The Heart Chakra in our etheric body is calibrated with the energy frequency and divine quality of Unconditional Love while the Third Eye Chakra connects us to the wisdom of our soul self. My guides taught that ascension to our 5th dimensional aspect is about achieving and becoming the perfect harmony of both the Heart (Universal Love) and Mind (Wisdom), that is expressing fully the qualities of an Avatar of Love and a Great Illuminator.
A Gift
When a student is ready, the Master appears.
True enough, I was presented with a set of symbols channeled by Melody Wan, a friend and participant of the recent Making of the New Adam Kadmon workshop in Hong Kong. After decoding their hidden meanings and energetic properties, I realised these symbols are gifted to help us cultivate, expand and express fully the beautiful synthesis of Heart and Mind under the guidance of our breath.
Symbol A (below): Heart Expansion and Mastery of Universal Love
Symbol B (below): Third Eye Expansion and Mastery of Higher Mind
Meditation with Symbols and Breath WorK:
1. Imprint the symbols A and B on your heart and third eye chakra respectively. Visualise symbols facing the front, pointed away from the body.
2. Place your awareness in your body, following the rhythm of your breaths.
3. As you breathe in deeply, feel or visualise Symbol A being activated and send the glowing light so emitted to the third eye chakra
4. As you breathe out, feel or visualise Symbol B being activated with radiant light being directed to the heart chakra
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as necessary until you have a sense of both Heart and Mind merging as one unified field of Love and Wisdom.
Read post of May 28, “Be A Conduit of Archangel Raphael’s Healing Light” - a teaching delivered at the same workshop.
My gratitude to Melody for so enthusiastically sharing her gifts of clairvoyance and generosity with us.
I look forward to co-creating an equally powerful and interactive learning session with the New York participants at the Solstice finale of the Making of the New Adam Kadmon workshop series. Program and registration details available at NYC Workshop.
Blessings, Amara Tia Ann.
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