- Laughing Buddha(s) 2
- Patrick Sullivan: Agartha For the Equinox Group
- Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Unleash Your Creative Power ~
- Éire-Gizeh Connection and Stargate Creation Complete
- Antonio Urzi: Another UFO recorded over Cinisello Balsamo, Italy 8-Sep-2012
- Enjoy each experience now and relish each forward step~ Michael through Ron Head
- Power Path ~ New Moon Update Sep/15/2012 with Pat Liles
- Cobra Fall of the Reptilian Empire Video Format
- "The Perfect Storm"
- Kauilapele's Blog:A Request to Hold the Light for the Middle East, Israel, and Iran
- White House Petition Calls for the Reinvestigation of 1947 Events Near Roswell, NM
- Don't Board the Train
- Be The Peace: a global meditation and prayer for Peace
- Lightworkers...what did you really did for those in need?
- Close asteroid encounter tonight exposes potential hazard
- Love is the Right and Only Decision
- Carnival Of Solar Loops - Meditation | September 13, 2012
- It’s OK to Mope ~Steve Beckow~
- "Violence has no place in religion" Sec of State Clinton
- Strange Lights Over Phoenix, Arizona - September 13, 2012
- Enjoy each experience now and relish each forward step
- Petitioning United Nations : Support the Keshe Foundation technologies
- Reminder - Mission Statement for 2012
- Preparing for Fall~Spring Equinox, 2012!
- Embracing The Extraordinary
- Blue StarShip/UFO Report - September 14, 2012
- Heavenletter #4312 Love Travels Faster than Light , September 14, 2012
- Embracing The Extraordinary
- Do You Want Your Bubble Back?
- Abraham Hicks - How Can I Grow In My Faith
- Hubble has spotted an ancient galaxy that shouldn’t exist
- VIsionkeeper-Strong Energies
- Hubble Telescope Sees Two Galaxies in Cosmic Dance
- 桜島ライブカメラ 2012-09-13 18-57 X1HD Volcano Sakurajima
- What you are experiencing as life is a sad and minimalist domain
- New eruption at Fuego volcano in Guatemala
- 3MIN News Sept 14, 2012
- Sophia Love – Our Seamless Ascension ~ 2
- SaLuSa, September 14, 2012
- SEP 14 Yoj's Daily Ascended and Free
- ~Space Weather Update~ ASTEROID FLYBY:
- Hear,Here and Now
- MAG 3.2 and 4.5 Northern California earthquakes
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength Strength and courage are yours
- Oracle Report - Friday, September 13, 2012
- Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Unleash Your Creative Power
- My Awakening Experience
- Beloved Goddess of Justice
- Resistance Causes Persistence
Greetings Love beings we are in some very intersting energy as the very core unconsciousness is coming to the surface. This is good news and is what we have been waiting for to be released. Since the Planetwide portal opening, this energy pouring in is really cleaning house. Be Patient with each other!!! Be aware this energy is coming up to be released and is a good and necessary step we have arrived in before the EQuinox, the New Moon is also facilitating this energy release. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Laughing Buddha(s) 2
After the warm welcome to our first LAUGHING BUDDHA video, it would have been a shame not to pursue with sharing those amazing moments of liberating laughter... They were quite frequent during satsang with Papaji, and so are they with dear Moojiji.
This is an extract from:
Be the Buddha with No Bliss
31st May 2010 (Session 2), Brixton, London.
Instead of reading the Avadhuta Gita only, Mooji starts with an unusually detailed commentary on its verses: You are the one Purity, you are not the mind, not the body... but the conscious presence, 'I AM' has become distorted through identification with the body and mind phenomena. A questioner relates his path of 'issues and tissues' until Mooji interrupts and sent all of it into 'the land of was'. Even if we don't feel bliss, we are still the choiceless self... we don't need any 'Buddha Certificate'. Even if we see the world as a movie, there is still a subtle form of 'me'-self. What is aware of it?
Another questioner triggers uproars of laughter in the room, as his question crumbles each time he attempts to present it as, "The question was..." After the laughter settles, Mooji emphasises: "The question WAS!" ...
