~Greetings and Participating in 2014 by Meredith Murphy~

Lia's picture



As we begin in this new year, it feels like a very different landscape is emerging and available to us because of all the ways we've revised our own energy field. Of course we experience this when we allow ourselves to notice what IS presenting, without having predetermined ideas as filters.

Realize that a year, is a specific location energetically. You can orient to it, influence it, create within it and jump around as you need to attend to how this experience unfolds for you. You participating actively in the creation of your experience is the nudge, the call, the lure being issued from within you, over and over. Never tiring. Always open to play.

For those who have come into more sustained unison with our higher self, this new NOW, what I'm calling this new year :) is an opportunity for perpetual revision and creation.

Based on what I'm hearing from the entourage I work with here are some keys for participating in 2014 at the leading edge:

:: Be willing to experience more joy and be present as high-frequency energy. To do this is more then just clearing. This also means learning to handle more intense, sustained, positive feelings. For a lot of us this is unfamiliar ground. Manifesting amazing, soaring, experiences in areas of life where we aren't used to them can create anxiety. Be gentle if this happens. Reminding yourself you were made for this and that you will get more comfortable with receiving...

:: Realize that learning to receive is really a powerful way to focus now and it relates to our ability to sustain a high-vibe presence. We can do this by noticing what we're presented with and consciously receiving. Learning to just say, "thank you." To learn to receive without feeling the need to be giving at the same moment. To notice how we feel in this moment -- the compulsion to immediately give what you are given. Can you pause and just to know your joy is a gift? You don't have to immediately return to giving. We're all one and when you fully receive, we all receive more. Why not really learn to open, receive, let it sink in, wallow in the good energy of a gift? Be it a manifestation, a compliment, a loving smile...

:: Pay attention to all of you. Attend to the parts of life that aren't working. Move beyond tolerating, and even contentment and be willing to be shown how to clear up congested, non-functioning areas of life and open them to light, expansion, upliftment and abundant well-being. You deserve for all of your life to be beautiful to you. This includes relationships of all kinds; where you live and spend time; what you do for fun, play and adventure; your finances; what you do for self-expression and/or work; how you experience the states of your mind-body-spirit. One of the last messages of the recent Soar Fest urged us to open up our relationship to our own sexual energies, realizing that states of bliss and union help us acclimate to sustained higher frequencies and just feel good. You deserve to experience your life in a way that really feels wonderful to you. What would you want to attend to, to open that up and expand into more joy?

In this amazing, perpetually New Now, you are here.
Your experience is being continually recreated, new now moment, to new now moment. Bring all of you into this moment. Be with yourself fully and with attentiveness and kindness, openness and trust. See what works for you to continually return to this kind of relationship with you.

In closing, I want to thank you for the beauty of our connection.
May this moment give you a smile, and a deep sense of your own and our shared beauty.

