Happy Easter, from Wes Annac & Family

Lia's picture

Posted by Wes Annac

Happy Easter to everyone reading this who will be celebrating today. With every holiday comes much collective focus and joy, and we can magnify the positive vibrations being emanated by so many today by learning to treat ourselves and those around us with Love, warmth and kindness. We are Co-Creating a new paradigm based in the interests of each one of us and on days like this, it is good to reflect upon what has been established and built-upon while celebrating good times with family, as we prepare ourselves to face the next challenges that our collective evolution and our building of Nova Earth will have for us.

Take some time to sit and Be in the energies of this day, if it feels pertinent to do so.

With so very much Love,

Wes & Family :)


Image: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vH9BmrdE0qY/TbQ8sG5bX0I/AAAAAAAAANA/ieo_Qxh01Cs/s1600/easter-eggs.jpg

