according to higher self; she (yes she) had fairy life (lives) and never been to earth life.
also she is from the same soul family with me.
i think these answers are showing clearly what kind of change is coming on earth and on us. definately the good sign of the heavens/
have anybody read any article about ascention in pregnancy? if nyone can offer more info-knowledge about this subject i will be glad.
oh god i am going to be a father (most prob march 2013
oh GOD!!!!
thank you thank you thank you
i wanted to share with the galactic free press family. ;)
Wow, Congratulations! I am a
Wow, Congratulations! I am a Mom in this life, it is the most awesome thing to be a parent; we feel so blessed that this soul came to us, and so can you. Love to you all, Mxx
Wow! This is absolutely wonderful news!
Awww Strongwings, how
Awww Strongwings, how beautifuly Divine and precious..I'm so happy for you and momma and your little fairey girl..:) So sweet she has spoken to you..Thank you for sharing your joy with us...YEA!!! YOU"RE GOING TO BE A DIVINE DADDY!!! YOU ALREADY ARE!! You've called her forth...She WILL come!! So it is... Peace, Joy, Light and Love to YOU and to ALL! NOW! : ) <3
new fairy baby
My son (who is now 24) was my Teacher in a previous life. I knew it when he was in the womb. He does not remember any of this and thinks I'm flaky for believing it, but I remember following him with a large bag, picking herbs that he showed me and helping to dry them, and the times when he would say "we have to go" and we would go to heal someone. I don't believe that I paid enough attention as a student (!) because I do not know very much about the use of herbs in this lifetime, but I do remember just that much.
I hope your fairy baby will remember some of her past. Then she will have such wonderful things to tell you!!!
:) thank you all for your lovely response
thank you very much for your lovely comments. about ascension and pregnancy any article? any chaneling? any light being spoke about this subject? PEACE and LOVE