- We Were God Victorious!! by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
- Tornado Warnings Tonight/Mississippi
- Where do you fall on the Vibrations Scale?
- Political Ads: Overpriced, Inefficient, Essential
- Ron Paul Delegates Walk Off Convention Floor In Protest – 30 August 2012
- The Ys and Wherefores of Crop Circles
- ~The Galactic Free Press Update~ Special Full Blue Moon~
- Sananda Unteaches and Reprograms: Learning Self-Definition, Allowing Non-Limitation, Being Beautiful, Playing the Game, Laughing
- Heavenletter #4298 At the Forefront of God's Will , August 31, 2012
- 8-30-12 Bill Ballard ~ Dimensional Shift at the End of 2012 ~ I Dont Know But Here Are My Feelings
- Remedies For Sensitivity
- The Healer And The Human Potential – 31 August 2012
- You are all Love incarnate
- Evacuations ordered over possible dam break from Isaac
- A Message From Mother Earth
- Transforming Desert To Farmland
- Blue Star UFO Report - August 30, 2012
- Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Anger & Fear No More
- Leader Denounces UN Security Council’s Flagrant Dictatorship
- One Term More
- Morgan Stanley to lose Russia chairman and president
- ~The Galactic Free Press Update ~ Great Changes are Happening Now
- Currency Twisters and Firestorms on Central Banks Obvious Failure
- Protests spill over to other S African mines
- Newmont mine "on back burner": Peru cabinet chief
- 8-30-12 Bill Ballard ~ Dimensional Shift at the End of 2012 ~ I Dont Know But Here Are My Feelings
- NIBIRU ? - UFO ? or WTF is that? VERY HUGE Unknown Object passed the Sun - August 2012
- 2012 Ascension - Journeys to Inner Earth - The Garden of Eden, Dreaming your way back to Paradise
- Isaac slogs through New Orleans, smacks towns with flooding
- ~ Highest Master Numbers at Play Today! As Above so Below
- Infinite Waters – How to Deal With E motions – Stop Worrying: Start Living…Let Go! (Now) – 31 August 2012
- 2 Minutes News – Quakes North and South, Sunspots – 31 August 2012
- Pisces Full Moon August 31 2012 Look In The Mirror to Your Soul Jim~
- Doctors and nurses form a divine connection and use Reiki before surgery
- Jamye Price – The Energies Of September
- Our LOSS is our gain
- Sophia Love – Who Hit The Replay Button?
- Derailing Contact Update From James Gilliand
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust Trust is to believe all things are possible
- Pleiadian Archangelic Realm. “We Remain Forever Interlinked.”
- 8.1 Earthquake Philippines - Aug 31, 2012
- The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney
- Visionkeeper – What does it say?
- 8/31/2012 -- 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Philippines
- A Loving Warning to Humanity - The End of 3D - How to Ascend and Avoid the Final Karmic Meltdown
- Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 31, 2012
- Oracle Report - Friday, August 31, 2012
- ~Space Weather Update~ Crackling With C Class Flares
- 'Under the Blue Moon, In the night garden' (a poem)
- Ruth Ryden ~ The Masters Of Light ~ 31 August 2012
- Light Language Transmission for September 2012
- Geoffrey West ~ Cosmic Vision News ~ InLight Blogtalkradio ~ 31 August 2012
- Something to Add--Reiki Explanations on Raising Your Vibration
- ~Brilliant ReHearter to Assist Everyone In these Intense Energies~
- Christina ~ Finding Congruency Each Moment Is A Defining Moment
- RNC Pulls Various Dirty Tricks To Ensure Romney's "Victory"
- I Was ‘Invited’ Aboard A Craft By 3 Androgenous Beings In Long White Robes.
- Southern California town declares emergency over quake swarm
Greetings Love Beings, We have arrived at a special energy which is Preparing everyone for September. Also, today The Prayers of Love were ignited. We did a Speical Love Prayer this Morning in Honor of this Energy. Love is Humanity's Destiny. The Mirror of Love is Vibrating from within your souls. We Love You! We will have More in the Next Update. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
We Were God Victorious!! by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The first thing I want to do as I share this amazing information with you is to thank those of you who physically attended the 26th Annual World Congress on Illumination in Kauai and expended your time, energy, and money to serve as Instruments of God on behalf of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth. I also want to thank the millions of people around the world who added your Light to this awesome facet of the unfolding Divine Plan from wherever you were on the Planet. The Company of Heaven wants all of you to know that for your selfless Divine Service your name is being written in the Book of Lifefor all Eternity.
