Henry Seltzer ~ A Cosmically Oriented Month of June

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Astrograph May 31 2013

The Astrology of June features Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. Mercury resides in the sign of Cancer for the entire month of June — and also throughout July — because of its upcoming retrograde on June 26th, a week after the Summer Solstice of June 20th when the Sun itself enters Cancer. Thus, in the last week of June and for the first two thirds of July, and potentially into August, we will likely suffer the usual Mercury Retrograde symptoms of mechanical breakdowns and mismatched communications, while our interior dialogue looms large and feels more profound.

This is the second such period in 2013. You might reflect back on whatever happened for you in late February. All three Mercury Retrograde periods this year, including the one coming up next October, are in fact in Water. Since Mercury symbolizes a mental energy, and the astrological element of Water represents the emotions, these times are edgy, as Mercury is not entirely at home there. You could look at this in two ways. On the one hand, everyone’s thoughts are confused and “at sea” so to speak; and on the other our emotional detectors are on alert and are more directly stimulated, improving the connections within ourselves between mind and heart.

Venus, too, is emphasized in June’s configurations. At the time of the June 8th New Moon and slightly before, Venus aligns into a very close grand trine withSaturn and Neptune. All through the first week of the month, in fact, either Mercury or Venus participates in combination with these outer planet energies, which are in and of themselves antithetical to one another. Saturn and Neptune‘s close trine, lasting through to mid-August, does allow them to have a constructive dialogue with each other, and with these two inner planets that represent factors of mentality, communication, and relationship connection.

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