And how many deaths will it take till we know that too many people have died?
– Bob Dylan
The Virgo Sun squares the center of our galaxy at 10 am EDT Wednesday, asking how many times that aspect need repeat before we get it. Square aspects relate objects or points occupying different signs that share the same quality, either cardinal, fixed or mutable. Virgo is mutable, as is Sagittarius, where the Galactic Core is all but stationary. All squares represent a test of some sort, and the tension we feel when being tested.
Mutable squares test whether we are ready to release old patterns and enter a new season. Every time the Sun assumes mutable character, it means a new season is approaching for the whole world at once. Twice a year, when the Sun squares the Galactic Center, it always means the impending new season will begin with an equinox, which implies a test on the subject of equality.
At its most fundamental, equality means no difference. Twice a year, we receive an illumination from the center of the solar system, demonstrating that there is no difference when it comes to the most fundamental phenomenon of life on Earth — the light of the Sun.
During the days of equinox, every being on this planet has an equal experience of the Sun, belying any and all attempts to assert difference as a valid concept. Yet somehow, human beings either miss, ignore or deny the Sun’s lesson every time in recent memory. We instead persist with insistence that difference is fundamental, wondering why every endeavor so conceived consistently fails.
Rather than consider the possibility that difference is a fraudulent concept, human beings consistently blame those perceived to be different for the failure of the fraud. The blame game, in turn, provides convenient justification for organized thievery, coercion and murder from which none are ultimately spared and for which a power greater than the Sun is conveniently postulated to support denial of the solar lesson. Any such assumptions of a higher power that would preside over and override the Sun, however, are not supported by any observable fact. In fact, the opposite is true. If there is anything to which the Sun would be subordinate, it would in fact be the center of our galaxy.
The facts that we can observe support the model of the Sun as the source and symbol of earthly life, and its fundamental truth of equality. We now know that, just as the Earth orbits the Sun, the Sun orbits the center of our galaxy. We know that the Galactic Core is a source of gravity and radiation, just as the Sun is.
Other than in scale, there is no fundamental difference in how the Sun and Galactic Center function. They are consistent with each other. By implication, any inconsistency in the systems over which the Sun presides is doomed to failure. That would include systems devised by human beings. That would also raise the question of how many times we can fail to be out of harmony with the Sun before we fail to exist.
There are those who conjecture that human beings are incapable of change. There are those who say we cannot embrace equality, end war and live in harmony with the cycles of the Sun. Yet, there was almost certainly a time when we did. There was almost certainly a time when bigotry did not and could not sanction behavior that some now think to be inherent and hard wired in our being. Were there not a time when we were, of necessity tolerant and one with each other, we would not have survived to get into our current predicament, a situation symbolized twice a year when the Sun squares the center of our galaxy.
The tension that arises within each us on the eve of every equinox is symbolized by the Sun’s square to the Galactic Core, but it has its source in reality. The disquiet of conscience concurrent with the square of the Sun to the center of its own orbit is a sure and certain understanding that we have strayed from harmony with the way of life on Earth, and by clear implication everywhere in the galaxy. Since our origin and composition is the same as the cosmic systems of which we are a part, our own systems can, and must, return to compliance with the solar and galactic model. That imperative is the test we face together, and must pass at once to enter the impending new season of our kind.
In order to survive, we long ago and well learned to adapt our behavior to the cycle of earthly seasons. That adaptation consisted of releasing attachment to patterns of behavior that were suited only to a previous season. Somewhere along the way, however, that admirable proficiency took us down a blind alley of attachment to behavior that is out of synchrony with greater cycles, longer seasons, and higher aspirations than survival.
The question of how many times we can persist with our attachment to being different from the Earth, Sun, Galaxy — and from each other — is becoming urgent. That is what Sun square the Galactic Core means and none of us are exempt from what we must do if any of us are to remain. It begins with you. Any time you find yourself differing from or being against any other human beings, you will have in fact lost contact with the Universe, and entered into conflict with yourself. How many times will it take before you get that?”
Offered In Service
"Since our origin and composition is the same as the cosmic systems of which we are a part, our own systems can, and must, return to compliance with the solar and galactic model. That imperative is the test we face together, and must pass at once to enter the impending new season of our kind."
GO(o)D~acceptance...much appreciation and love! old/ new
Thank You to~~in love and oneness, sensi
What a peace of work.I can feel the change right now.thanks that is more then helpfull.