Where do you fall on the Vibrations Scale?

Just like how seismographs are used to measure earthquakes, recent breakthroughs have allowed researchers to measure a person’s energetic frequency on a specific Vibrations Scale.
How does the scale work? Well imagine you have a scale of 1 to 1,000, with 1,000 being the highest state a human being can attain. If you reach this level you would be an Enlightened Master. At the lowest end of the spectrum is someone who is not thriving at all.
Researchers use muscle testing and kinesiology to determine where people are on this scale. As you can see, heavy emotions like sadness, guilt or humiliation vibrate at low frequencies, while feelings like love, bliss and enlightenment vibrate at high, uplifting frequencies.
Political Ads: Overpriced, Inefficient, Essential
Rolling Stone
POSTED: August 14, 12:35 PM ET | By Daniel Adler

The 2012 political cycle is well on its way to being the most money-drenched of all time, as well as the most negative, with spending on TV ads – mostly of the scorched-earth variety – expected to top $3 billion.
Ron Paul Delegates Walk Off Convention Floor In Protest – 30 August 2012
Lucas 2012 Infos
August 30, 2012
Uploaded on 29 August 2012 by ReasonTV
“It’s an embarassment to the process, it’s an embarassment to the state of Maine and to the party as a whole how things were conducted today,” said Maine National Committeewoman Ashley Ryan minutes after half the Maine delegation walked off the Republican National Convention floor in protest.
Ron Paul-supporting delegates have accused the Republican establishment of changing the rules of the seating process in order to avoid embarassment for Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Their arguments are not without merit.
The Ron Paul faction did not go out quietly, cheering loudly whenever Ron Paul delegates were announced and yelling out the running tally of Paul votes every time the convention announcer failed to do so.
The Ys and Wherefores of Crop Circles
Hackpen Hill (3), near Broad Hinton. Wiltshire, UK. Reported 26th August.
Note the “Y”. (Why)
Thank You to 2012thebigpicture Blog
Back in 2009, Blossom Goodchild’s channeled message was about crop circles and she had a vision of a “Y” in a circle.
Here’s the pertinent portion of the message from July 2nd, 2009 from the Federation of Light:
By the time all is in place for this balancing to do what it is to do, you will find that there are many many, many more phenomena of many many different varieties that will have occurred. Most of which will have you baffled and yet, like the key to a door, when all is in place, the unlocking shall reveal that every single placement is in correct alignment and when their purpose is revealed… at the drop of a hat, everything shall fall into place.
~The Galactic Free Press Update~ Special Full Blue Moon~
Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~
Inner Light Shining Through
Greetings Love Beings, The Energies are Combining and Unifying during this Incoming Full Blue Moon and Planetary Alignment. This particular Blue Moon Represents Visions of Love Manifesting, All Dreams or Prayers of Love will Ignite In this Energy. This Special Blue Moon falls in a water sign and is grounding in the reflections of Love to Mirror Love, the Original Blueprint for Humanity to Experience in physicality.
Sananda Unteaches and Reprograms: Learning Self-Definition, Allowing Non-Limitation, Being Beautiful, Playing the Game, Laughing
Sananda Unteaches and Reprograms: Learning Self-Definition, Allowing Non-Limitation, Being Beautiful, Playing the Game, Laughing, Breathing, and Drinking Water
(two channelings below)
We of Sananda's Eagles Welcome You with Open Starship Hatches! All are welcome to join our Galactic Family of Starseeds, Walk-Ins and Lightworkers! Please write to janisel(at)sanandaseagles.com to begin your Ground Crew Mission with Project: Eagle Triad today.
Heavenletter #4298 At the Forefront of God's Will , August 31, 2012
Heavenletter #4298 At the Forefront of God's Will , August 31, 2012
God said:
You have been sent to Earth as My Messenger. Therefore, you are not on Earth for yourself. At the same time as it is incumbent upon you to honor yourself, you are not on Earth for your honor. It does not matter much what the world thinks of you, or what you think the world thinks of you, all those people in the world who are around you who do not yet know Who they are and what they are to Me, and, therefore, cannot possibly comprehend your value. This is not a pep talk I give you. This is the straight goods.
The world will follow your signals. As you pick yourself up, so does the world pick itself up.
There is to be no vacancy in your heart. There is no virtue in casting yourself aside as tarnished goods. You are on Earth for the sake of its renewal. The world has forgotten it is Paradise. The world is a masterpiece, yet an imitative picture has been held up, and you have worshipped this lesser painting. You have called the false real, and the real a wish that fails you.
