for others. It needs to be somebody, because it cannot bear to be nobody.

It is a false identity that exists only within the mind and it dissolves without attention.  It is only illusion that we exist, separate from existence -- we do not.


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A World within a World - Heavenletters


God said:

Everyone’s life is story. Everyone born on Earth has physical characteristics. Everyone is a character, and everyone has a personality, and everyone is an actor in a play, a very convincing play. As you play your part, you take it seriously. You really get into the part you play. Your acting ability is great. You fool everyone. You believe the edges of your story, and so does everyone else. This is called True Life when it is nothing of the kind. It is a picture of life, a photo taken through a special lens. Within this photo, lies quite a different image, often unacknowledged.


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Less Than? - The Creator Writings



Release the thought of being ‘less than’. The Universe has never created anything less than another. If your ego insists on holding onto the ‘less than’, remember this; all things are equal and equally loved in My eyes. ~ Creator


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ATTENTION!! Sign Petition To Keep Net Neutral and Running Fast


Kaytee Riek,
8:26 AM (1 hour ago)

Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T have taken over the federal agency meant to keep them in check. On May 15th, the agency will unveil the rules that will destroy the internet as we know it.

There are specific subcommittees in Congress that could still stop this -- but only if they’re subjected to massive public pressure.

Tell these two subcommittees: stop Big Telecom from destroying the internet!


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The Problem with God (the word)


God is easily the most abused Being on the Planet, She's an even bigger scapegoat than Obama. People blame God for all their problems, expect God to solve all their problems, and then curse God when She doesn't. Imagine if you did that to another human being, it would be an extremely abusive relationship! Yet for some reason it's okay when you do it to God, like you don't have to show any kindness towards Her.


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Live HD Camera Streaming from the International Space Station


Live streaming video by Ustream

Let us know if you spot any ETs!


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