Integrating the Shadow and the Light through the Cosmic Flames of Mother/Father God

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Ascension App ~ Integrating the Shadow and the Light through the Cosmic Flames of Mother/Father God 

iTunes Link ~
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.1 or later.

I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, integrating both the shadow and the Light to truly experience my Self through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

I now call forth the sacred Cosmic Flames of Mother/Father God, the Overlighting of the Company of Heaven and my Beloved I Am Presence to assist me in releasing old energies, negative thoughts and feelings, false beliefs and judgments, so I may truly Love all aspects of my Self. I now center my Self as I breathe deep into my body and ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth.

I now release all addictive patternings I may have as I visualize a beautiful Copper-Gold Flame of Light flooding out from the center of my spine into my body and energy field, displacing any frozen thought forms, negative conditionings, dark energies and related colors. I now affirm: "I nurture and Love my Self. My Divine authentic Self is deeply Loved, appreciated and nurtured. I no longer need to repress or block my emotions. I am able to release, transmute and embrace all aspects of my Self lovingly and gently, knowing that I Am Divinely supported on all levels of my Beingness, and truly able to make the changes I desire within my Life and within the One Reality of All That Is".

I now release all envy, greed or jealousy patternings I may have as I visualize a beautiful Silver Flame of Light flooding out from the center of my spine into my body and energy field, displacing any frozen thought forms, negative conditionings, dark energies and related colors. I now affirm: "I am abundant in all aspects of my Life, living in Love and prosperity consciousness through the Center of Divine Love and the New Earth Templates of Light. With insight, wisdom and illumination, I co-create my reality as a Master Being of Light. I am able to magnetize, manifest and bring into my reality all that I am needing in any given Now moment as a co-creator to the Company of Heaven".

I now release all victimhood and persecutor patternings I may have as I visualize a beautiful Silver-Gold Flame of Light flooding out from the center of my spine into my body and energy field, displacing any frozen thought forms, negative conditionings, dark energies and related colors. I now affirm: "I Am honoring of my Self as a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love and Master Being of Light. I create healthy boundaries and invite into my space only those that truly see me, honor me and Love me, as I do them. All pathways before me are pathways of Divine Love. I step through this doorway into the radiance of my own heart and the knowing of the preciousness and magnificence of my Self".

I now release all pride, prejudice or arrogance patternings I may have as I visualize a beautiful Golden Flame of Light flooding out from the center of my spine into my body and energy field, displacing any frozen thought forms, negative conditionings, dark energies and related colors. I now affirm: I experience all Life through the radiance of my Divine Love, knowing that all Life is Divinely equal and only the Cosmic Consciousness awareness differs from individual to individual. As I expand my bandwidth, I embrace all Life in One Unity Consciousness. I Am a Divine embodiment of Love, living in Love, harmony and peace with all those around me". 

I now release all issues of shame and guilt I may have as I visualize a beautiful Platinum Flame of Light flooding out from the center of my spine into my body and energy field, displacing any frozen thought forms, negative conditionings, dark energies and related colors. I now affirm: "I embrace all aspects of my Self through the radiance of my heart and the One Heart of All Creation. Through my Beloved I Am Presence and the Beings of Light from On High, I am Divinely supported and deeply Loved, able to experience my creations in empowerment, Love and wisdom. I Love and forgive my Self as I Love and forgive others".

Affirmations and Invocation by Anrita 
Artwork by Jeff Bigman

Music by Michael Hammer