Remedies For Sensitivity
Selacia – Remedies For Sensitivity – 30 August 2012
Feeling extra sensitive lately? You are not alone. You are living through an energy cycle catalyzing hypersensitivity, impacting you and people you meet in everyday situations. This means that normally sensitive people can become even more sensitive. Likewise, people not easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input can become rattled and react in unusual ways.
- You are waiting in traffic, unable to move forward, and drivers behind you aggressively honk their horns.
- When a meeting you have been planning for a month gets canceled last minute, you become upset, your nervous system going into overload.
- Your dog, upset by the stress in your home, messes on the floor and you react atypically with a punitive tone.
As a divine changemaker, alive now to co-create a more loving world, your task in these types of situations is simple: cultivate a reasonable response to unreasonable happenstance.
The Healer And The Human Potential – 31 August 2012
Uploaded on 29 August 2012 by Mind88Music
Thanks Lucas
The following is something I wrote many years ago, which I found in those infernal boxes of old papers I keep going through. And I decided it was predictive of how I feel now and that is was a message I wrote to my twin flame before I knew what twin flames were.
Let's run away to some exotic island, Manitoba perhaps, or some small crevice in the rocks of the cliffs of some unnamed unknown dot in the ocean - and dedicate our lives to sheer and glorious survival. It would be cold there at night, so cold that we would have to huddle up under one fur blanket, staring up at the stars and moving our bodies frenetically to produce a glowing heat. We would be unprepared for the wonders of each day, exploring a land of constant change, finding one day a tree of fruit and another a field of berries, collecting and digging and climbing and never growing old.
There would be no stock market, no inauguration, no court but our own smiles and grimaces to evidence the changing moods of the day. We would write our histories in the folds of each others' minds.
The colors of the sky would be a mystery, we would learn to read the meanings of the movements of plants and the dances of worms. We would learn to predict the future - aha! it will rain soon, let us seek shelter in a small cave and divine the storm's end by listening to the voices of birds.
We would lie in summer on a soft bed of moss and watch the sun dappling through the branches of some strange, primeval tree, a living thing, not a stand of lumber but a friend, whose leaves become signs of the feelings of a powerful god. We would bathe in a pool untouched by suds or spills, and tickle each other with the languid stems of some fragile but proliferating lacy underwater fern.
You are all Love incarnate
Humanity’s awakening is the most significant and momentous event in your history. It has been meticulously planned and is being perfectly executed. Within the illusion it is very difficult for you to get a real sense of your approaching moment of awakening, although many of you are getting intuitive intimations that it is coming, and that it will be soon (that word again!). Trust those feelings, focus on them, and ask for help from the spiritual realms for the strength to offer love — and only love — in every situation. You are all potential divine channels or conduits, so invite God to pour His Love through you into the world and into the hearts of all those who choose to open to Him. It is the most powerful and effective thing that you can do to assist in humanity’s awakening, and it is one of the reasons for your being on Earth now.
You are all in the process of awakening. It is a mass process in which you can help one another by honoring and respecting yourselves at all times. Watching others, and judging their behavior – whether you judge them as good, not so good, could do better, or downright sinful – is not your responsibility; it is an unnecessary distraction. In Reality you are all one, so judging another is judging yourself. As I have told you, God does not judge, He Loves – everyone, infinitely, unconditionally, indiscriminately – and He wants you to do likewise. To do so is your nature because you are divine beings. When a judgmental thought pops into your mind, don’t act on it and don’t judge it! Let it pass, and focus your attention on the flame of Love burning permanently within you.
When you invite your Father to use you as a conduit for His Love, the eternal flame of His Love within you burns brighter as a direct result, because you are aligning with His Will for you. The more in alignment you are, the brighter burns the flame of your Love, which is of course His Love shining through you. The effect that you have on others when you make a point of living like this is life-changing, for you and for those others. And you will feel it, as will they. It probably will not be physically apparent – the physical world is illusory – but in truth the effect of living like this wonderfully changes the way you, and others, experience the world.
You are all Love incarnate, bursting with the desire to share your love, and longing for others to share their love with you. Make it happen by doing it! Do not react to apparent attacks or offensive behavior; you know that these are desperate cries for love, so respond lovingly and quietly – not loudly and patronizingly – and know that what you are doing is God’s Will for you. You have abundant help from your guides and angels to hold and act on the intent to do this, so do not concern yourselves with details — “how can I possibly be kind/loving/accepting of so and so after the way they . . .” — just let go of those thoughts and surrender into the stream of Love that God channels through you 24/7, if you have made the intent and have invited Him to. Love is contagious if you do not seek to “vaccinate” yourselves against It! Consequently, It will spread easily and widely as you open the God-fed conduit within you to allow It passage.
