Heavenletter #4357 The Great Yearning, October 29, 2012
God said:
Blue is the color of the sky and of the seas, and yet the word blue in the world has come to mean sad. It may be that blue has come to mean sad because you know that beyond the sky and beyond the seas lies a Greatness that you faintly remember. You know there is something, and, yet, you know not what. There is something alluring beyond. You can’t quite reach it, and so blue has come to mean sad.
That is sad, isn’t it, to be holding your hand out to reach and not quite being able to reach that which is not really out of reach. What is beyond the blue sky and the blue seas lies within your heart. It lies within your soul. It lies within you.
It is the Truth of your Self that you cannot quite reach, and, yet, beloveds, it is reachable. That which you seek and which is within you is in easy reach, and, yet, you tantalize yourself with this Great Yearning that is within you and need not be sought but touched. You are already touched by it. This longing within you is already at hand.
Be glad that there is something more within you. I will tell you something. There is always more. When you reach one height, there is another, and another, and another. There is always more and more, and that more, all of it, lies within you. The seeker seeks himself. The seeker is the sought. The sought and the seeker are one and the same.
You climb a ladder, and there is always one more rung. Indeed, life is an extension ladder, and you climb it. It is inevitable that you climb. Yet, this is a climb without effort. This is a soft climb. In Eternity, there is no hurry. You are already here. There is no rush. You are Home. You never left. That can only be imagined. You entered a fairy tale, and yet you never left the Heaven that is your True Home.
To be at peace is to be at home. Although the ending to life is foretold, there is no ending. There is Life Eternal. You are far more than the situations you find yourself in. You are far more than any fear you have. Earth life is temporary. The body is temporary, yet you are not temporary. Birth and death, no matter how nice or not nice, are illusions, illusions in a blink of an eye. Illusions last only for a short time. Truth doesn’t change. That’s a fact. The Great Unknown is always greater than the supposed known.
You are a human being right now. You are not forever as a human being in this skin you wear, yet the being of you continues and never stops, never pauses, never ends. The Being of you never was not, and it is always. You are Eternal. There is a Forever. Forever is not a contract. It is a given.
You have been given Eternal Life. It cannot stray. It can not be taken away. It cannot be lost.
It can be said that you are a miracle. And, yet, you are an Everyday Miracle. It can be said that there is only miracle. That approaches the Truth. Truth is what you want. You want to know Truth. So long as there is a subject and an object, your recognition of Truth is blurry. When there is no object, when there is subject alone, that is when you know Oneness and know only Oneness.
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