God Is = All There Is

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God is All There Is, and at the most fundamental level, we are One with the Power and Presence of God. Enlightened Awareness is a State of Being in which we have our own personal, subjective direct experience of The One, and as a result of that awareness, we practice Enlightened Action. If we want to experience Oneness with All That Is, we can begin by observing our actions in our day-to-day lives -- how we create separation between ourselves and others. There is a saying in the mundane world that, in my opinion, equally applies to the Spiritual Path: “Fake it until you make it!” By making some subtle shifts in our responses to life and practicing more Enlightened Action, we can create a climate conducive of experiencing Enlightenment, as it is difficult if not impossible to experience Oneness when our actions consistently place us in a position of duality. 
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