Opening yourselves to be a channel for God causes you to be suffused with the Light of His Love and to be absorbed more fully into the oneness that He is. You arealways one with Him; however, the illusion was a space you made in which to hide from Him, and which effectively cut you off from your awareness of Him and of His Love for you. This led to intense fear — something that does not exist in Reality — which seemed to remove you even further from Him, and caused you to experience a sense of impending doom.
You knew God, and could never completely forget Him, but because of the unreality and darkness of the space that you had made, He too became unreal in your minds — a god of vengeance, anger, and condemnation, who would impose horrendous, eternal punishments on you if you did not appease him adequately by constantly abasing yourselves. Added to that terror was the belief that this all-powerful entity required you to judge and punish others who disagreed with what you knew to be the only way to please him. Their gods and their beliefs were unreal and unacceptable, and they had to be forcibly shown that this was so!
Evacuations ordered over possible dam break from Isaac
USA Today
By Rick Jervis, William M. Welch and Alison Bath
Carlo Maltese and his dog Pin ride in a boat after being rescued from his flooded home as Hurricane Isaac hits Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in Braithwaite, La. (David J. Phillip /AP Photo)
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal called the situation in the Tangipahoa Parish area "the biggest challenge" the state faced Thursday and said 40,000 to 60,000 would be affected if the dam breaks. Search-and-rescue teams have been evacuating residents within a one-mile area throughout the day. Two nursing homes also have been evacuated.
A Message From Mother Earth
A Message From Mother Earth
Posted on August 28, 2012
(note: this started as a short answer to a facebook post about natural disasters on the Earth as both humans and the Earth change consciousness and evolved from a long comment to a short blog post.)
Transforming Desert To Farmland
From bloomthedesert.com:
You may remember - last November - when I informed you of our Bloom the Desert project and the trial desert farm in Dubai - kindly sponsored by Ahmed - and I promised an update on plant growth and soil tests....
For those unfamilar with this kind of agriculture and what all of this means: The test results below show we reduced the hight sodium of over 12 pH to approx 8.2- with our SALT REDUCING MICROBES- this has NOT been DONE BEFORE without costly fertilizers- and is basically a first of its kind combination.
It means that arid land anywhere- anytime- can be transformed into fertilie land- using these LOW cost combined techniques we have developed- and that MINIMAL use of (organic) fertilizer would be required- this keeps the cost of farm production down.
Full story... (bloomthedesert.com)
Blue Star UFO Report - August 30, 2012
GFP Note: The YouTube user name of this videomaker is "Planet Under Attack." Please note that the planet is NOT under attack by UFOs.
Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Anger & Fear No More
Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Anger & Fear No More – 30 August 2012
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.
Alright. Things are escalating for in what I might even call a compacting crunch of some sort, earth plates compacting, emotions getting kind of compounded without even realizing it. So even those with a pretty happy temperament are finding themselves agitated, maybe even downright angry.
Beneath all anger is fear. So fear would be the core emotion or the core thing to clear. Unfortunately most people aren’t per se in tune with what might be the fear and there are several things that you can do to clear fear and several things that you can do to manage anger as well.
Leader Denounces UN Security Council’s Flagrant Dictatorship
Press TV – Leader Denounces UN Security Council’s ‘Flagrant Dictatorship’ – 30 August 2012

Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:36AM GMT
Using their exclusive and organized media network, they (the West) disguise their lies as the truth, their falsehood as true, and their oppression as efforts to promote justice. In contrast, they brand as lies every true statement that exposes their deceit and label every legitimate demand as roguish.”
Morgan Stanley to lose Russia chairman and president
MOSCOW | Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:40pm EDT
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The chairman of Morgan Stanley's (MS.N) Russian office, a former Rosneft (ROSN.MM) executive whose team led the top Russian oil producer's 2007 initial public offer, and its president are stepping down, a spokesman for the bank said on Thursday.
Rair Simonyan, who served as president of the bank for around a decade before becoming chairman, and Yelena Titova, the bank's current president, will leave the bank, spokesman Vladimir Tumarkin said, without specifying their future plans.
To read the rest of this story, visit Reuters.com.
~The Galactic Free Press Update ~ Great Changes are Happening Now
Pubblicato in data 30/ago/2012 da GalacticCentral
Greetings Love Beings, We announced Yesterday we were in very exciting Energies which are on the Move across the Planet. These Energies are preparing us all for the Grand Events which are happening NOW. These events will be shocking for many as the Energies from Heaven=Love must Manifest as Decreed.
to read the full update with images and musichttp://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/galactic-free-press-update-...
