High Council of Orion Message ~ The Power of Color in Your Life

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“Greetings, Dear Ones. We are the High Council of Orion. Today would like to talk about a very powerful force that exists within your planet, around your planet, on your planet, and one that you might not even experience as a powerful force! It is the force of Color!  How often have you thought of color as a force in your life? A force being one that can add energy and animate, move and change, and allow for change, and even allow healing and transformation and support of who you are; support of who you are in the moment, support of where you would like to move to, and it allows you awareness, as well. So let’s explore this concept of the power of color in your life.

As many of you know, the chakras have colors, and for those of you who work with the chakra colors, you know that you can work to balance the energies within the chakras through the conscious application of color and light in connection with the chakras. Each of the chakras has to do with the different aspects of your life, and so the use and support of your life through color is one that allows you to achieve balance, or greater levels of balance. Conscious use of color allows you to support yourself through transitions, difficult times, uncertain times. 

You may find at times you feel more drawn to certain colors, than another. For some there are always those colors that are consistently the favorites.  If you dive into the study of color and see how it can be used to support you, know that this is an unseen resource that has always been around you. Let’s take green, for example.  Green, as many of you know, is the color of the heart chakra. It’s the color of healing.

It’s the color of the love that emanates from the heart.  This is exactly why when one goes out into the greenery of nature, when one looks at the variety of newly budding plants in the springtime, the green of the forests and of the orchards and of grasses, there is an inherently pleasing feel to that. It supports the balance of the heart chakra, that allows healing through connection to nature. So, if one is feeling that the heart chakra and the energy’s contained within it, or that body needs some healing support, surrounding yourself with green is a good idea.  One can do this by adding plants to your life. One can do this by putting green objects around you such as, candles in green glass containers, such as objects of art and decorations around you that are green perhaps even writing in your journal with a green pen.

One could even go so far as to change a lamp in the bedroom to have green light.   Choosing to wear green clothes, and for some perhaps even painting the walls of your room, or a particular room, green if that’s appropriate for you. They can support you in these subtle, but very significant ways. Again we speak about this as yet another way that you can support yourself in these times of transition: to stabilize yourself, to support yourself, to move yourself past and through “stuckness”.

If you know that you are having struggles in a particular area of your life, say for example in your second chakra, of interpersonal relationships and community.  You can enhance that by using the oranges of that chakra. Again through light, through the visuals around you, through the clothes you wear. For all the colors, think of the food you consume. Ss the saying goes on your planet try to “eat a rainbow every day!”  You can bring a balance of energies into your life by eating a balance within the colors of the foods that you eat within a day particularly when your consciousness is aligned with the colors around you and the ways they can uplift and support and enhance your life. That consciousness allows the power within the colors to support you even more.

For the energy becomes more dynamic than passive.  If the world around you is always one color, such as your “favorite” color, and your life needs to change (transition), or you’re in the middle of the change and transition, look at changing up the colors around you. Without needing to repaint the entirety of your home or your office, you can do this with flowers, with plants, with decorations, with clothing, and with food as a way to shift your energetic response to the world around you. For if you are being asked to make shifts and changes, and your energies are stuck,  try using the resources of the energies that are already around you. For one doesn’t always need to be imbued with external energies, but use what you have around you to shift up your energies.  It’s a beautiful natural resource that’s around you constantly.

Yet beginning to work and play with color can add fun excitement and supports you in change and transformation, particularly in areas where you might feel stuck or need new perspective. You can dramatically shift the energies in your life on your physical, mental, and emotional levels by changing the landscape of the colors around you. Have fun and play with this!  Paint your own paintings in the colors that uplift you. Create your own flower arrangements! Paint rocks and make a rock garden with it! Wear some clothes and colors that you never would have thought to wear and see how you feel! As you begin to work with the power of color you can see how it can uplift you, and assist you in the change and transformation that is being asked of each and every one of you on the planet at this time.

Have a colorful day!! Be Blessed. We are the High Council of Orion.” ============================================================================

Sign up to be a part of our Live channeled teleseminars with the High Council of Orion.  This is an opportunity to personally connect with and ask the High Council of Orion your questions. These events will be held on: Tuesday 5th February 2013 at 7pm to 8pm PST Tuesday 19th February 2013 at 10am to 11am PST Saturday 16th March 2013 at 6pm to 7pm PST (L.A. California Time)

More Details at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/activities/ The High Council of Orion taught us the 111™ Activation which allows individuals to embody greater clarity, personal alignment and authenticity in their lives.  This 30 minute energetic session can be experienced in person or at a distance with equal effectiveness. Please contact us to book a session.  For more information about the 111 Activation, please click here.

© 2012 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust

www.AkashaHealingStudio.com This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and website clearly included.

