Heavenletter #4299 Enlightenment Isn’t a Possession, September 1, 2012
God said:
No one lives for himself alone. No one becomes what is called enlightened for himself alone. Enlightenment isn't something you hold for yourself. It is not something you accomplish. It is something given to you.
Yes, enlightenment is a point in your awareness to which you rise. What is Self-revelation but the revealing of your Self to yourself. The whole world does not have to know.
Enlightenment is not meant to be your pride and joy. It is meant to be your joy, yes, yet a state of enlightenment is not wholly your prerogative, you understand. It is not like an essay you write or a column of numbers that you tot up correctly. It is a blessing. It is to be glad for, certainly. And it is something to be grateful for, for it is given unto you.
Everyone deserves to recognize his or her own worth. And everyone and anyone can have this. Anyone and everyone can desire it. One who has become enlightened is humbled by it. It is a gift long overdue, and, yet, it is a gift. One who reaches enlightenment does not know it all nor does he think he does. He is not a smarty.
It is My light you see. It is yours, yet you don't own it. You have it, yet it is bigger than you. How enlightened can you be if you consider yourself superior to others who do not yet see what you may see.
Be a little cautious about declaring: “I am enlightened.” In fact, it can be a good thing to keep mum about. I will go as far as to say that when enlightenment is yours, you will have no need to proclaim it. You will live it.
You are not little Tom Horner who pulled out a plum and said, “What a good boy am I!” Eat the plum and share it. All the more for you to share. Truly, enlightenment is not a procurement. It is not to be viewed as a feather in your cap. Be glad, and serve mankind. Enlightened, you are incapable of serving yourself alone. You are incapable of not sharing. Share your light. Share your good-naturedness. Share your heart, and share your gifts.
There are people who may well be enlightened, and they may never have heard the word Enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a possession. It does not have to have the name. It does not have to be singled out. It is a part of you whether you know it or not.
Human beings tend to take pride in the shape of their lips or the length of their hair, as if these things are their accomplishment in the same way you may think you conceived a child or fathered one. You are a vessel. That is enough to be. It is good.
There is no reason for you to give yourself a report card. Absolutely do not mark yourself down ever, yet you do not have to advertise the heights to which you have risen. Reveal them, yes. Talk about them, no.
No longer can you be self-serving. You know by now that you serve the Self. How vast is the Self. I am your Self, so, it is I you serve in fealty to love and gratitude. Self-serving with a capital S is far different from self-serving with a small s. Your little self no longer pushes its way in. You forget about your little self. It is only your little self that has to declare: “I am enlightened. Look at me. I am enlightened.”
You have always been becoming enlightened to the Majesty of Who You Are, and when you truly are fully enlightened, unless there is somehow a valid reason, there is no need to place a star on your jacket that declares your stardom. You don't have to tell anyone. It is enough that you and I know it.