Happy Holidays to All ~ Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture


123By Caroline Aguiar

It’s been many years since I’ve felt this excited about Christmas.  Here we are, on the eve of Jesus’ birth, and what comes to mind and heart, is “rebirth” for everyone, and our beautiful planet.

We’re stepping into the heart, and essence of the new YOU, and the more time I spend with my Higher Self, and get to know her better, the more love I feel.  With each breath, more, and more truth is revealed, as love and well-being rapidly flood my heart.

To fully let go of the old ways of being, thinking, and believing might require that we face our greatest fears, and/or beliefs which are still buried deep within us.

We’ve heard from the Angels, the Ascended Masters, and our star brothers, and sisters who tell us, once we surpass the remaining debris we subconsciously hold onto, there is amazing, and radiant beauty waiting for us on the other side.

It’s that last step, which requires the greatest courage of all. Our complete trust in the loving energies which guide us, are needed. Above all, if we are to truly merge within the depths of our heart, and our very being, and know the truth of who we are, we must also love ourselves completely.

My heart is singing today.  When I contemplate the future, and the coming year ahead, I feel elated, and eager to move forward in the highest and best way with whatever it is I came here to do.  For many of us, I think this will be revealed in 2014.  There’s no doubt we’ll be very surprised, and delighted, as events unfold in the days ahead.

May there be great love, and joy in your lives, always!



