How You Can Pay It Forward This Christmas – Giving A Meal To Someone In Need

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by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Hunger is a daily reality for many people, and it’s a problem that affects more of our society than we might think, like lower income families and single parents. While many people donate food to canned food drives, especially around the holidays, this practice often creates more problems than it solves.

Much of the food donated to charities is expired or otherwise unusable, which means not only that it must be thrown out, but that people must spend time and energy sorting through the food before it can be delivered.

A good friend to the CE Team, Brice Royer, has recently shared his initiative to help those in need this holiday season. While he was battling cancer, Lotus Seed Restaurant in Vancouver gave him free meals whenever he wanted. Now that Brice has healed, he has arranged to pay it forward by paying for any meals ordered on Christmas Eve between noon and 5 pm on Christmas Eve. The restaurant has even offered to donate some of the meals as well.

How Can You Pay It Forward This Holiday Season?

Many restaurants, including Lotus Seed Restaurant, have joined an amazing new initiative to help solve hunger in their communities. An app called TangoTab lists restaurants in your area that have agreed to donate one meal to someone in need for every meal you purchase from their establishment.

How It Works

Once you have downloaded the app, you can use it to find nearby restaurants in your area that participate in the program, many of which will often offer deals or other incentives as well. Once you go to the restaurant, check in with the app. The restaurant pays a small fee to the app, and the app then donates that money to a local food charity, equal to the cost of one meal for someone in need. This helps to feed your community — every time you dine out, someone in need will get a free meal.

TangoTab Donates the Money to the Charities

You may recall an article I wrote last year about how donating canned food to food drives is a surprisingly ineffective way to help the needy. The below video also explains this little-known fact.

So you see, donating money to a local food charity is a much more efficient way to help those who are struggling to provide for their families. TangoTab donates the portion of the revenue given by the restaurants directly to your local charities, so you can be sure that this contribution is actually helping the people who need it.

Let’s Get More Restaurants on Board

This app has been around since 2011, but if you’re anything like me, you’re just hearing about it now. By sharing this article, you can help get the word out about this amazing app and also encourage even more restaurants to jump on board! Not only can they feel good about helping their local community, their participation will draw more business from consumers looking to help out and participate in the program.

Do you work at a restaurant or frequent an establishment regularly? Share this story with your co-workers or your server next time you dine out. Restaurants can easily sign up by going to this website.

Do You Know Anyone in Need of a Meal in Vancouver?

If you know anyone in need of a meal this holiday season in Vancouver, British Columbia, send them to Lotus Seed Restaurant on Christmas Eve between 12 and 5pm. Dinner includes: Thai curry, a burrito, and dessert. We can’t all do everything, but we can all do something, and by choosing restaurants participating in the TangoTab initiative, you are directly helping those in need, not just this holiday season, but every time you dine out.

Much Love
