HILARION October 28~November 3, 2012 ~ The Rainbow Scribe

Lia's picture



Beloved Ones,As the Cosmic energies increase in intensity once again, the Lightworkers of the World find themselves stepping up to the ladder to move to the next level of the Ascension process. You are still going against the current of prevailing thought patterns that are being broadcast throughout the atmosphere of the Planet and so, as the forerunners, you experience these energies as difficult. Remember to take time to be out in nature and connect often to the core of the Earth to remain grounded. Drink plenty of pure water to help the process of assimilation of the higher energies into every cell of your human and multi-dimensional operating system.
The experience of the passage of time is being felt in various ways by each of you depending upon the stage you are at in your development and at times, it can seem confusing to you as you try to keep to the linear frame of reference. As we come more into the spherical time belt where everything is occurring simultaneously and all that was is becoming part of the current experience in the moment of Now, it can lead to many puzzling situations as your linear thinking processes have to stretch further into the realms of the wholeness of your Being in Its experience throughout all eternity. This is bringing about many humorous situations in your lives.
Be at peace as the changes continue to take place within the current events on your Planet. All is taking place under the guidance of the higher realms of Light and the Divine Plan for the Earth. Know that you and your loved ones are safe and protected and that you are being guided in each moment. The less resistance you experience to what is occurring, the better you cope in the assimilation of the geometric codes that are being transmitted to all Beings who are ready to accept them in order that the transformation of your physical bodies into higher Light can continue as smoothly as possible.
In this moment of Now, it is imperative that the Lightworkers stay true to their higher purpose and focus on being the Light Bearers on this World. No matter the seeming chaos around you, remember that your Light is radiating around you in your area of the World and it is this Light that is assisting Humanity to transform into a new consciousness. Although most of you do not see the dynamics of this in your everyday lives, be assured that this is indeed occurring and that you are an integral part of the changes that are taking place.
Remember that you have all the tools that you need for this work and that you have done this before, therefore you are most capable of staying the course, no matter how it seems to the contrary. Each of you are conduits of higher energy and just by your presence, you support and empower those you communicate with in your daily interactions. Your personal power is coming into its own and you have been prepared to hold this power responsibly and with the highest integrity in all that you think, say and do. This is the realm of the masters, the mastery of the mind and of yourselves. All is well and everything is perfect. Let this thought be an integral part of your daily experience.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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All is well and everything is perfect.

Guest's picture

"All is well and everything is perfect." No offence but this guy sounds like he's on crack! Tell the people getting their 'October Surprise' (Hurricane Sandy) that all is well and see how far you get. Is it not proof enough to everyone that these 'galactic beings' and 'angels' are taking the piss a bit too much? How can you say that it is humorous to watch people falling apart at the seams, becoming excessively distressed and dying from the 'natural' changes occuring on our planet? Only a sick puppy would make such a statement (and doesn't it give a glimpse inside the mind of this guy too)?

The bottom line is that humans were (and always will be) considered slaves. That is why we were created. It's only because people have become, to some degree, more educated and intelligent over the centuries that we are now at the juncture where the lies we are told by way of 'explanations' for what is happening on our planet, have had to become more complex and confusing.