Hello Me!
5 March, 2012
(Thank you Pedrag for lighting the fire under my arse -I love you)
The beautiful incoming solar energies have had me in tears most of today.
The days leading up to this marvelous event have had my head pounding, my body aching, and the familiar "Universal Hum" in my ears has changed in pitch. I hear tones never heard before and the waves of many sounds are now a slow "waa-waa-waa". (I attribute these to my now being able to discern lower level vibrational sounds from 3D as being very different from higher vibrational sounds). This will continue to evolve as my body becomes recalibrated to its former glory.
Although for the last 50 years I haven't remembered any of my dreams, in the last few days right before I go to sleep when I have my usual discourse with my Angels, Star Family & Guides, there has been a shift as well. Yesterday before sleep I was asked if I wanted to "go home" for a visit. Of course I said Yes!! This was a beautiful gift to me because my whole life has been a quest to "go home". I assume the trip was a success, I'm still not allowed to remember. I'm ok with this, knowing myself so well, if I did have vibrant memories of this little homecoming it would distract me horribly from living here... now.
Father Sun has been flooding me with energies from my Higher Selves ("hello Me!") all day and promises to continue tomorrow as well. I find myself in a very calm place, one of a quiet inner knowing. As this younger me sits quietly at the feet of my higher / wiser selves, I absorb as much information as I can. Most of it I can't put into words yet.
Mother Moon is growing towards her fullest on Thursday and after this busy week, I welcome her energies to pull and smooth things out in my body.
Now that I've been reunited through these baby steps with my Higher Selves, I feel confident and very strong on my life path. No longer do I "hope" that I'm doing things the right way. I have confirmation in the very core of my soul that I know the Truth and I know how to live it with every breath I take.
I still miss home and my Star Family, but along with all the trials and tribulations of this lifetime, Gaia has lovingly provided me with a wonderful home nestled in the arms of her Rocky Mountains. No matter what the future holds for me, I'll always hold a special place in my heart for this wonderful blue star called Earth.
I wish you all deep inner peace, Light from source flooding every cell in your body, and above all... Love.