by Galactic Love Reporter Predrag
Yes, I call myself teacher without subject... So, am I realy a teacher, even if I have nothing to teach You?... Am I paid enough for my continuous talking’s, writings, ratings?...
Am I ready to accept that I cannot teach anyone anything?... well... let me think about this for a minute?...
[60 galactic seconds later....] You can just imagine me still sitting and thinking like a Roden's 'The Thinker' sculpture... [maybe with a bit more clothing on my back... as here in Athens is around zero right now...]
What is my subject that I talk about so much, and I cannot put this in words?... I feel this wonderful subject in my heart, yet cannot express it in words... I know it is there, it is here, it is everywhere... Whereever I turn, in every eye I look... And, yet I need to talk with everybody about it...
I realized that I am not teacher any more... since I realized what my subject is... Instead of teacher, I call myself giver, or sharer, or distributor, or pointer, or simply I AM THAT I AM...
I AM that feeling, that wonderous vibration, that beautiful taste that coming from my heart... I AM that feeling we simply call: LOVE...
Because, you cannot teach Love, yet you can share it... You can only point toward Love that you carry in your heart, or that you see in the other heart... and that's IT...
Love takes over, and you become simple observer of the most glorious teacher who walked our realms: You see Love in the eyes of others, You see Love in the Sea, You feel Love from the fruit you eat, You see Love in the mirror every morning... Yes, You see Love even if YOU close your eyes and try to meditate...
Yes, Love is all around US, within US, and simply said: LOVE JUST IS...
So, Am I really teacher with no subject?... As soon I realized that I am teacher to others, by becoming true student of Love there IS...
Yes, I AM THAT I AM... eternal student of best teacher in the Unverse called LOVE...
With nothing but Love, Predrag
Beautiful Masterpredrag!
Beautiful message master predrag and very timely for many, thank you for posting...Love you old friend!
Very Honoured Dearest Master M...
So happy that you remembered me... was long time ago... still writing?... or you changed form of expresion?... Send me direct message, if you like to connect here on 3d, while still exists...
Love you, dearest Brother M*******....