Hearing On Aliens Begins In Washington D.C.: Congress-Style Look At Evidence Of Extraterrestrials

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International Business Times - Charles Poladian, 4/30/13

  • UFO Sighting Over New Jersey In 1952
    The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure is examining evidence of extraterrestrials and alien encounters.Wikipedia


The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, or CHD, is attempting to look at evidence of extraterrestrials in a faux congressional setting. Panel members will be able to testify in front of former members of Congress over the course of a week beginning April 29.

The Citizens Hearing will include 40 different researchers and witnesses of extraterrestrial activity, including unexplained footage or photographs, close encounters, alien abductions and testimony from air-traffic controllers or military pilots from around the world. The individuals will testify in front of Senator Mike Gravel, D-Alaska; Rep. Darlene Hooley, D –Ore.; Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick, D-Mich.; Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif.; and Rep Merrill Cook, R-Utah.

More: International Business Times


