How to Expand Your Feelings of Self-Love: Deep Healing Through Forgiveness

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HJ: Everyone is on the path towards love.  It takes us all different amounts of time to ultimately get there, but it is our ultimate destination—to return to the wholeness, joy and peace of truest selves.  And forgiveness is an incredibly fast path to that destination.  Learn why and how in the great article below.

– Truth

THE MOMENT OF CALM: Tips on forgiveness from Dada J.P. Vaswani

By Anjali Mani | The Mindful Word


What does it really mean to forgive? Oxford Dictionary describes it as the following: “Stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.” When we’re wronged by another human being, it can take years, sometimes lifetimes to overcome the hurt and the pain...