To read more and find the Full DVD, go to:
Patrick Sullivan: Agartha For the Equinox Group
Hello we are Lona and Rai of the inner Earth, we are from what is termed Agartha. We have been communicating with all of you for eons and like any communication it is important to listen and discern for yourselves if the information coming through is a truth for you. You all have the ability to measure what is a truth for your selves and what may not be a truth. We have chosen Patrick to communicate our messages outwardly and allow him to post these messages, these communications with brothers and sisters you have been acquainted for from millennia and beyond. We use his blue beam of light sent within the inner planet so he may feel grounded to the earth and also so that we may send our love and strength to him and those that are willing to receive that love and wisdom. Through his third eye Patrick sends his blue beam into the sun for his own balancing of being in these moments of communication.
Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Unleash Your Creative Power ~
Through Fran Zepeda ~ September 13, 2012
Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:
Greetings, fellow Lightworkers. I come before you today with the Company of Heaven to rejoice in your commendable progress.
Throughout your World there has been much awakening, an opening of proportions not seen before. You may be feeling a lull of energy right now, but behold that with this is stirring much that is unseen.
My dear friends, what is your desire for your World? Make that forefront in your minds and hearts right now. With the energies now present you may mold anything you like. Do not let any boundaries of prior thought patterns hold you back. You are leaving that behind with all the releasing of old energies of duality that you all have been so immersed in of late.
Behold the Lightness of your Being. Behold the Joy within your hearts. Hold on to that and do not identify with the energies that are releasing, which are immense and can sometimes trick you into believing that this is still your reality. But, alas, it is not.
Éire-Gizeh Connection and Stargate Creation Complete
Éire-Gizeh Connection and Stargate Creation Complete…
Full portal opening in Éire and expansion of existing Éire Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.
Full portal opening in Gizeh and expansion of existing Gizeh Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.
Connection of Éire Stargate and Gizeh Stargate has been completed via the 9-9 Gaia Worldwide Window.
Mirror Stargates in Hawaii, Peru, New Zealand, Mexico, Texas (US), have connected with these via 5D-7D conduits.
Antonio Urzi: Another UFO recorded over Cinisello Balsamo, Italy 8-Sep-2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Antonio Urzi: Another UFO recorded over Cinisello Balsamo, Italy 8-Sep-2012
Power Path ~ New Moon Update Sep/15/2012 with Pat Liles
Dear Friends,
The New Moon is Saturday, September 15 at 8:11PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a great time to work with the themes of the month and to commit to a new action plan, set some new goals and then show the universe you are serious by taking one little baby action step towards something on your list. Actions speak louder than words and certainly louder than anything written. So do something to show that you serious about what you have chosen and where you are headed. Some of what is on this new action plan may be a bit surprising to you,but if you have had a clear message from spirit to do something even if it was "not in your plan", you better listen.
Written by Patricia Liles
Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com
New Moon
Sun and Moon in Virgo – 23º
Saturday, September 15, 2012 – 8:11 PM MDT
(September 16, 2:11 AM Greenwich Mean Time)
Cobra Fall of the Reptilian Empire Video Format
Fall of the Reptilian Empire - Infos and relax...
September 9th 2012.
We are in the last phase before the fall of the Reptilian empire. Reptilian empire on the etheric and astral planes around the surface of planet Earth under the dictate of the Archons and black nobility guided Cabal financial slavery system on the physical plane of the surface of this planet is the last stronghold of once vast Orion dark empire that was feared throughout the Galaxy for countless millennia.
Regardless of the events in the next few days, please remain calm, but alert.
Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.
Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.
More infos:
Kauilapele's Blog:A Request to Hold the Light for the Middle East, Israel, and Iran
Posted on 2012/09/12
This is not a political post, of any kind. I will not post details here. I simply point to this message posted by jhaines6. You may read this if you wish. And follow Higher Guidance.
The essence of the recent trip which we all took to Kauai, was to open new, and/or expand existing, Portals of Light in Hawaii, yes, and around the world. This was accomplished.
White House Petition Calls for the Reinvestigation of 1947 Events Near Roswell, NM
News Release
September 14, 2012
White House Petition Calls for the Reinvestigation of 1947 Events Near Roswell, NM
Washington, DC -- A petition calling for the reinvestigation of an alleged extraterrestrial vehicle crash near Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947 has been posted on the White House website. It is part of the White House's "We the People" project and resides at: http://wh.gov/WiQk
The petition reads as follows:
Be The Peace: a global meditation and prayer for Peace
Be The Peace: a global meditation and prayer for Peace Dear People of the Planet,
We invite you to participate by joining with the Global Coherence Initiative for the inaugural Be The Peace observance, which we hope will be one of the largest globally synchronized meditation and prayer events ever. GCI is collaborating with organizations worldwide that are coming together to make this international observance happen.
