Good Morning! I thought I would share a wonderful dream I just had!

ckelly2291's picture

I was reading about ArchAngel Michael's sword activation, and I stumbled (because I did too much research again haha) on the movie Legion and began very shortly to fear that we had been forsaken. Well, I know this not to be true, and my guides & spirits & higher self sure did answer the call!


I had, when I was younger, mistreated a pet of mine who disappeared from my life somewhat unexpectedly. I have since my awakening been feeling bad about how I had treated him, and I had been wondering if everything was alriht with him.


Well right when I fell asleep I had a wonderful dream of just us hanging out in my room and hugging and seeing the light and love in his being! Everything is alright and everything truely is wonderful.


I feel such a great sense of love from this dream and from the world in general and in life overall. I wanted to share this message with any and all, in hopes it might brighten someone else's day as well. Humanity (similar to me regarding my treatment of Spaz, my dog) has truly learned its lesson and it is beautiful knowing that we can not escape the love of Creator & All that Is. And nor should we want to for such Love is so complete and unconditional!


Thank you so much to the Angels, my Guides, my Higher Self, Gaia, and All that is! Much love to you all and may you all have a wonderful day today as well!


Until next time, Peace, Love, Harmony, Light Tranquility, and MORE LOVE!!!