– 5 Feb 2013

 by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood

Audio file is available at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/channeled-message-high-council-of-orion-5th-feb-2013/


“Greetings, Dear Ones. We are the High Council of Orion. Today would like to talk about a very powerful force that exists within your planet, around your planet, on your planet, and one that you might not even experience as a powerful force! It is the force of Color!  How often have you thought of color as a force in your life? A force being one that can add energy and animate, move and change, and allow for change, and even allow healing and transformation and support of who you are; support of who you are in the moment, support of where you would like to move to, and it allows you awareness, as well. So let’s explore this concept of the power of color in your life.

As many of you know, the chakras have colors, and for those of you who work with the chakra colors, you know that you can work to balance the energies within the chakras through the conscious application of color and light in connection with the chakras. Each of the chakras has to do with the different aspects of your life, and so the use and support of your life through color is one that allows you to achieve balance, or greater levels of balance. Conscious use of color allows you to support yourself through transitions, difficult times, uncertain times. 

You may find at times you feel more drawn to certain colors, than another. For some there are always those colors that are consistently the favorites.  If you dive into the study of color and see how it can be used to support you, know that this is an unseen resource that has always been around you. Let’s take green, for example.  Green, as many of you know, is the color of the heart chakra. It’s the color of healing.

It’s the color of the love that emanates from the heart.  This is exactly why when one goes out into the greenery of nature, when one looks at the variety of newly budding plants in the springtime, the green of the forests and of the orchards and of grasses, there is an inherently pleasing feel to that. It supports the balance of the heart chakra, that allows healing through connection to nature. So, if one is feeling that the heart chakra and the energy’s contained within it, or that body needs some healing support, surrounding yourself with green is a good idea.  One can do this by adding plants to your life. One can do this by putting green objects around you such as, candles in green glass containers, such as objects of art and decorations around you that are green perhaps even writing in your journal with a green pen.

One could even go so far as to change a lamp in the bedroom to have green light.   Choosing to wear green clothes, and for some perhaps even painting the walls of your room, or a particular room, green if that’s appropriate for you. They can support you in these subtle, but very significant ways. Again we speak about this as yet another way that you can support yourself in these times of transition: to stabilize yourself, to support yourself, to move yourself past and through “stuckness”.

If you know that you are having struggles in a particular area of your life, say for example in your second chakra, of interpersonal relationships and community.  You can enhance that by using the oranges of that chakra. Again through light, through the visuals around you, through the clothes you wear. For all the colors, think of the food you consume. Ss the saying goes on your planet try to “eat a rainbow every day!”  You can bring a balance of energies into your life by eating a balance within the colors of the foods that you eat within a day particularly when your consciousness is aligned with the colors around you and the ways they can uplift and support and enhance your life. That consciousness allows the power within the colors to support you even more.

For the energy becomes more dynamic than passive.  If the world around you is always one color, such as your “favorite” color, and your life needs to change (transition), or you’re in the middle of the change and transition, look at changing up the colors around you. Without needing to repaint the entirety of your home or your office, you can do this with flowers, with plants, with decorations, with clothing, and with food as a way to shift your energetic response to the world around you. For if you are being asked to make shifts and changes, and your energies are stuck,  try using the resources of the energies that are already around you. For one doesn’t always need to be imbued with external energies, but use what you have around you to shift up your energies.  It’s a beautiful natural resource that’s around you constantly.

Yet beginning to work and play with color can add fun excitement and supports you in change and transformation, particularly in areas where you might feel stuck or need new perspective. You can dramatically shift the energies in your life on your physical, mental, and emotional levels by changing the landscape of the colors around you. Have fun and play with this!  Paint your own paintings in the colors that uplift you. Create your own flower arrangements! Paint rocks and make a rock garden with it! Wear some clothes and colors that you never would have thought to wear and see how you feel! As you begin to work with the power of color you can see how it can uplift you, and assist you in the change and transformation that is being asked of each and every one of you on the planet at this time.

Have a colorful day!! Be Blessed. We are the High Council of Orion.” ============================================================================

Sign up to be a part of our Live channeled teleseminars with the High Council of Orion.  This is an opportunity to personally connect with and ask the High Council of Orion your questions. These events will be held on: Tuesday 5th February 2013 at 7pm to 8pm PST Tuesday 19th February 2013 at 10am to 11am PST Saturday 16th March 2013 at 6pm to 7pm PST (L.A. California Time)

More Details at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/activities/ The High Council of Orion taught us the 111™ Activation which allows individuals to embody greater clarity, personal alignment and authenticity in their lives.  This 30 minute energetic session can be experienced in person or at a distance with equal effectiveness. Please contact us to book a session.  For more information about the 111 Activation, please click here.

© 2012 Copyright Holly Hawkins Family Trust

www.AkashaHealingStudio.com This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and website clearly included.

5th 2013.

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood

Audio file is available at http://www.akashahealingstudio.com/channeled-message-high-council-of-orion-5th-feb-2013/
