ABC Action News
Posted: 08/14/2012
By: WFTS Staff
TAMPA - A letter to the public from Sheriff David Gee:
The upcoming Republican National Convention will transform the Tampa Bay area on an international level. Like no other, this event will showcase the area's communities as well as the Herculean task to provide security for citizens, delegates, visitors and everyone in between.
Federal, state and local law enforcement officers began planning for this event in June 2010. I am confident to tell the public that we are prepared to make it a successful RNC in Tampa. The challenges of preparing for and executing a security/safety plan for an event of this magnitude are daunting. There are many pieces of the puzzle, most known but some unknown. For me, staffing is the critical piece to making it all work. While the RNC is taking center stage and mandates a heavy commitment of Sheriff's personnel, plenty of deputies will still be available to answer calls for service throughout the county.
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