Currency Twisters and Firestorms on Central Banks Obvious Failure
Market Oracle
Aug 30, 2012 - 03:42 AM, By: Jim_Willie_CB
Protests spill over to other S African mines
Last Modified: 22 Aug 2012 18:34
Labour unrest spreads to two more mines in demand for higher wages and better living conditions.
Labour unrest has spread to at least two more platinum mines after police killed 34 strikers and wounded another 78 at the Lonmin platinum mine last week.
Al Jazeera's Haru Mutasa was in Rasimone miners from the Royal Bafokeng mine have joined thousands who are protesting at the Lonmin mine.
To watch the videos and read the rest of this story, visit aljazeera.com.
Newmont mine "on back burner": Peru cabinet chief
LIMA | Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:31am EDT
Andean people destroy a sign of Newmont Mining during a protest against the company's proposed $4.8 billion Conga gold mine, near the Cortada lagoon, in the Andean region of Cajamarca November 24, 2011. Credit: Reuters/Enrique Castro-Mendivil
(Reuters) - Newmont Mining Corp's $5 billion Conga gold project is "on the back burner," Peru's government said on Thursday - a sign that it will stop trying to overcome local opposition that has resulted in violence and two cabinet shuffles.
Prime Minister Juan Jimenez made the comments after a poll by survey firm Ipsos showed 78 percent of people in the northern Peruvian region of Cajamarca opposed the planned mine.
8-30-12 Bill Ballard ~ Dimensional Shift at the End of 2012 ~ I Dont Know But Here Are My Feelings
Published on Aug 30, 2012 by pearls2u
These past days has many different of the 2012 leaders, or way showers discussing what is to happen in December 2012. Funny as everyone is saying something different. For me, I have a heart felt opinion but truly I have no idea. With so many channeled messages as Tyberonn's Metatron or Carroll's Kryon, saying different things, and causing some confusion about the end of this year. I decided to throw in my 2 cents, and again, I have NO IDEA what's coming. Just Be LOVE! That is the best thing, and sooner or later we will hit the critical mass of those activating their heart chakras, stepping into their enlightenment process. LOVE!
2012 Ascension - Journeys to Inner Earth - The Garden of Eden, Dreaming your way back to Paradise
Free Spirit - Ascension Teacher and Author http://www.awakening2012.co.uk/ and http://www.ascension2012.org.uk/ speaks about his journeys to Inner Earth and the playful experiences that can be had in the Garden of Eden. Where is this Eden? How to get there? The role of dreaming to discover what is really real..
Isaac slogs through New Orleans, smacks towns with flooding
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
By CAIN BURDEAU and MICHAEL KUNZELMAN Associated Press, August 31, 2012

Interstate 10 is seen partially submerged by floodwaters from Isaac in LaPlace, La., Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. Isaac soaked Louisiana for yet another day, flooding homes and forcing last-minute evacuations and rescues. New Orleans itself was spared, thanks in large part to a levee system built after Katrina. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
NEW ORLEANS • Isaac hovered over Louisiana for a third day Thursday, shedding more than a foot of additional rain that forced authorities to hurriedly evacuate areas ahead of the storm and rescue hundreds of people who could not escape as the rapidly rising water swallowed entire neighborhoods.
~ Highest Master Numbers at Play Today! As Above so Below
Thank You to Kev Air
Rosalind Pape wrote:
Infinite Waters – How to Deal With E motions – Stop Worrying: Start Living…Let Go! (Now) – 31 August 2012
Uploaded on 31 August 2012 by Kemetprince1 Letting Go Off Society’s Expectations!
2 Minutes News – Quakes North and South, Sunspots – 31 August 2012
Uploaded on 31 August 2012 by Suspicious0bservers
Doctors and nurses form a divine connection and use Reiki before surgery
A Reiki circle in a theatre prior to an operation
This was shared on Facebook by Martha Glatt.
Very good news! Reiki in Cordoba Hospitals: Physicians, physician assistants ... all meet together in a Reiki circle before surgery to meditate and relax before the same ... well connected with the divine energy called Reiki
Soon this may cease to be news and become part of everyday life!
