Henry Seltzer ~ A New Moon Call for Re-Dedication

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Astrograph March 9 2013

Monday’s New Moon represents a welcome respite from the emotional entanglements of the Pisces line-up of the proceeding week. While many planets remain in Pisces, including obviously the Sun and Moon, the configuration has changed so that Chiron is not so prominent as recently. Also, with the energy shifting forward, there is now less emphasis on introspection. While the value of living in the dark over this past week has been evident in terms of the insights gained, with this new configuration it is time to make a move toward a new direction.

Of course, Mercury is still retrograde, and therefore still bringing an introspective framework to the planetary conversation in this new phase. Also, Mercury in retrograde aspects Chiron, as do Pluto and SaturnJupiter squares the Mercury/Chiron midpoint. The archetype of the Wounded Healer is still very much with us in altered form. I would say that the Chironic impulse, that is the mental reflex to question ourselves and to seek to understand our inner wounding, has reached a more universal level.

There is also extraordinary emphasis on Pluto in the 12th degree of Capricorn with Saturn and Chiron in tight sextile and with the Sun and Moon in quintile to that degree. Chiron with Pluto - and with retrograde Mercury - in this context represents the pain of recognizing how distant as a society we are from cosmic purpose. The ideal of divine love is very much in the forefront of our consciousness, every day. And yet the reality on the ground is very far from that ideal.

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