Goddess of Purity amazing gift: The cleansing of the 3 Signature Cells from ALL duality/imperfection

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Published on Jul 18, 2012 by AkashaAsun

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Goddess of Purity:

The three signature cells in your biological physical body also have printed in them the original divine blueprint of an ideal matrix for your mental body and your feeling body. So, if the Master Power Flame of my Diamond-Shining Purity can get into the three signature cells of your body cleanse them of all history of duality, of all history of imperfection, activate the memory of when you lived in perfect bodies in the first two Golden Ages.
I have been called today to initiate the purification of the three signature cells that every one of you have in your physical bodies. If those three signature cells could be purified by a being who by their ascendancy and stature is considered a Cosmic Being, then dear heart the activity of the purification, well let us say it can almost be done overnight, and if I could drive, and I will use the great Angels of Purity.

What are the 3 Signature cells ?
Beloved Asun
Tree of Life Class July, 2012
©The Radiant Rose Academy Inc

As you know your physical body has millions of cells to it and there are three cells that we call the three signature cells and when you lose your body in the change called death and you understand that you've been on this Earth way too many times you've had many reincarnations, many embodiments upon this Earth. Now what you didn't know when you weren't awake is that when your body went through the change called death and you left your body in previous embodiments, your Guardian Angel,escorted three cells out of your body, and they're called the three signature cells, and took them up to the Plains of Bliss where you went to rest and ready yourself for your next lifetime.

When you come back into embodiment and the moment your mother delivers that beautiful body into the world and the moment the she or the midwife gives the little tap on the baby's back, and what does the baby do? Ahhhh...but before that, the baby takes a deep breath, and its in that moment dear heart that the wisdom of your Higher Discerning Intelligence releases the life force of your Higher Self through the pineal gland of the little baby and before that moment the baby was, the life was supported by the life of the mother Through the umbilical.

So, first breath and in that moment the life force from the Higher Self is descending into the pineal gland and the life force is when you come back into embodiment you're in your Light Body you're ready to hop into this brand new little body that's been created for you. Some of you for the experience will hop in before the body's even delivered to have that experience - all about experience. And so the three signature cells of your previous body by your Guardian Angel is turned over to your Higher Self.

So here you are, you come back, you're in your Light Body, and the body that you're going to use is born, the little baby takes the first breath, inhales the life force, and down the life force from the Higher Self is the three signature cells of your previous embodiment. And they begin to marry with the cells of your newborn body.

Now the next thing to remember, these are the same three signature cells of that were in your first embodiment and all the people of Earth came to Earth 14 ½ million years ago, that shows you how old those three signature cells are. So when you've finished using a body and you go through the change of death, three signature cells go up, and you come back they come back down, they're added to your new body and blend with the cells of your new body. So your body technically is carrying the history of every physical body that you've ever used. Except that there's been dispensations, dispensations such as what happened to Jesus, and in the crucifixion the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightening Force that hid Jesus' body as it was on the cross was also removing a portion of the accumulating discord or duality that was building in the three signature cells of the people of Earth. 

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