Glenn Greenwald Speaks Truth To Media On Snowden, NSA, And Spying

Rain's picture


NEWSNIGHT: Glenn Greenwald full interview
on Snowden, NSA, GCHQ and spying


Published on Oct 3, 2013 by BBC Newsnight


BBC Newsnight exclusive interview with journalist Glenn Greenwald on Edward Snowden, the PRISM revelations and mass surveillance




Lame stream reader-not a reporter

dreamer's picture

This lady has clearly sold her soul to the highest bidder. This sad lost soul is a prime example of way too many people who believe the government or religon will save them. Socially acceptable guidelines are all contrived by the controlers. Where ever there is a tax or a law there is fodder for misuse. At least talking head Max Headroom was funny. This puddle of dark goo had all traces of human willingly  removed. A prime example of how not to be. For this we may be thankful.