The implantation of the unity logos template into planet Earth, the execution of a most radical Maneuver

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BY GLR Sara Adams

I remember seeing a video of a Mayan elder who was talking about his concern that there would be nothing to anchor the powerful energy coming from the sun on the Solstice. This was a big problem for him and he seemed to imply that the Earth grid did not have the ability to absorb these frequencies which would be a tragedy because these energies would not be able to be harnessed and used for our conscious evolution.
Well, at the time, I just put it in my head and heart with all of the myriad other predictions about Solstice 2012. Only now, in retrospect, do I get that that is exactly what occured in my body, psyche and the global brain of planet Earth on the nights of December 13th and December 20th 2012, accomplishing the implantation of this receptivity vehicle (felt to me as a fully formed embryo), a radical maneuver was needed , with many players needed throughout the cosmos to assist! And we did it, this embryonic template of receptivty and great potential, the quintessential receptivity vessel which could make full use of these frequencies for a great leap forward into a planet and a race of much greater light, was 1) brought forth and 2) implanted into the womb of Earth. I know this writing may be complex. Feel free to comment with questions or e-mail me directly at: Enjoy!

Hello faithful readers of this blog:
well,  we are back from the greatest interface with the dark here-to-fore attempted on planet Earth. I am dusting off my combat gear, hanging my shield up on the wall and feeling tremendous awe and gratitude at the perfection of the plan. What I am about to share with you, you might find disturbing, but I hope you will be exhilarated by the amazing interface with the dark and the great achievement of our current victory as a people and a planet. We have taken the great rite of passage, and held strong in the face of the greatest possible threat to our people and our planet.  What was achieved on December 20th  belongs to all of us. All of us are  victors.  ( the victory is described in detail below ) '

Here is to all of us who have ever put the path of our hearts passion, love and faith ahead of our mind’s fear. And here's to everyone of us who has followed the inner promptings of the heart’s call and sought out the path less taken to enable joy to maintain itself in their blood and body. Here's to the troubadors of love and light who have helped spread the vibration of love and joy to the masses through their various ministries of love. Also sending out a salute to everyone who put down the anti-depressants and was willing to claim full responsibility for identifying and healing their own pain and fear and all beings who have given their all, time and time again, to move into and clear the emotional body, to illuminate the traumas that lock mind control in place and heal them, pulling ever- more life force out of the machine of mind and into the living system of heart and body. Here's to every pure and awake heart that has endured abuse under the patriarchy, under the mind control systems of great dis-ease and imbalance. For all of us who have been interfacing with and draining the mind’s arsenal of control over the heart for many many years, like a group of powerful leeches sucking the blood from the dark side all these years.  Fellow suckers, my hat is off to you! For all the souls who sacrificed their lives in the major planetary disasters so that humanity’s heart could open and achieve the global empathy required to call the embryo of the next transharmonic universe’s unified global brain into being,  that this template life form could be in place to receive the mother love coming from future Earth enabling magnetic grid stabilization and implantation of the unity grid template.
 Your life’s have not gone unnoticed; you did not die in vain.  All of you have made the birth of a new universe possible. And all of you will reap the fruits of this universe sooner or later. We will see you on future Earth. Thank you one and all for adding to the mass and volume of the desperate cry of the night that has been strong enough to invoke the new day.    (changing the movement of current direction has required a great effort,  a call for this New earth to come forth
Deep in the night on December 13th
An embryo templating the new love-based life on Earth is brought forth
And on December 20th a portal is opened between that embryo and future Earth to accomplish stabilization and implantation of that embryo.
What I later found out was that what I felt on the night of December 20th was an attempt at pole shift.  I received a letter that really resonated with what I felt that night. It said that Anti life forces on Niberu where harnessing energy from the sun and flooding the Jerusalem stargate in an attempt to collapse the Earth's magnetic field and accomplish a pole shift.
At first I felt that Niberu attempting the pole shift was a horrible mistake, but now I realize that as deep Beloveds Planet Tiamat and her consort, planet Niberu,  worked as an amazingly synchronized team to midwife the implantation of the unity logos into the Earth.
The gift of Tiamat, invincibility to pole shift as a neutralizer of metatronic 55 reversal spin
Now planet Tiamat is very near and dear to my heart because I am a member of her planetary logos team, her Elohim creator architects. All of us on the Elohim carry a large portion of her identity within us. Tiamat was exploded in her crash with Niberu thousands of years ago and her remains became the asteroid belt that we all pass through to incarnate on Earth. Anyway, this is how I see the conversation between 
Niberu and Tiamat.
Niberu: "O.K my beloved, I will crash into you and shatter you and your remains will be syphoned into a dark grid reversal system making up parts of planet Earth's Body creating Prison Planet Earth. And as you begin to reconstitute yourself over eons of time you will rise as a planet that is invincible to reversal grids thus enabling you to respond when I trigger pole shift. You will be the rememberer of the Goddess holding feminine balance when I strike, and you will be a very powerful rememberer of the Unity Logos.  
On the night of Dec 20th just before the Solstice alignment we will both have full access to the sun's energy
But before this on Dec 13th,You shall receive wind of my intention to cause pole shift and this shall be your signal to align with the legions of light to pull down the embryo of the unity consciousness grid into the Earth. Then on the 20th, my actual attempt at pole shift shall trigger a distress call for help so great from the Earth and the legions of light that a portal shall be opened between 2012 Earth and future Earth, bringing supreme love energy into the embryo thus stabily implanting the embryo into the womb of the Earth.
What do you say, my beloved. This is what we must do. This is how we can accomplish the highest act of love for our wonderful cousin Earth who must achieve the radical act of implanting the unity logos into a world steeped in separation consciousness. it is a radical act and it will take the sacrifice of both of us, but we shall assist our dear cousin in seeding a new transharmonic universe enabling the mass proliferation of Christ consciousness throughout all creation. Beginning there on the Earth but then seeding to all the universe.
We must do it, my beloved." 
Tiamat: "Yes, my love, of course. There is no question we must do it."
And so thank you to both of you Tiamat and Niberu for assisting us here on Earth to achieve this radical and complex maneuver. Mission accomplished, beloveds. And as we come to taste the fruit of your great gift of unity restored to all creation on Earth, may you also both come to prosper and thrive in this great love that you have seeded for us.
 I send you tremendous gratitude for the successful implantation of our New Earth template. Here's to the end of the night of fear and the full blossoming of love and liberation for all!

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Sarah Adams
I am a musician/ singer and healer in the Portland area. The main focus of my life is healing. Building community, magnifying love and joy, sharing songs with the world that uplift and provide pathways into our highest destiny as divine humans. Working with children with music and art and songs to honor the natural world. Worshiping and revering all that is life, all that is beauty all that calls us home into divine destiny!

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