Be The Peace will be held, on the International Day of Peace, Friday, Sept. 21, the date designated 30 years ago by the United Nations General Assembly for an annual commemoration and commitment to the ideals of peace between and among all nations and peoples.
Close asteroid encounter tonight exposes potential hazard
A newly discovered asteroid - called 2012 QG42 - approaching the Earth will reach its minimum distance from our planet tonight (Sept. 13-14). However, be assured there is no reason to panic, at least this time.
This relatively large 625 feet to 1,400 feet wide body will zip by no closer than about 7.5 times the distance to the moon (1.8 million miles).Officially, it has been designated a “potentially hazardous asteroid” (PHA) by the Minor Planet Center, applied to any asteroid (or comet) which may pose a threat (though this one does not).
During its passage 2012 QG42 will be opposite the sun from the Earth and therefore relatively bright, but not bright enough for viewing by the small telescopes typically used by amateur astronomers (like myself).
It’s OK to Mope ~Steve Beckow~
A lot of people these days are saying they are moping, kind of dragged out, not inspired, etc.
I was this morning. In the bath, moping, wondering when the party would start. Even though I know that arrangements are going ahead behind the scenes, I still wanted things to go faster and get more exciting. And my friends overseas were in the same boat and others in the East, etc.
I described it to a friend as being like standing outside the gates of a New Year’s Eve public bash that said it would open at 7:00. And then they said 8:00. And then 9:00. And finally at 10:00 they opened but by then I had lost a lot of my enthusiasm.
Over the course of the day, as more and more exciting things were discussed, I emerged from my down space. But even if I hadn’t, what a friend in Europe told me was very deeply interesting. Just unto itself.
She pointed to all the messages that said that we’d need to go down into the depths of despair before we emerged on the other side. She cited the latest message from Kryon on the matter, some things that Adamu said, and even Archangel Michael the other day saying all our “what ifs” are emerging.
"Violence has no place in religion" Sec of State Clinton
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, expresses the US stand against extremists of all types. It was a fair and balanced statement, that will no doub,t calm the recent hyperbolic rhetoric, used by a reckless saber rattler, who seems to desire confrontation. We are blessed to have rational minds at the helm during this challenging time...
Strange Lights Over Phoenix, Arizona - September 13, 2012
I took this video this morning as I was leaving my home. This is the strangest "light" I've ever seen in the sky. Supposedly it is a test missile out of New Mexico, but I'm not sure. This was actually quite scary to see!
Enjoy each experience now and relish each forward step
Enjoy each experience now and relish each forward step. – Michael by GLR Ron Head
September 13, 2012
We begin today’s message by noting with chagrin the current squabbles about different channels. We see no positive potential in such conflict. Channels receive information from whomever they resonate with. Readers choose which to read or not read. The ultimate choice is with the individual reader. Discernment is urged when reading all channels. At this point in your journey, you should be able to make such distinctions for yourselves, either between channels, or even between concepts from the same channel. Please see that, in the developing conversation between our dimension and yours, you are growing and progressing daily. It is not that we are coming to your rescue, dear ones. It is that you are approaching the dimensional awareness which you have been estranged from. You are, of course, free to hold whatever opinions you choose. We ask, however that you not indulge in conflict between lightworkers. This is not productive, and in many cases is taken advantage of by negative energies, if not indeed instigated by them.
Petitioning United Nations : Support the Keshe Foundation technologies
Petitioning United Nations
United Nations: Support the Keshe Foundation' technologies for power, water, food, space
link for the petition: http://www.change.org/petitions/united-nations-support-the-keshe-foundation-technologies-for-power-water-food-space#
Your Excellency,
We, the inhabitants of the planet Earth, ask you urgently, but respectfully to use your prestige, knowledge, experience and the UN-network to support and promote the space technology, water technology, power generation technology, environmental systems (direct CO2/CH4 capturing, nuclear waste cleaning), protein and food production systems, all technologies of the Keshe Foundation, developed by Nuclear engineer Mehran Tavakoli KESHE (www.keshefoundation.org). It has been proven safe, clean, productive and virtually an unlimited source of energy.
With this technology we will be able to reverse the damage done to our planet Earth and replace the environmentally harmful energy systems we have so long depended on.
In addition to this, it is our opinion the Keshe power technology is the only independent point-of-demand technology that is able to give rapidly electricity to the 1,5 Billion people, our brothers and sisters, which lack electrical power today. Within 15 years that number will grow and become 1,6 Billion (because the new grid infrastructure is too expensive).
