Harnessing Eclipse Energies for Emotional Healing and Freedom

Doreen Smith's picture

Celestial Vision 7 May 2013



Channeler: DL Zeta

The powerful energies of this week's solar eclipse (May 9/10) will likely bring up any unresolved emotional energies from the past. This clearing can assist us in stepping more fully into the new time. Regardless of what comes up this week, it will be helpful to remain calm and in a place of gratitude for the help we receive in stepping free of the past.

Past Emotional Baggage Binds us to the Past

Past emotional baggage exists in our consciousness as weak points or triggers that have a way of pulling us back into the energy of old dramas. If we still hold childhood emotions around not being loved or if we we're still hurting from the long ago loss of a loved one, we are easy prey for thought viruses that can anchor us into lower-vibrational realities. By working with energy, we are able to facilitate our own healing.

Thought Viruses Rob us of Life-Force Energy

Thought viruses bind and enslave us to physical reality. They feed on life-force energy by continuously pulling us into lower frequencies where old ideas and ways of being are deeply entrenched. Scarcity is a primary thought virus.Thoughts of scarcity tell us we are small, disempowered, impoverished and unloved. When a person falls prey to a thought virus, their beliefs are modified by the virus and they begin acting in ways consistent with the false reality propagated by the virus.

The Moment when we Take a Leap of Faith

It is obvious there is a vicious cycle that entraps the conscious mind. The thought virus convinces a person they are small and hapless. These thoughtforms draw new traumas that reinforce old ones and help the thought virus retain its hold. The point at which a person is able to step free of thought viruses is the moment they awaken and see through this cycle. Upon awakening, we are able to see that the thought virus is actually helping us by bringing us to the brink of despair - a point that prompts us to become still and ask questions about the situation we are in. These questions crack open the door and the light shines in. This is when we realize everything that happens holds the power to assist us on our journey of awakening if we are willing to sit in gratitude with it.

As we see through scarcity, we are able to replace disempowering thoughts of scarcity with thoughts of abundance, unconditional love, and gratitude. These thoughts lift us to high-vibrational timelines where our highest potentials manifest.

Love and Gratitude are Antidotes to the Scarcity Thought Virus

We are always able to counteract scarcity thoughtforms with thoughts of love and gratitude. Meditate on love whenever these feelings arise. To get in touch with feelings of unconditional love, hold before you the image of someone or something that evokes this unconditional feeling within you. Once you connect strongly with this feeling for a loved one, practice extending it to yourself and all others.

Gratitude can also help break the spell of a thought virus. As you meditate, bring your focus to everything you're grateful for. Keep expanding the list of things you're grateful for by finding the silver lining in every situation in your life, both past and present.

During times when powerful eclipse energies bring our awareness to old emotional dramas still hooked into our emotions, we can sit in gratitude for the assistance they represent. When we sit in love and gratitude during the time of an eclipse, we are able to harness the most powerful energies in the universe to facilitate emotional healing and freedom.





Harnessing Eclipse Energies.....

Ra-Raela's picture

Oh boy! The first part of this article really hit home for me. My shadow self is having a heyday, while I'm just shaking my head, astonished, as to what is coming out of my emotional body.

Crap, and I thought that I was doing so well, lol! I feel like two different people are occupying my body right now, the difference is so stark. I keep telling myself: "This is not who I really am", and next second I feel these conflicting thoughts and emotions appear. It's a roller coaster ride, just like my dreamself experienced. I wonder if other people feel the same this week. Conflicts appearing out of nowhere, bringing emotions you thought you had delt with, out of the mothball ridden trunk of the subconscious. The only thing that gives me succor is the fact that it has to be flushed out, so something better can take its place.

Emotional healing experiences

Lichtwerker's picture

Well I did a lot of emotional healing as well, especially since the first eclipse this year. So I recognize your experiences as well. It really feels like the things like limited believes and unresolved negative issues became more urgent so I had to search for how to release these items as soon as possible.


I did a lot of spiritual attunement exercises, angel meditations and asked my Higher Self several times to show me in a dream where the root of the issue was connected to. Something in this life or a past life? I had to dig deeper and deeper into my being to be able to release old patterns. Sometimes they are really difficult to discover and you have to remove different old layers.


I even know at the moment that you have to heal the energetic attachment in a relationship as well, because otherwise the issue is not completely healed. Even if the person is not alive anymore in this life, you can still have a negative energetic connection: This can be on the conscious or subconscious level causing a low frequency in our collective universal energy field.


If you don't completely remove an attachment they will come back after some time. I sent unconditional love to all people involved and to myself and repeated this several times. It worked well to stopp the negative energetic connections. You can ask your Higher Self if the attachment is completely gone or not and what is still missing to release it completely.


It's a great time for emotional cleansing and now I feel much more balanced on a deeper level. When you're in the process you can feel a lot of sadness, guilt, shame and anger or maybe anxiety as well but when you worked through this all it is really a liberation for yourself, humanity and Gaia.


So trust yourself and keep on going to release all blocks.