In these changing times it might help to look at the sacred geometry of compassion and prayer for another, whether it be a person, place or thing.
As we watch towns disappear within the USA and elsewhere, each heart can become a great Love Generator, a human homing tool to secure our emotions during Gaia's rebirth.
Experiments have been done to compare results of long distance healing. Most of us, for as long as we have been offering healing, have been "sending" love... meaning we envision a distance between us and that which we are wanting to offer healing. Original Reiki training included this method of sending healing. But the results of the experiments proved that bringing an image into the center of our hearts and blessing it within instead, healing is greatly enhanced. This is due to the universal design of the whole cosmos. (sacred geometry). Shaped much like a donut (toroid) its continual movement travels from the outside to the inside and back out again. This movement is called implosion.
n the center of each toroid is.... the center of the Sacred Heart. We bring to it that which we love. We truly can be IN EACH OTHERS' HEARTS.
Each heart, then, is a Grand Attractor... the term created by Dan Winter... In this expansive website you can also find the cosmic codes, the geometries of the heart and the reason for the necessity of holding on to blissful hearts for successful ascension.
So, throughout any challenge we experience we are assured of our connection to the love of Father Mother God. All hearts are literally connected as ONE. Confidently then, we can feel what we need to feel and do what we need to do knowing we nover lose our connection to the Great Divine.
I pray for all of us during these challenging times... thank you for being in my life!
I am in love with us all... and I see and feel so much love that keeps multiplying in every moment!
I also thank the great Star Nations and glorious beings who have put forth so much effort, concern and love for us here on our beautiful Gaia.
Lo phi (love),
Hoka Hay... Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin!