October 3, 2012
The Golden Age Daily
As the days of this incredible and transformative year pass, we are discovering more and more of that which brings us joy in our daily activities. Talents, skills, ideas long hidden or boxed up are arriving to be implemented as useful, manifesting tools. In addition to this invigorating flux of Divine Creativity, we are finding increasing peace within. Even just a short meditation expands into an infinite moment of stillness in the Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Being of Source. We have done immense and commendable work on cleansing and releasing all that which has been hampering our connection to Spirit, and support from all levels and layers of the Spiritual Realms are flowing in at an all-time high! Can you feel the excitement?! It’s familiar to the feeling of graduating high school and stepping into the next level of experience, be it acquiring more advanced knowledge in a specific field of interest or going out into the world and being of service in ways that fulfill ourselves and those with whom we share this beautiful sphere.
Now, we can all relate to having moments in the past where we are in a total state of bliss only to be jolted out of that High Vibration, and into the trenches by an unanticipated event or by a member of our Earth family that has not quite found their way.
We have reached a junction in this transition that beckons us to merge the joy we recieve from our daily activities in the world with the peace and perfection we find within. As we bring the feeling of Infinite Empowerment found through stillness into our daily manifesting cycles, this will allow us to introduce a flow into our experience, a Divinely fueled acceptance and appreciation of each and every moment. An acceptance and appreciation of Self and others for the immense impact we all have on each other and the planet through our every thought, word, and action. Even the beautiful beings who have not yet stepped into a conscious awareness of their impact on their own and our collective reality, still deserve copious amounts of Love, appreciation, and acceptance for the roles they are serving to awaken others through their conscious or unconscious actions. If we are to step into our Mastery and into the leadership roles awaiting us in this new landscape then it is imperative that we fully anchor the understanding that no Being can be judged as right or wrong for where they are on their path. For the cruel or unconscious act of one can sew seeds of awakening for many.
So, by actively merging these two states of being, action and stillness, we manifest the ability to experience each moment as Divine. We are able to interact with the Shaman or the devout Catholic, the wall street banker or the occupy protester, without straying from the Truth we have found within. We are able to experience life on Earth and all of its extremes and magnificent diversity while within the fullness of two of our most sought-after states of being..joy and peace.
You are deeply cherished.
Infinite Abundant Blessings,
The Golden Age Daily