Ida Lawrence ~ The Sound of the Void

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SorenDreier  January 16 2014

SoundOfVoidHow good it is when you begin to heal and you’re suddenly aware of the change – it’s the wonderful ‘wow I feel better’ moment. Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual, back into balance is mighty nice.

Now, I’m guessing that there are readers who are consistently in balance and rarely experience the ‘I feel better’ moment. They’re always better, and that’s a beautiful thing. I’m happy for all of those who enjoy wellness throughout their lives. Health practices, right living, right thinking, self-protection; plus maybe just a bit of genetic good luck can go a long way toward an illness-free life.

And yet I know there are plenty of spiritually-minded beautiful and loving people who experience stress, anxiety, disease, weight issues, addiction, depression, age-related discomfort… all sorts of impacts from growing up and living in an ‘energy-hostile’, conditioned, programmed, toxic world.

What peace and oneness we may know at birth we soon forget as the dis-ease of this 3-D experience takes over. We begin to do as we are supposed to do, or as we are sometimes forced to do… and we experience harm to our true selves and to our physical bodies as well. Something starts to know discomfort… something starts to retreat to the back room of longing.

Was Carl Jung was right when he said, “What you resist not only persists, but will grow in size?” My life experience tells me yes: how much ground can you gain if you ‘fight’ anxiety, for example. If energy-depleted or out of balance is what we are, we can accept what we are, forgive ourselves, love ourselves and decide to change.

Healing involves a change of heart, which is intention; followed by dedication, effort, commitment, and belief. Belief: an essential element of any change is believing the change has already occurred. Trust yourself… the circumstances you imagine already exist!

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