~ Intensity of the Energies Continue~

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, The Light energies Continue In Intensity and will be for the next 48 hours. Many Are having Intense Experiences in this Energy, while many might be going into chaos as the old is being ripped away. We have indeed made another Shift and these shifts will continue all of this Year. We will Have more about what is Unfolding In our Next Update.  Love The Earth Allies

PS for those who can share we are behind in our funding for March with 10 days left. Thank You for making a simple Love share this Month. We Are Compltely funded by all of You and do not support the old ways You can share at this Link: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate

Thank you for Keeping us Going Each Month in this Very Divine Mission!

Latest Earthquake Activity - March 21, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.0 mag quake at REYKJANES RIDGE

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

March 21




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19 miners rescued in Poland, after earthquake causes mine collapse


The Extinction Protocol-21 March 2013




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damenjacken Recita rende trovato il miglior sura del




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'Spring' arrives in London


CTV News.ca - 3/20/13



Old Man Winter obviously did not get the memo. Spring officially arrived at 7:02 a.m. Wednesday, but most of the region is under a fresh blanket of snow and more flurries are expected into Thursday. And the Forest City is not out of the snowy woods just yet.


In fact, up to four centimetres of snow is expected to fall before Friday, and up to an additional seven centimetres will fall Sunday and Monday next week.

For more weather details click: 'Spring'


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Messages of a Starchild Original Channel: Nurtured Blue Light from a Mother's Womb:


Starseed by T.E.E.L https://soundcloud.com/cloudship999/starseed

Plant your starseeds
and watch them grow
but some ya seeds are sterile
and most of the seeds won't evolve
there will be a few seeds
that will grow tall
they will shine
like a star system  
shine all the way to kingdom

to the temples made of light
you can see em in the sky eye night

to see this crystal temples
you gotta open up your third eye

and realize you are not in a box
with the walls closing in
so the only way is up
if you want to meet the divine

you better learn to run on her time
heal ya self with purified water
running under pyramids itll make enough
energy to replace your power grid
if you coming from inside the Earth
i will meet you half way to the Mothership



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Message from the Councils of Light : March Equinox 2013


Realms of Light - Vision at Dawn - site

Earth people, Light people of Gaia, hear our words.

In the fluctuating energies of this moment, you are required to make decisive actions and intentions. Most importantly – are you able to state, with clarity and truth, that you are in the new age of Light on planet Earth? This new age is not birthing, it is birthed already – and for those who acknowledge this in their hearts, in their words and in their actions, this is their reality.


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The manuscript of survival – part 288 . March 21, 2013







The manuscript of survival – part 288 . March 21, 2013


I am here, do you have a message for me? We certainly do dear lady, and tears of joy are running down our face as we tell you this. Beloveds, you have entered the halls of tomorrow, and you have done so in the company of thousands upon thousands of jubilant souls. For last night, you tore yourselves free from the yoke that have been holding you all back for so long. For you are free now, free to explore these lands of no boundaries, free to savour all of the pleasures inherent in a life filled with love. For the light has entered, and with it, all of the borders have been set free.


So rest now dear ones, because you have yet to fathom what all of this will entail. For you are still in this transitional phase, and as we said, you have been somnambulants for so long, waking up will feel very strange at first, and it will take some time before you fully understand what has taken place on your beautiful little planet. For yesterday you made a firm commitment to tear asunder the chains holding you down, and your collective power was more than enough to blow your cage to smithereens. So rejoice we say, for you have set yourselves free, and you did it, no on else. For what is a light send out from heavens above if there are no open hearts to receive it? You were all so open, and what you partook in will sustain and nourish you for the rest of your sojourn on this beautiful, blue planet.



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International Day of Forests 2013


 The Watchers - 21 March 2013 - by Chillymanjaro FAO No related posts.


The United Nations General assembly has proclaimed March 21 the International Day of Forests. From 2013, the day will be observed each year to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of forests and trees to all life on Earth.  

Find out how you can take part in the celebrations and help sustain the world’s forests here. 



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Visionkeeper - Beware! Information Overload….