Reminder - Mission Statement for 2012
The following is excerpted from Solar Revolution: Why Mankind Is on the Cusp of an Evolutionary Leap, recently published by Evolver Editions/North Atlantic Books.
Until recently astrophysicists believed that solar flares were a completely random phenomenon. But in recent years, patterns of solar flare cycles have been discovered using supercomputers.
And what's amazing about these cycles is that they coincide with the periods in the Mayan calendar.
In addition to the Tzolkin calendar, which consisted of 260 days, the Mayans also had the Haab, whose 360 days and 5 so-called "nameless" days make it essentially the same as the modern lunar calendar. The Haab was mainly used to determine the most propitious time for planting and harvesting. Another Mayan calendar, known as the Long Count, is based on astronomical calculations of the solar year, and in terms of our calendar extends from 3114 BC to December 21, 2012 -- which is also the end date of the Tzolkin calendar.
Preparing for Fall~Spring Equinox, 2012!
by judithdagley
Love/Light Message from the celestial team
Beloved, we greet you most earnestly at this current “time” of your linear experience of the All.
Embracing The Extraordinary
Blue StarShip/UFO Report - September 14, 2012
GFP Note: We have changed the name of this feature to "Blue Starship/UFO Report" after some input from BlazinRiver. Thanks, BlazinRiver! Please remember that, although most of the videos in these reports do show starships, sometimes the objects are truly unidentified. And sometimes we also include interesting anomalies.
Heavenletter #4312 Love Travels Faster than Light , September 14, 2012
Heavenletter #4312 Love Travels Faster than Light , September 14, 2012
God said:
When you feel joy in your closeness to Me, imagine the joy that is Mine when I think of you. You are in My constant awareness. My joy in you has all the power of the Universe. Consider the Vastness of My joy in you. You cannot even imagine. Multiply your love for Me a million-skillion times over, and you conceive only a millisecond of the love that is Mine for you. No wonder I never sleep. With such joy that is Mine, beloveds, I stay awake in you, for you give Me such great joy, such reverberating joy, such happiness that it overflows the Universe, such happiness that it can be called bliss, can be called infinite, can be called the love of the century, only it is love beyond measure, endless love, deep penetrating love, love that surmounts everything else.
Embracing The Extraordinary
Embracing The Extraordinary
Embracing The Extraordinary
As this consciousness continues to weave its way into the hearts and souls of us all, it seems clear that some are open to this process but many are not. Some fight or resist it, but most are simply not aware of it as they walk through life with their eyes firmly closed to the true possibilities that life has to offer.
Do You Want Your Bubble Back?
Wednesday, 5 September, 2012 (posted 13 September, 2012)
It was so exciting when the Angels told us that we were going to be coming out of our protective bubbles. Those of us that experienced these bubbles had them for 18-24 months. These bubbles were placed there by our Angels so that we could intensify the light energy that was capable of flowing through our bodies without being disrupted by what was happening around us. It made us invisible to most of the energy that was here on the Earthplane during that time. We did well in increasing the light and so it was time to come out of the bubbles. This happened over a few months for the people who had them, between March and June of this year. At first, it was great! Answers to prayers came.
Hubble has spotted an ancient galaxy that shouldn’t exist
Source: Refreshing News - 9/10/12
This galaxy is so large, so fully-formed, astronomers say it shouldn't exist at all. It's called a "grand-design" spiral galaxy, and unlike most galaxies of its kind, this one is old. Like, really, really old. According to a new study conducted by researchers using NASA's Hubble Telescope, it dates back roughly 10.7-billion years — and that makes it the most ancient spiral galaxy we've ever discovered.
"The vast majority of old galaxies look like train wrecks," said UCLA astrophysicist Alice Shapley in a press release. "Our first thought was, why is this one so different, and so beautiful?"
Shapley is co-author of the paper describing the discovery, which is published in the latest issue of Nature. She and her colleagues had been using Hubble to investigate some of our Universe's most distant cosmic entities, but the discovery of BX442 — which is what they've dubbed the newfound galaxy — came as a huge surprise.
