Unknown Light Artist
Gratitude 感謝
Day 195
When you drink water, remember its source,
If your spiritual understanding is sound, then you will constantly be aware of the subtleties of life. If you fritter away your concentration on minor entertainment and trivial distractions, then you will never attain profound levels of awareness.
It is not grand sweeping religious celebrations and heroic moment in life that are the only important spiritual occasions. Every ordinary moment, every little details should be a celebration of your personal understanding. Your smallest act should permeate with reverence.
One of our most basic acts is drinking water. Without it, we could not sustain ourselves. Water cleanses us, cool us, and is an essential component of most of our biological processes. But when we drink it, are we aware of what it does? Do we think of its source and all the effects that make it possible for us to have this simple glass of water?
Being spiritual means not taking things for granted. Quite the opposite, you remember how everything that comes to you fits into an overall scheme. You acknowledge the precious quality of everyday things. And you maintain a gratitude for both the good and the bad in your life.
~Deng Ming-Dao~
Sharing notes:
Was reading things mediation book called, ‘365 Days Tao Daily Mediations’ by Deng Ming-Dao. Have often as can be, do pickup this book once in a fonder while, and most times its exactly what was needed to hear. There is a particular note subtle guidance quite refreshing to remember of the subtle gratitude moments in life. Deng Ming Dao expresses this so naturally and eloquently.
So sharing these words whispering onto you beloved brothers & sisters.
gratitude whispers all around !
Your words resonate deeply this moment. There is so much love right here now and its depth is moving mountains. When gratitude exists and speaks to one of us it becomes a part of all of us. I am feeling so grateful for this experience of life, for this journey home and discovering who it is I really am. We together as ONE are the ONES. WE are the ones to bring us home. We are the ones to advance the light from this second onward ... transmuting all negativity, fear and judgment no matter how much something might hurt us personally or how someone's behaviour or looks might shock us. With gratitude, these lessons are given as a gift to show us our way home. These direct us to our next place. Thank you, dear and wonderful Ashvatha! Gratitude today runs blue and deep.
Thank You
Thank You Ashvatha for the meeting on saturday night...I loved your energy brother and thank you for an amazing conversation...Talk to you soon...
Love & Light