How To Beat The Mainstream Media And Join The Alternative Media Revolution

will's picture

by True Activist

We can beat fake news. Join the Alternative Media revolution.

The mainstream corporate media is visibly dying out in the United States and around the world — and their problems are about to get worse: Anti-Media just rolled out its new project, “The Homepage of Independent Media.”

Anti-Media’s new homepage is the new destination for independent thinkers looking for real anti-establishment news sources free of corporate bias and the fake news of the mainstream media. “The Homepage of Independent Media” has partnered with True Activist and dozens of other hard hitting news and information sites from across the political spectrum to create a “one-stop-shop” for news junkies to find the stories, articles, videos and other content they won’t see anywhere else. We no longer have to hope that Facebook’s notoriously biased algorithm decides to show us news from the outlets we already follow.

But wait, it gets better. Anti-Media has not only created a new home for the rapidly growing independent media movement, it has also putyouin charge of deciding what’s on the homepage. WithAnti-Media’s new Reddit-style algorithmic upvote/downvote system,you tell the site which stories should be on the front page using their social content curation system.

There’s even more. Once you create an account on using just an email and password, you will be able to submit news stories yourself in the “MY NEWS” section of the Anti-Media homepage. Any news articles, videos, social media posts, or even photos you think are newsworthy can be posted. Anti-Media’s editorial team will quickly check the link’s factual accuracy, make sure it’s less than two days old (or relevant to current news), and then it will be live. With a few upvotes from other Anti-Media readers and friends, the link you submitted could be on the front page of Anti-Media! People who work with independent news outlets but aren’t official Anti-Media partners yet can also submit links in the “MY NEWS” section to get their content on the homepage.

he Internet is the Wild West of information and Anti-Media’s “Homepage of Independent Media” is here to help us make sense of it all. By bringing together dozens of independent news outlets from across the political and ideological spectrum, Anti-Media aims to create an ever-improving ecosystem of reliable factual news and information that challenges the status-quo. In the face of encroaching government censorship and algorithmic bias by Internet gatekeepers Facebook and Google, now is the time to join True Activist and support the independent media movement by making your news homepage.



No Net Neutrality is the Achilles Heel

33Nicolas's picture

I've been an independent and free journalist for over a decade. I live and breath it. And now I see the Achilles Heel to our independent journalism is the removal of Net Neutrality. If the biggest ISP that also control the backbone of the Internet get their demands met by capping internet traffic, we will lose. Loading CNN and Fox will take fractions of seconds, whereas our sites might take a very long time.

We must stay vigilant. It is our Achilles Heel!

As Above, So Below

As Below, So Above