Jamye Price – The Energies Of September
Jamye Price – The Energies Of September – 31 August 2012
August ReviewWe continued clearing family karma in August, just as we had done in July. What you had avoided, whether consciously or unconsciously, came to surface (I typo’d service there, how appropriate!). Our family holds more meaning than just the actual people we are related to, they represent the family of Life. If you have a great relationship with your mother but some unconscious challenge with the Feminine, it has been surfacing, perhaps through your family, co-workers, friends or even through movies, dreams, etc. Teeth and joints were some ascension symptom themes, as we clear past patterns that cemented through resistance and resentment. The denser structures of our body hold the denser emotions, so I recommend tapping and toning to help vibrate those denser structures. We also had a brain capacity upgrade. While its manifestation will be different for everyone, you recognize that you are having it by transposing words, momentarily (or permanently – depending on your needs) losing vocabulary and memory. Some may also be noticing vision changes, which temporarily results in blurred vision, as we open to more interdimensional sight.
Our LOSS is our gain
The Organization for the Advancement of Knowledge and the Oregon Natural Resources Research Institute announce the formation of the League of OAK Solution Scientists - LOSS. The purpose of the League is to form an alliance to ask the pertinent questions that are not being asked. I can think of at least a dozen questions that relate to the trashing of the planet and the lack of intention to clean up the mess. What other species fouls their nest, then lies down and rolls in it?
LOSS will collect scientists that are ready to answer some tough questions about life, the universe and everything. LOSS will circulate a petition that addresses the lack of concern about exposed spent nuclear reactor rods, which have the potential to create Plutonium. LOSS will ask the questions about geo-engineering - the idea that we can battle the sun by poisoning ourselves for Monstrosity profit. LOSS will question the progress of removing oil from the open gash at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
Sophia Love – Who Hit The Replay Button?
Sophia Love – Who Hit The Replay Button? – 31 August 2012
It’s like someone pressed replay.
In the last several weeks I’ve either heard from, or run into people whom I haven’t seen in years. The first time it was interesting. The sixth time, which was last night on a walk in the nearby park, it was sort of mind blowing. It’s like a weird sort of family reunion, only it feels more like a review than a visit. I am bumping into everyone who’s played some role in my life, however brief; sort of re-living who I was then, and then, and then, and then… Parts of me I had forgotten are once again saying hello. Not all of these are welcome guests. I’ve worked very hard to extricate them and thought I’d never see them again. I was wrong. I may need a twelve step program; Addictions Anonymous.
Derailing Contact Update From James Gilliand
Looking from the Off Worlders perspective concerning the way humanity is going about contact it is obvious why it has not happened on a global perspective with the benevolent, spiritually and technologically advanced visitors. This includes the ones based on the interior and under the oceans. There have been agreements made with low level ETs and the powers that be that are engaging not only them but other dark forces to continue in the separation, greed, disempowering game. When the majority of the planet is asleep, dumbed down, controlled and does not want to take responsibility for their own awakening, healing and self empowerment mass contact is not an option. The only way mass contact can come is if the majority of the people are ready for it. If you build the consciousness and maintain the environment they will come. This does not mean contact is not happening, it is. It is happening on a much grander scale than one would imagine yet; even the UFO
community censors it.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust Trust is to believe all things are possible
Friday, August 31, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust
The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney
Rolling Stone
By Tim Dickinson, August 29, 2012 7:00 AM ET

Mitt Romney likes to say he won't "apologize" for his success in business. But what he never says is "thank you" – to the American people – for the federal bailout of Bain & Company that made so much of his outsize wealth possible.
Visionkeeper – What does it say?
What does it say?
This picture has grabbed me continually when I shuffle through my pictures for my posts. I love it yet I pass it by. I decided today to not pass it by and find out what it will finally tell me though my words. I find the shapes gentle and beautiful. That is what I love so about nature, it curves and swirls and is soft, not straight and rigid. The incredibly beautiful ferns in this picture bend with such perfect grace. They are soft and supple and this tells me that we too must learn to be soft and supple and bend with the flow. If we are rigid we are susceptible to snapping under great pressure, like trees in a hurricane. Look at the plant life that survives such storms. Always the ones that bend and the houses of straight and rigid lines are torn apart. There is so much we can learn from nature if we just take time to look and see what it offers for guidance. The dead leaves that get swept downstream in the current tell us to go along with the flow, do not swim against it. The flow in the current will carry us along with ease and deliver us to where we are meant to be.
A Loving Warning to Humanity - The End of 3D - How to Ascend and Avoid the Final Karmic Meltdown
Free Spirit of http://www.awakening2012.co.uk/ speaks about how to urgently prepare to leave this dimension and why it is necessary. The reality of a rising karmic crisis that stands to affect billions of humans and cause manifestations of what appear to be catastrophes. How to become immune to karma through awareness, realigning to 5D and the Garden of Eden, recognizing yourself as a dreamer - and 3D as a dream - that will collapse upon itself - resulting in either death or ascension.