One World Rising Posted on March 21, 2013




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4MIN News March 21, 2013: Weather/Climate News, Spaceweather Impact(s)




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on Mar 21, 2013


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Spring Into... January? March 2013 Nothing Like 2012


wunderground.com By: Nick Wiltgen Published: March 20, 2013


International Falls, Minn.

International Falls, Minn.

Not only are below-average temperatures gripping much of the Midwest and Northeast, but the chill is a stunning contrast to the extraordinary heat wave that was underway at this time a year ago. On the next few pages we provide some comparisons between the current cold snap and last year's warmth.


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Planck satellite: Maps detail Universe's ancient light


BBC News-21 March 2013-Jonathan Amos


A map tracing the "oldest light" in the sky has been produced by Europe's Planck Surveyor satellite. Its pattern confirms the Big Bang theory for the origin of the Universe but subtle, unexpected details will require scientists to adjust some of their ideas.


Map of the oldest light in the Universe.



A spectacular new map of the "oldest light" in the sky has just been released by the European Space Agency.


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The Morning Blessing 03.21.13


. . . .that we live our deepest Soul's desire not by intending

to change who we are but by intending to be who we are."

- Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Are you able to hear the words of your I AM Presence stabilizing your experience and taking dominion over your every thought, word, action and feeling?



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Indonesia’s Mount Lokon volcano unleashes 2,000 meter ash cloud


The Extinction Protocol Posted on March 20, 2013


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New Lord’s[ Loves] Prayers



We offer alternative versions of the Lord’s prayer to help us to gain understand and depth behind the traditional words that many of us say without thinking about their meaning.  We have Rainbow Cathedral bookmarks with different versions of the Lord’s prayer.   If you would like to receive one, email me therevjane @ juno.com with your address and bookmark in the subject line and we will mail one to you.

Indwelling God,
infused throughout all existence,
we honor you with many names.

Your realm is within the human heart.
We accept life for all that it can be,
on earth as throughout all creation.

May we continue to draw sustenance from this earth,
and may we receive forgiveness equal to our own.

May we ever move from separation toward union,

to live in grace, with love in our hearts,
forever and ever.  Amen.  Fred F. Keip


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This Equinox is Your First Gossamer Layer



Welcome to Brenda's Blog



Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photocart_header

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


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Conversations with my Twin Flame ~ The Equinox Gateway. - by Debbie Erasmus



I didn’t get as much sleep as anticipated last night and I woke up this morning feeling very jittery and uncomfortable. I prayed for peace and calm to enter my being and immediately felt the uncomfortable feeling dissipate. I knew the Peace and Calm had come from my Twin.


Where did that discomfort come from?


It was from the energies of the Equinox. They are very strong and I helped your body to integrate them.


Thank you! I feel so much better now. [Smile]


Good, I am happy! Tell me, how did you sleep?


Very well thanks! And you?


[Smile] I do not sleep, you know that.


Yes I do.


Let’s talk about the Equinox shall we?




The Devas told you in the message you channeled last night that many Starseeds will return home on the energies of this Equinox. I want to elaborate on that.


Okay, good.


Many misunderstand what the term ‘Starseed’ actually means. A Starseed is a higher dimensional being who has specifically come to this Planet in order to assist Gaia and her inhabitants ascend into the 5th Dimension of consciousness.


So what then is a Lightworker?


A Lightworker is an awakened being who is consciously or unconsciously anchoring Light into the Earth’s grid.


And what do Starseeds do?



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Gaia Portal Update~Stations of Light are Established




Stations of Light are established over and around Gaia to enable smoother transitions for humans to Hue-mans, in this period following seasonal change.

Locations of Stations of Light are flexible and move as required. Those called within to steward such will feel the pull… strongly.

We of ÉirePort station are monitoring planetary consciousness levels as Light levels upon and within Gaia increase. The Stations of Light stewardship crews will be called to take appropriate steps to bridge discontinuities as they are noted.


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Heaven and Earth have been Reconnected and Portal Opened!!!!! Infinity Gateway, Sources of Eternal oneness, Epiphany of Light,


Heaven and Earth have been Reconnected and Portal Opened!!!!!


All Karma cleared when Earth was separated from Heaven.


