Goldman Sachs Director Gets 2 Years in Prison

Lia's picture

Rajat K. Gupta, the former Goldman Sachs director, was sentenced to two years in prison on Wednesday for leaking boardroom secrets to the former hedge fund manager Raj Rajaratnam.

Mr. Gupta, 63, who ran the consulting firm McKinsey & Company and served as a major adviser to the philanthropic efforts of Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, is the most prominent figure to face prison in the government's sweeping crackdown on insider trading. The court also ordered Mr. Gupta to pay a $5 million fine.

"He is a good man," Judge Jed S. Rakoff said of Mr. Gupta on Wednesday. "But the history of this country and the history of the world is full of examples of good men who did bad things."

Appeal in Insider Trading Case Centers on Wiretap (Oct. 23, 2012)
At Wednesday's sentencing, Mr. Gupta appeared more haggard and strained than he did during his monthlong trial in May. After the sentence was issued, he sat expressionless, flanked by his lawyers."* Cenk Uygur breaks down Gupta's sentence and how much punishment he may actually receive.

*Read more from Peter Lattman/New York Times:


Another Cabal Masterstroke!

Guest's picture

Why, oh why, oh why, do people persist in posting lies like this tripe?! Yes, 'technically' this guy got 2 years, but if any of you REALLY think that he'll serve any real time in prison for his service to the evil cabal, then I put it to you that you are an idiot.


This is classic stuff. They tell you & show you what they know you want to hear and everybody falls for it every time! They have to make it look like  justice is being served, but in reality it is just another bit of 'role play' to appease the masses of Ignorami (the general public).


If you believe these articles then you deserve what you get. Oh look, he just happens to be a friend of Bill Clinton, whom most rationally minded, educated people know to be a real bad bastard with the blood of many innocent women & children on his hands. Just like Silvio Berlusconi, they are all good friends. (This is the reason his 4 year jail sentence in Italy the other day was reduced to 12months, less than 24 hourts after he was sentenced).


And look who Bill Clinton is supporting for the Presidency farce in America. It's the 'good guy' Barack O' Bama. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so serious and globally tragic!!

