Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – The Grand Inquisition 1 – 19 October 2012

There are some questions that have no answer for you. No answer satisfies. Questions you ask like these:
“Why did he die? Why was a baby born missing a chromosome or a limb? How can love be seemingly not in the human heart? How can there be murder in a world that God created? Why is there suffering? How can human love feel like pain at the same time? Even before love for another is incepted, it can feel like pain. How can there be loss? How can life be so powerful and yet so fragile? Are You heartless, God? How can You benignly watch our suffering and not hear us calling out to You?”
These are questions you ask, not I.
How can these questions be answered in human terms? If you can answer so your heart understands, step right up. You are not satisfied to hear: “God knows the reason.”
Your thought continues. You say to Me:
“Perhaps life is a jumble of many things, as if it were all thrown up in the air and happened to land this way. If life is not a jumble, then it is designed and purposeful. Who would ever design life this way? What kind of God would figure in pain and suffering? What God would ever allow pain let alone set it up? Is God a God of Love or not? What love is there in pain?
“How can a world so beautiful, so rife with beauty, so exquisitely put before us also co-exist, or seem to co-exist, along with misery? Misery must mean miserliness. How, in such a generous world, can there be misers of life who cannot budge an inch to another? Do You budge, dear God? Even as I interrogate You, You are dear to me. You are all-important to me, and, yet, I question Your ability. I question You.
“How can life even be? And if You, God, created the Universe, Who created You? Yes, I know my questions go around in circles.
“Okay, life was given to us to experience, and then the question is: What for? What is life for anyway? God, perhaps You say life was created for us as a gift. You would say that, wouldn’t You?
“Certainly, You would tell us at Christmas to give someone what they want. You would, wouldn’t You? You wouldn’t tell us to give a friend or family member something unwanted. You wouldn’t, would You? And, yet, You have given us much we don’t want, not for ourselves or for anyone.
“What kind of God would allow or instigate Cain’s killing Abel, yet You introduced Cain early in the story.
“God, You will probably say that you gave Cain free will, and free will has to be free to injure as well as to bless. You have made us feel that free will is a good thing. Is it You Who convinces us of that? What are simple human beings to think? What am I to think?
“You tell us to lead with our hearts and not our minds. Our minds analyze. Our minds overdo analyzing, yet our hearts hurt and break. If You could help us understand, we would be grateful, and, yet, You say there is no way we can understand at the level of understanding we are presently at. That’s true. I do not understand, and You admit it is not understandable to me right now, but what kind of an answer is that?
“If You are God, can You not help us understand? You say understanding requires a mightier level of consciousness and that we will have it one day by and by. Then why don’t You give us that level of understanding right now? Can’t You? Are You God or not? Are You not first in command? Is there someone else You have to account to?”
And I say unto you:
“Your questions are not new. Your questions are as old as time. Before time was born, you did not have these questions.”
I will continue this fervent discussion.