VIsionkeeper-Strong Energies
Strong Energies…
Greetings all…I am not leaving off a post today. The energies are so intense right now my brain can’t even hold a thought for very long and it is a real struggle to try and write a whole post. This is all part of the journey we are on. We all are being hit by incoming energy at different levels. We just need to roll with it and love ourselves through the upheaval and try again later. We must not try to fight against it, for it is what it is. We know tomorrow is another day and all will be different. Thanks for hanging in with me. We will all reach the light together so have faith. I shall return soon… VK
Hubble Telescope Sees Two Galaxies in Cosmic Dance
Space.com - 9/6/12
Two very different galaxies feature in this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, forming a peculiar galaxy pair called Arp 116. CREDIT: NASA, ESA
A stunning new photo from the Hubble Space Telescope has captured the perfect galactic portrait: two galaxies that are so different from one another, yet together represent most known galaxies in our universe.
The new Hubble picture shows the elliptical galaxy Messier 60, and the spiral NGC 4647. Together, the pair is known as Arp 116.
To read the rest of this story, visit Space.com.
What you are experiencing as life is a sad and minimalist domain
What you are experiencing as life is a sad and minimalist domain
September 14, 2012 by John Smallman
God’s Love is completely beyond your understanding! It encompasses, envelops, and embraces all sentient life; without It there would be no life. Your life is an aspect of divine Love; it is what you are and has nothing to do with your bodies or egos, your cultures or your religions, your ethnicity or your nationality; it is the field in which you exist, and it is all that exists. That sounds like a paradox to you, especially as individuality — separation into parts — is the way the illusion presents itself to you.
Sophia Love – Our Seamless Ascension ~ 2
Our Seamless Ascension ~ 2
For quite some time I subscribed to what I’d call “magical thinking” around Ascension. This comes close to the fairy Godmother in Cinderella. The trouble with that is everyone knows it’s not real and at midnight its nothing but a pumpkin and some mice. You never expect it to last.
This is not a Disney fairy tale. As humans, we expect to have some sort of obvious, natural progression from one moment to the next. Our memory, and thus our learning style, is associative. We need something to hang each new fact onto.
What is true about learning is that it only happens when the thing learned connects to and thus applies to something already known. This is why artists struggle with facts and figures and scientists with art. Much of what is taught to our children today is not used anywhere else in their life, and thus quickly forgotten.
We’ve been fortunate. For some time now we’ve been hearing messages from a host of channels, visionaries, and reporters about these “end times”. We are prepared and can see the “writing on the wall”. We’ve heard many stories. Once they may have seemed a bit “out there”; no longer.
Today words like Reptilian, Galactic Federation, Illuminati and Cabal are everywhere. There are few of us who have not heard about or seen a UFO. State agencies are telling citizens to stock extra food and essentials. Every one of the players in this End Time Scenario is performing perfectly.
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube (recommended)
SaLuSa, September 14, 2012
Those souls who are deeply immersed in their religious beliefs will be amongst the last to accept the truth. That problem has been foreseen and the respective teachers on whom their beliefs are based, will return to explain what their true message was. Over time its interpretation has been deliberately changed to place more power and control into the controllers hands, so much so that the true meaning has become obscured. Our presence and your understanding of our service to you, has helped you realise that a point can be reached in your evolution when you can go within to find the truth. It clearly does not mean that you should not converse with others, as it is always useful to consider other points of view.
SEP 14 Yoj's Daily Ascended and Free
I remember Who I Am. I am The I AM.
And as the I AM I know I am the Authority
to bring forth, all That I AM.
I remember: What I visualize with my Power
is real.
I remember my Divinity. And I know that I AM
the Giver. I AM the giving. And I Am The Gift.
I am , I Am , I AM the only Presence acting!
As an Ascended and Free Being, I know that
anything so called less than the Light...
Now vanquishes into the Light.
I Am a beloved Being of Light. I Remember:
I AM the being of Light~that Loves. {C}
~Space Weather Update~ ASTEROID FLYBY:
ASTEROID FLYBY: Today, an asteroid as wide as three football fields is flying past Earth. At closest approach, 2012 QG42 will be 2.8 million km (7.4 lunar distances) away, so there is no danger of a collision. Nevertheless, it is close enough for backyard astronomers to track using large amateur telescopes; the space rock is glowing like a 14th magnitude star. [movie] [3D orbit] [ephemeris]
ROCKET EXHAUST: The White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico conducted a test of the Patriot interceptor yesterday, producing iridescent rocket exhaust visible as far away as Phoenix AZ, Las Vegas NV, and Salt Lake City UT. David Blanchard photographed the display from Flagstaff, Arizona:
The test proceeded as follows: A Juno rocket was launched from Fort Wingate in Gallup, New Mexico. This served as the target for another missile, the Patriot Advanced Capability 3 interceptor, launched shortly thereafter from White Sands. A press release from White Sands confirmed the test and stated that "the
Juno performed as expected."
