Heavenletter #4390 Plant the Flowers That Bloom in Spring, December 1, 2012
God said:
When you feel down, you have one direction to go in, and that is up. Life makes itself clear to you. When you feel down, the direction to go is up. Ever upward and onward is the momentum of life. You have wondered what is your path. Now I am telling you that this is your path. Take it.
It is for you to champion life. You are to be a supporter of it. Life doesn’t have to come to you like flowers growing by a pond in the spring. You can go to life. You can plant the flowers that bloom in spring. Sow seeds. You are the sower of life.
If you can only creep forward, then creep forward. If you can dance forward, dance forward. The dance floor is yours. The dance is yours. You are more than a jukebox that someone else has to press, yet you are like a jukebox with the many tunes you can play.
Along the way, there are new songs for you to sing. You may not even have known that you knew them, and yet they are yours. New songs.
Get right out there into the sunshine. The sun shines for you. Be a gracious receiver of the sun’s light. Let the sun’s light bounce off you and so to the world who hungers for it.
Walk tenderly on the Earth that fosters you. You and the Earth are in tandem. The Earth dances to your every tune. The Earth is at your mercy. You stand on rich soil. The Earth is like a golden carpet laid out for you. There is a stream of life, and you are on the forefront of it. Love the stream of life, and it will love you back. Beloveds, why not love all that there is for you to love?
Love all who dance in life. Sing a sprightly tune that everyone can dance to. Open the blinds of your soul. Be a centerpiece of life in the world. Raise yourself and the world high. Be the lever of yourself. Rise, and take the world with you. Rise, and take everyone with you. I ask you to come into My parlor where roses are red, and I love You.
I shall greet you. I do greet you. I make a point to greet you. I travel to you. I do not go out of My way. You are the way I greet Myself. I have a longing for you as you have a longing for Me, for We are the One and the Same on a voyage to each other. Our arms are outstretched. We unite. We are united. We are One. We are Wholeness. There is no distance between Us, not of space, not of time. We are toe to toe, knee to knee, in the pleasure of each other’s company. There are no miles before us. There are no miles between Us. There are no minutes to cover either. We are on the same page of a Great Book.
The book is entitled Love. Together We love. Together We love on high. Together We speak for the world, and We enchant the world. Is this not a world of enchantment? Are you not an enchanted Being who is about to awake and sing in the morning of your life? Yes, you are. You are an angel from Heaven, and you have forgotten Who you are. You may have forgotten your own true nature. You have fooled yourself. If you think you are anything less than I say, you have, indeed, fooled yourself. And now, you awaken. Good morning.
"Good morning." Smile Love
"Good morning." Smile
Love Nageeta
=) Love
=) Love
Great thank,s for share
Great thank,s for share falling flowers. Thanks for taking the time to great flower arrangements….flowersnext