Portal open anchored in Heaven energies


Infinity Gateway, Sources of Eternal oneness, Epiphany of Light, Harmonics of  Creations, Infinite Source of Divine, are 100% open and anchored in.


All connected and Unified as One with everything As above as below. To all crystalline grids, solar system, Galactic, cosmos universe, Gaia, Rainbow bridge, Zero Point, Golden spear, Humanity. ect.


Healing of Cosmos,Universe, galaxy, planetary, Solar Systems and unified of one with one for one.






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Louisiana Sinkhole: State Documentation Reveals that Radioactive Materials Were INJECTED into Five Additional Napoleonville Salt Dome Caverns






A truly shocking revelation has been uncovered in SONRIS files concerning the fragile and ‘too close to salt edge’, Occidental Geismar #1, as well as four other caverns on the east side of Grand Bayou.

Last week, it was revealed that Oxy #1 was found to be in potential jeopardy and possible collapse since it lies within 1-200 ft. from the Salt Dome’s edge.


For more information on this story please click this link.


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Equinox, March 2013


Published on Mar 20, 2013

Equinox, March 2013. Talk, Meditation Activation and Archangel Michael Channel by Celia Fenn.http://www.starchildglobal.com
Video Produced by Johann Kotze


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Notice the ease with which you proceed when your heart is light with a sense of fun


 by Ron Head


Photo by Gretchen Hermey


Photo by Gretchen Hermey



Today is the first day of the season you call Spring.  It is also the first day of the energy of new growth for each of you personally.  This year your yield will be great.  But, just as it is for the farmers in their fields, it will not come without diligent care and attention.



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Bladder/Urinary Tract Infections


Here's something I have used successfuly for a bladder infection. Was also effective for a bacterial infection affecting my husbands digestion.


Here's what we did: Put the meat of 4-5 walnuts into your favourite mug, pour over boiling water and leave for at least ten minutes. Can be drunk warm or cool. Do this three times a day for three days. My urinary tract infection is much better by day two but will continue to day three as recommended.

Hope this helps.  


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What We Can Do to Positively Impact Global Change


What We Can Do to Positively Impact Global Change


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Irma Kaye ~The Cosmic Gateway ~ Spring Equinox Message


Irma kaye sawyer

Hello friends. Quite a bit of information has been coming through regarding the Power Portal that we are currently in, leading up to the Spring Equinox (Fall for the South,) on 3.20.13. Interestingly I was pondering on a lot of the material that has been published lately regarding the transition to 5D and wondering why myself and so many others that I know were having their struggles recently. I was shown that every time we choose to be in the cosmic “flow;” which is a state of Love and Trust, we *are* in the Fifth Dimension. Being in fear, conflict and worry is primarily a 3D frequency. We don’t necessarily have to be constantly on a lily pad of bliss to be experiencing the higher energies, and that was good to know. :)

We have done a tremendous amount of work since February and the Pisces Stellium energies, and are still adjusting to the new, higher frequencies that are coming in in preparation for the Equinox Gateway. For additional, detailed information please visit my other blog post on the subject: Spring Equinox – The Gateway & the Love Signal


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Bella Capozzi ~ ‘Clingy’ Pets And The Influx Of New Energy


A Pleiadian Message And Mini-Reading ~

2360693148_d3ccf12714Okay, fellow animal lovers, this one’s for you.  Let me begin this post by asking if any of you out there have been noticing behavioral changes in your pets over the past several weeks?  I’m not referring to anything serious, like increased aggression or that type of thing.  Kind of the opposite, actually.  What I’m talking about are symptoms such as lethargy, boredom, more-than-usual awareness of the “unseen” realms, and being extra clingy.  As in, they are acting like little “velcro-pets.”   Don’t turn around too quickly in my house, or you just may go flying over an Australian Shepherd.  Nor should you attempt to read a book or work on the computer, undisturbed.  I’ve also found this behavior to be a recurring theme in my clients’ households, too.  Our pets are even more sensitive to the energetic changes than we are, and with the powerful and refined frequencies accompanying today’s Vernal Equinox, they are often ill-equipped when it comes to processing it all.  They seek our comfort and companionship, and need a bit more of our attention than ever before.


