How the oceans can clean themselves: Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft

Lia's picture

Boyan Slat (@BoyanSlat, Delft, 1994) combines environmentalism, creativity and technology to tackle global issues of sustainability. Currently working on oceanic plastic pollution, he believes current prevention measures will have to be supplemented by active removal of plastics in order to succeed. With his concept called Marine Litter Extraction, Boyan Slat proposes a radical clean-up solution, for which he won the Best Technical Design award 2012 at the TU Delft.

Where millions of tons of plastic kill ocean life and poison food chains, Boyan sees opportunities to combat this. While researching ocean plastics during school holidays, he performed analysis on various fundamental topics (including particle sizes, plastic/plankton separation and the amount of plastic in the oceans), leading up to the first realistic concept for cleaning up the world's oceans.

Now a first-year Aerospace Engineering student at the TU Delft, Boyan has always been passionate about applying technology in an original way (at age fourteen he set a world record with launching 213 water rockets), and as an (underwater)photographer and videographer witnesses environmental degradation through his very own eyes.

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Truth and Consequences

tcatt57's picture

This presentation focuses on a problem that began in the 70's and was very apparent and very visible in the late 80's right up till present. This disgusting  situation has had public awareness and support for change and solutions for many years. But to put our energy and focus on this specific issue at this time when something  much more dire looms in the depths of our oceans, makes me wonder why. Why is someone bringing this up now, why are we constantly being told everything is wonderful and if you don't think so your not awakened. Isn't that the same as the religious factions we grew up with. Maybe I am a fool, you tell me what is more important.

From my perspective this planet is being murdered and the entity committing these acts have the ability to keep us looking in the wrong directions, divide and conquer us using emotions as the wedge. I just want us to keep the focus on our priorties according to  the level of hazard. 

I hope you take the time to look at the video.