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 31, 2012
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 31, 2012
The dark Ones really thought they had won the day, and the New World Order was within their reach. However, they reckoned without your resilience and determination to stand up to them, and in the relatively short period since your present century started, you have exponentially increased the Light on Earth to defeat them.
They still make noises and believe that they can still interfere with the plans for Ascension, but the fact is that they are now no more than a minor irritation. They no longer have the power or support to achieve any real measure of success, and are witnessing the demise of their empire.
What we are dealing with now is the system that they set up that still functions. It does for example stand in the way of Disclosure but with each day that passes their obstruction is being removed. Once Disclosure becomes officially approved, it will open the floodgates to many other aspects of our ongoing relationship with you.
Oracle Report - Friday, August 31, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
Full Moon Phase - Blue Moon in Pisces
Today is the Blue Moon (the second Full Moon of the month). Blue Moons cause emotions to run full spectrum, vacillating from one extreme to the other. They also cause us to have the utmost clarity into situations. But we can't forget that Full Moons are due to the placement of the Sun and Earth, and since the Earth is conjunct Chiron (and opposing the Sun), our emotional responses and the clarity that is being bestowed is doing two things: wounding and healing. Stay in the prsent moment today. The clarity is bringing foresight, but we need to focus on the here and now because too much projection into the future is going to get us off track. Don't be tempted to chase something. Remember that things are still in the process of re-forming; nothing is set in stone. (Photo taken this morning by J. Chumack, Dayton, Ohio, posted on spaceweather.com.)
~Space Weather Update~ Crackling With C Class Flares
BLUE MOON: Tonight's full Moon is the second full Moon this month. According to modern folklore, that makes it a "Blue Moon." Strange but true: Most blue moons look red, pink or gray. On rare occasions, however, the Moon can actually turn blue. A video from NASA explains how.
Richard Sears photographed the waxing full Moon last night from Atwater, California. It was not blue:
For more pictures of the Moon--red, blue, and otherwise--browse the realtime gallery:
By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12
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We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence
in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Dearest Ones,
We come again to confirm to you all, that the development in the heavenly realms is progressing!
'Under the Blue Moon, In the night garden' (a poem)
We sat under the blue moon,
In the night garden.
A breeze as soft as the lake water
Stroked us like silk,
Soft as the wings of a fairy,
Sweet as the breath of an angel,
And the moonlight washed away our sorrows,
Chased away our fears,
Bathed away the pain of the past,
Whilst we talked of many things...
Ruth Ryden ~ The Masters Of Light ~ 31 August 2012
Ruth Ryden ~ The Masters Of Light ~ 31 August 2012
MASTERS: “This is the time of beginnings. Humanity is in the midst of unlimited opportunities of mental and physical understanding of the universe and all of its powers and integrated productivity. The wonders of planetary reconstruction that are now being felt and observed in your world are part of movements in your universe that will soon be observed on other planets that you are at least aware of at this time. The Mars mission will be one of the first to observe the changing tides of frequencies as its roving machine picks up more than soil samples and records power surges not known or understood at this time by your scientists.
Geoffrey West ~ Cosmic Vision News ~ InLight Blogtalkradio ~ 31 August 2012
Call in to speak with the host (323) 784-9697
Listen 31 August 17 pm Central USA or mainland Europe 1 am 1 September 2012
CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded secret, and yet the most important event to improve the human and planetary condition.
Disclosure, as a global awareness event is now happening. CVN is among the first to formally declare disclosure as real and peaceful.CVN will be an evolving program, adapting to the events unfolding upon, within and beyond our planet.
CVN will also address current events that support a shift to a peaceful planet.
A program to promote and encourage courageous dialogue worldwide, while preparing everyone to be re-introduced to our galactic families.
Something to Add--Reiki Explanations on Raising Your Vibration
Last night I read an article in the magazine, Whole Living. It was the January/February issue, titled: All in a Day's Work on page 54. The writer is Alice Oglethorpe, and I think she did an excellent job putting it together.
The article guides us to make healthier lifestyle changes at our place of work. For example, straightening your desk, or having a local farm bring boxes of produce in for people who are too busy to shop right.
I feel that as a Reiki Practitioner I can explain WHY some of these tips are helpful in an energetic way. Let's go over them one at a time:
the article says--Researchers at Tel Aviv University found that when people had good relationships with their office mates, they were less likely to die in the following two decades than those who didn't have a strong workplace connection. A study at the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, says a lack of unity at work increases your risk of becoming depressed by sixty percent.