Hear,Here and Now
The changing is so disruptive and exciting at the same time. I am so happy to be alive to feel this time in my human skin. So much has changed yet the outside still goes on like a old car. Clunking along, smoke blowing out the tail pipes rusty rims, torn upholstery, tires bald and the breaks hardly there....
Flashes of light now and colors as an artist it is an inspiration and as someone who always thought things were hinky, a relief and knowing love was powerful even before I knew just how powerful.
Things really blew up when our PC went dead, right at the end of June....We got our first Apple on my partner's birthday in August....we are also wireless...Positive things are popping up for us and I have a smile at the ready...Now when I see the news or go back here into the computer world, I do see and feel a difference....I can't stay here too long, I have to get up and go outside....
We are learning our new computer and our creativity flow as started again and that feels so great to want to paint and create again...It took until today to even want to share...not that I didn't want to but words are more difficult now...I find sounds intense, some actually shattering. Smells, wow, there some you just don't want to and they can make a girl swoon.....Colors the colors of Nature standing out as if on a black piece of paper...Feeling love actually pouring into my heart leaving my knees week.
I am grateful to be Here. I am excited and hopeful about my future. I am calm yet not and knowing the difference all at the same time. I Stand for Peace and Love and the rest well, I just don't care anymore......Have a great weekend everyone, Breathe it all in it is worth it and where ever you are is exactly where you Are.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength Strength and courage are yours
Friday, September 14, 2012
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Strength
Strength and courage are yours
Oracle Report - Friday, September 13, 2012
Friday, September 13, 2012
Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Unleash Your Creative Power
Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Unleash Your Creative Power
By GLR Fran Zepeda – September 14, 2012
Greetings, fellow Lightworkers. I come before you today with the Company of Heaven to rejoice in your commendable progress.
Throughout your World there has been much awakening, an opening of proportions not seen before. You may be feeling a lull of energy right now, but behold that with this is stirring much that is unseen.
My dear friends, what is your desire for your World? Make that forefront in your minds and hearts right now. With the energies now present you may mold anything you like. Do not let any boundaries of prior thought patterns hold you back. You are leaving that behind with all the releasing of old energies of duality that you all have been so immersed in of late.
Behold the Lightness of your Being. Behold the Joy within your hearts. Hold on to that and do not identify with the energies that are releasing, which are immense and can sometimes trick you into believing that this is still your reality. But, alas, it is not.
My Awakening Experience
Submitted by robinsuepettit on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 02:40.
In my mid 20's, 1995ish, I picked up a book by Raymond Moody on near death experiences, and that is where my journey began. I suddenly became fascinated with after death experiences, ghosts, and the world of spirit in general. I felt myself compelled to explore everything that had to do with "new age" spirituality and I must have read a thousand books on these subjects over the past 20 years. This became my passion where each exploration opened me up to more questions I had to find answers to.
My curiosity could not be quelled and over time, my readings and contemplation thereof shaped my belief system. Coming from a family of both Christians and atheists, I found little support with my endeavors and have felt like a loner most of my adult life. Whenever I try to discuss my discoveries and ideas, my words fall on deaf ears and closed minds. My family and friends characterize me as flaky and nuts. The thing is, I feel so attracted to the subjects I explore, that I can't stop even when those close to me can't support me on this. I began reading channeled works about 7 years ago when I picked up a "Sedona" magazine and the information I garnered from channeling was so fresh and connected to the "other side", that I was immediately hooked. So, just as a side note, I wasn't into following conspiracy theorists (which I have now renamed truth-seekers) until the last week of April 2012 when I would say I awoke with a BANG!
Resistance Causes Persistence
Resistance Causes Persistence
Perhaps you’ll permit me to expand a little more on the theory behind the article “It’s OK to Mope.” Especially since some of us are doing such deep clearing work round about now.
Some of us have grown up thinking that we need to resist our unwanted feelings. We may have been taught as children to control ourselves, be restrained, not give way to emotion, etc.
The Victorian generation, which I studied as a young historian many years ago, believed that we grew by suppression.
My generation at the time I was studying history was all about creative expression (letting it all hang out, etc.), but the Victorian generation was all about creative repression.