Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – The Truth Of Yourself

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Gloria Wendroff – The Heaven Letters – The Truth Of Yourself – 4 October 2012

God said:

You appear in cycles of yourself. You recycle yourself. You are like paper you fold and refold, reformatting yourself.

You don’t quite yet know what it is to breathe. You have been holding your breath. You have been trying to be more of what you are not rather than what you are. What you truly are is beautiful. You cannot be something else, and yet you keep trying to be other than you. I am talking about many levels. You keep kidding yourself. You are not more of a person or a younger person because you dye your hair. It’s fine to change your hair color. It is better not to give attributes to hair dye that it cannot have. It, like you, can only have an illusion of being something else. What a market there is for this illusion.

Does a degree make you smarter or wiser? It is good to learn. The certificate does say something, yet it cannot begin to say who you are with or without the certificate.

Banking on add-ons as yourself is a prime illusion. Illusion is like a bus you run to catch. The bus is make-believe. Whether you catch the illusion of the bus doesn’t really matter.

Add-ons that matter are love, charity, goodness and mercy, and kindness. They are not add-ons. They are your original self. Now you have to reach into a pocket of them and bring them out. You may have abandoned them long ago. In cases such as these, you are restoring yourself to Who you really are. You are bringing out the original heart of your personhood in the world. You are so much more than you pretend to be.

You may wear disguises. In so doing, you cover up the Truth of yourself. The Truth of you is far more splendid than any make-up. You cannot pretend Reality. Reality is itself. You are a Beautiful Being on Earth. You can be absent to the Truth of yourself only for a little while. Although you may adorn yourself with add-ons, the Truth of Who you are is irreversible. The Truth can be hidden, covered with leaves, wrapped in bows. It doesn’t matter. The Truth of you is inviolate, and nothing else is.

Why would you wrap a treasure of gold in aluminum foil? Why would you ever want to trade an open heart for a closed heart covered with veneer? You don’t require veneer. You require naturalness. You require the innocence of love. You do not require love as an overlay. No, not at all. You require your original self. You are beautiful.

I will not say you are the most beautiful of the beautiful, for all are beautiful. Beneath whatever twigs and leaves you have covered yourself, you are the painting of a Great Master. How are you possibly going to improve on that?

Beloveds, simply restore yourself as you already are. Enough of costumes. Now give Us the pure light of your soul. Give Us your radiance. Give Us your love. Give it to Us in its pure form. No more adulterated you. Give Us you. Give Us the original you as I made you. There is rosiness in your cheeks. There is love in your heart. You are Beauty Who beholds the Beauty of the World. Beauty is everywhere. Your beauty is everywhere. You are My Creation. I create beautiful, and you are My beautiful creation. You are no less than the song I sing. I sing it in My heart. I sing you so that all may know the Truth of themselves. link to original article