ReikiDoc says--of course. Your energetic systems interact with others at work through daily events at the office. Your auras combine to form the collective 'consciousness' of the workplace. MBA's call this 'team spirit' and come up with exercises to build it. They find it gives synergy and people are more productive when they are happy. Energetically speaking, when you are with people with a like vibration, you will not be as stressed because nobody and nothing is sucking the life out of you energetically. It builds!
PUT A PLANT ON YOUR DESK (read more at: http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2012/04/something-to-add.html
~Brilliant ReHearter to Assist Everyone In these Intense Energies~
The Following are recommendations as the release of all the old programming is coming up to the surface for many. Make sure you breathe, Be Patient with yourself and with others and stay focused in the Present Moment. This is going to be uncomfortable for Some as this clearing takes place. Let us Love Each Other and Support One Another
With Great UNDERSTANDING=OVERFLOWING= Grander Responsibility
IN THE FIELD OF NOW =FOREVER WE will meet you there
Christina ~ Finding Congruency Each Moment Is A Defining Moment
Christina ~ Finding Congruency Each Moment Is A Defining Moment
Posted on August 31, 2012 by Gillian
Golden Heart Dialogues | August 24 2012
Multidimensional Me ~ Christina Fisher 2012
The Shift of the Ages
The shift of the ages allows the inclusive empowerment of humanity. We are waking up from an unconscious existence and finding ourselves in unison with all of civilization. The shift of the ages is humanity’s defining moment, a historical juncture of unfathomable comprehension.
Each moment is a defining moment; each choice a defining choice. If we are caught off guard, what will we choose? Will it be the pinnacle of our liberation or the decline from our apex? Will we choose disempowerment through inaction? When we ignore ourselves, we ignore our inner personal ethics, which echoes the voice of our wisdom.
Self-empowered individuals are the hosts for global empowerment. The shift of the ages begins with empowerment from within. Global empowerment is predicated on each person’s awakening and seizing the defining moment. Every individual choice is a global choice. Choosing, at this important juncture, sets the course for our collective reunification. We are a global community, coming into wholeness at the same time. Lessons from the past remind us that this is the moment.
The defining moment is ours. Choose well. Choose quickly. Be the voice; be the instrument; be the tool for the empowerment of the ages. Be your limitless self, and awaken. Abide by your highest, most pristine inner guidance. Actuate each of your individual empowerments in perfect unison.
RNC Pulls Various Dirty Tricks To Ensure Romney's "Victory"
Turns out that even Fox News, who have long been the cheerleaders for the Republican Party, are getting fed up.
I Was ‘Invited’ Aboard A Craft By 3 Androgenous Beings In Long White Robes.
Kelvin Curnow has just emailed me this and asked if I would like to post it,I am honoured to do so,blessings Kerrie/Zoolithe
My name is Kelvin Curnow, and I live in Plymouth, England. I have had several experiences with celestial craft ( ufo's ) since early childhood, and have also had telepathic communication with these craft on many occassions during my lifetime. I have always felt very strongly since childhood, that I do not belong here, but have to accept the fact, that I answered a call, and incarnated here for a higher purpose.
Southern California town declares emergency over quake swarm
Southern California town declares emergency over quake swarm
LOS ANGELES | Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:04am IST
Aug 29 (Reuters) - The southern California town of Brawley has taken the unusual step of declaring a state of emergency after a swarm of earthquakes rattled nearly 20 mobile homes off their blocks and forced a slaughterhouse to close, the mayor said on Wednesday.
It is uncommon for quake-hardy California cities to declare emergencies due to tremors, but Brawley mayor George Nava said the earthquake swarm is a unique case because it has lasted for days and caused millions of dollars in damage.
The cluster of relatively small quakes, which are caused by water and other fluids moving around in the Earth's crust, began on Saturday evening and climaxed the next day with a 5.5 temblor, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The tremors were continuing on Wednesday and geologists say there have been hundreds in total.
Nava said leaders in Brawley, a city of 25,000 residents south of the state's inland Salton Sea and 170 miles (275 km) southeast of Los Angeles, declared a local emergency late on Tuesday. Officials with surrounding Imperial County made a similar declaration on Wednesday.
Nineteen mobile homes were knocked off their blocks and their residents forced out, Nava said. The auditorium at Brawley Union High School has been damaged and closed off, and the National Beef slaughter plant in Brawley has been temporarily shut down due to damage, he said.
read more http://in.reuters.com/article/2012/08/30/usa-earthquake-swarm-idINL2E8JTCP120120830