Lia's picture

29.1013 – I woke in the early hours and transcribed these words.

The plight of the Redman was long and hard.  We accept the path we walked was not ours to keep and the meadows we laid down in were sweet indeed.  We sang to the land and she answered through the wind, whispering in the trees and high above the mountain passes.  The road stands clear before us; sweet memories from the past drift into view and we stand at the crag and welcome you here once more.  We rest in the peace and solitude, expressing our heart’s desires, and we openly express our disquietude at certain intervals coming up for inspection.  We know this has been a time of diligence and fortitude and we express our sorrow at such interludes, however, on the horizon is so much more and an opportunity to soar high in the clouds as the Eagle rises in grace and majesty.  We shall not burden you with more trials of endurance, so please be at peace my child.  We overcome a network of high expenditure and low resources - all is about to change for the better!


Hold onto your hats for the ride of your life!  We take you across the rainbow and on to finer visions - a declaration of peace that we can understand and trust implicitly with no uprising in the ranks!  We are given to understand that there are connections being made that will allow for a more flamboyant way of life and we suggest alternative measures that will enhance your programme.  We are delighted with how it all turns out and ask you to respect these changes as they come flooding in.  We empower you to do your best in all scenarios and watch over you to keep you on track.  Do not be discouraged or put off, or fooled into submission.  We take all in our stride and set you free.


We are content and bless you, offering our services to the Great Spirit, following in the footsteps of our beloved ancestors and we shine a light on key issues that need looking at with a fine tooth comb, shaking out the debris of the past and making good our mistakes.  It was deemed by the prophet Isaiah that we should take the path of truth and justice to avail ourselves of purity of spirit.  We drink from the fountain of everlasting life to the resurrection of all we hold most dear and we fly on the wings of Angels over the ravine and on to pastures new.


During my early morning meditation I received more words.  I’ve drenched myself in golden light and am now sending a spotlight of golden energy down into the earth beneath us, like a searchlight.  I ask that all Light workers around the globe may be linked in love with our roots growing down into the earth, touching one another and meeting at the centre towards the Great Tree of Life.  The energy is expanding and growing and coming back up through the tree and out through the branches into the cosmos.  I call out to my Star friends to draw close as I settle my attention back to the heart centre.


It is with great content that we open our arms to receive you.  We analyse those streams of thought that bring us closer and we express our joy to be here with you once more.  It is no mean feat to achieve this peace and harmony . . . to still the mind and sense our presence.  Our physicality comes into question as we settle you, and we have made this rendezvous on many occasions in the past as you came to sit at our knee resting your head.  We stroke your hair and sooth your brow asking you to put aside what is no longer needed.  We question your thought streams, satisfying ourselves as to your intentions, and we bring forward a whole host of questions that need to be answered.  We are forthright in our quizzing and open up your mind to accept this undertaking, begging your pardon if at times perhaps we get the wrong term or phrase that pinpoint what we are aiming for – greater clarity of expression! 


We do attempt to lay before you the burdens that have held many back, and we resume our connections when you can all take on board what we bring in all truth and sincerity.  We have followed you most of your lifetimes, stepping in from time to time to see how you are doing upon the Earth plane, how you are coping with the pressures that were brought to bear upon you; registering your highs and lows, taking you aside when you were discouraged and in those instances of regret.  We were there at the helm watching over you, we were there at your shoulder whispering in your ear, we were there in your darkest moments urging you not to lose faith!  And we come now to uplift your spirits, pushing you forward as the tidal wave itself with great momentum, carrying forward a whole cleansing programme that will adjust attitudes, allowing you to see with clearer vision.


There are a whole mountain of programmes that come to be looked at and sifted through, recognising your true talents, your strengths and your weaknesses with adjustments that need to be made to help you grow stronger and wiser.  There will be an expansion of assets, a retuning of circuits, a mammoth delivery of services right across the globe and we shall leave no stone unturned!  None shall be ignored - the lost will be found and brought back into the fold - for did not the prodigal son return to us amid great joy and jubilation!  And we foresee those greater assets shall be used and worked upon, blossoming and ripening like the corn in the fields and the sun shall ripen those golden sheaves within your soul, bringing in a bountiful harvest and one we give thanks for. (There was a bang in room for confirmation).


Oh children you are so very dear to us and we come to shepherd you along, not to be herded like sheep but to cherish you and love you, and the very least among you shall be anointed and brought into our jurisdiction, feeling the love of the Great Divine within your very soul.  We feel the eclipse within your soul and we raise the barricade and let you through.  No more shall you be imprisoned!


I’m feeling ripples around the base of my brain, more to the left hand side.  I can also feel a cool energy on my left shoulder and down my left side.


We have an excellent opportunity to delve deeper within your skull.  There has been a massive intolerance to chemicals and we give thanks for the advocates that step forward to help us in your recovery.  The trauma inflicted has been great and we resuscitate, generating further growth and this will be our greatest asset.


Are you giving me healing?


We are recharging neural pathways, opening up those conduits that have become fused, resisting information that floods through for your immediate approval.  We do believe we have unlimited resources to work with and it is our intention to update and restore harmony on a grander scale.   Do not be disturbed or alarmed for this will take only a short period to be realised in true perfection, and with greater reserves of energy for back up!  All is well – all is as it should be and in the fullness of time you will see greater improvement in our alliance.


Go now in peace and protection with the Love of the Great Divine and the host of Angels that gather to us on wings of  Light.  We manifest a greater declaration of peace and prosperity in the not too distant future.  Go now and rest and recharge your batteries and we shall bring you release from all that holds you back.


It’s so wonderful to know the healing that is available to all of us if we go within and ask; not only for others but ourselves as well!  There are many programmes of healing now being made available free of charge at the direct request from the realms of Light; here are two that have kick started me into recovery.  




 1st Template Ceremony of Original Innocence for letting go of fear and anger etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XbDb-qChxc

