This press is an excellent tool for healing and clearing. Better than other sites - there is a lot of support here and we are allowed to express ourselves if it is "nice" or not.The process of healing can be something like an exorcism. Please understand me here.... I am NOT TRYING TO EXORCISE ANYONE OR ANYTHING.... but what I mean is there has to be total freedom to say, act or do anything in the process of the healing. Since we are not together in a workshop, those who offer loving support need to understand what is going on here because it is probably not like anything else you have ever done. When a person is going through the "process" of healing there MUST BE NO JUDGMENT. It is a process for healing. All the gentleness, kindness, tender words, LOVE will be shared afterwords. During the healing process it is not the time to provoke or distract the "seeker". Nor is it a time to "rescue" them, saying things like "oh, well, be kinder to her, she had a hard life". This has no place in the healing process. In that type of situation, this woman seeker would heal those things that are keeping her entrapped in a "hard life". Those of you who have participated in 12 step know what I am talking about.
The seeker needs to be a good "student" which means we cannot be the healer and the healee at the same time. So the healer doesn't accept any challenges. It takes finally trusting something outside of yourself.
To be continued....