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How to fully activate Pineal Gland antennas (Drunvalo Melchizedek)


A must see for anyone seeking enlightenment, raising their DNA's vibration, or activating their electromagnetic Merkaba. A lot of supporting evidence compiled for free, in an info-graphic format: www.Lightactive.org


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More about the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure




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Pam Younghans ~ NorthPoint Astrology Journal ~ Week Of 18th March


PamYounghansHighlighted Aspects this WeekMonday: Saturn sesquisquare Venus; Wednesday: Sun enters Aries/Equinox; Thursday: Chiron trine Saturn, Venus enters Aries; Friday: Uranus conjunct Mars; Saturday: Saturn quincunx Jupiter

THIS WEEK and next are pivotal in many ways, due to the growing group of planets in Aries. One by one, starting with Mars last week, the faster-moving planets are making their exodus from Pisces, each ultimately joining forces with Uranus in Aries.

The main astrological events this week occur on Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday is the Aries Equinox, the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the beginning of autumn in the Southern. Whichever season we are beginning, our experience of this shift of is likely to be more dramatic than usual, as we abruptly leave behind the sensitive, reclusive realms of Pisces and dive head-first into the impulsive, active world of Aries.

THE ARCHETYPES for Aries include Pioneer, Risk-Taker, Leader, Competitor, Initiator — all of whom are known for their courage and focused energy. Each of these personality types is able to harness the internal strength that enables them to face the unknown, and to rise above the fears and inertia that often can get in the way of forward progress.


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Dr. Steven Greer and David Wilcock ~ Surius Update 20 March 2013



March 20, 2013

Please post and circulate widely

Steve Greer

Sirius Premiere  and release update

We are working day and night planning the Sirius Los Angeles premiere and the release of the film.
The premiere will be April 22, 2013.  The main purpose of a premiere in Los Angeles is to “get the buzz” going within film industry insiders and the media.   We have wonderful people lined up to help with this and we need your support as well.  As news is announced please tweet it, put it up on your facebook pages and send it around the world!


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Heavenletter #4500 - God’s Greatest Miracle


Heaven Letters Published on: March 21, 2013

God said:

Will you remember that you are a Holy Being? This one thought will embolden your life on Earth. By dint of will or by chance, you are here, and it matters that you are here on Earth at this time. You are a Holy Being who happens to be in a physical body. Your physical body has its restrictions, and it has its fallacies. Yet you are not your body. You are not your physical presence.

Your physical presence exists, yet you are beyond physical. You are realms beyond. You are eons beyond. You are a miracle worker.


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Fascinating Spring Rituals Around the World


Weather.com - 3/20/13


Arthur Uther Pendragon, a druid, waits for the sun to rise as he celebrates the spring equinox at Stonehenge near Amesbury, Wiltshire, England. Several hundred druids and pagans were granted access to the ancient monument to mark when the length of the day and the night are equal. (Matt Cardy/Getty Images)

Though it didn't feel like it to many, spring arrived Wednesday morning in the Northern Hemisphere. The spring equinox is the first day of the solar new year and one of two days each year when day and night are equally long — at least in theory. Here are some fascinating ways the arrival of the season of renewal is observed around the world.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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Pope Francis breaks the mould again with ceremony at prison instead of St Peter's


The Telegraph UK -21 March 2013-Nick Squires


Pope Francis, whose spontaneity has already earned him the nickname "the unpredictable Pope", will break with tradition again when he holds a major ceremony in a prison chapel rather than in St Peter's

Pope Francis, whose spontaneity has already earned him the nickname

Francis, who has broken the mould with his informal approach and unscheduled walkabouts, will conduct next week's Holy Thursday service in a prison for young offenders on the outskirts of Rome.

The service is normally held either in St Peter's Basilica or in the Church of St John in Lateran, which is the Pope's church in his capacity as Bishop of Rome.

Instead Francis, who was the archbishop of Buenos Aires before being chosen as Pope in a secret conclave in the Sistine Chapel last week, will hold the service in the Casal del Marmo jail.


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Blue StarShip/UFO Report - March 21, 2013


2003 - Wisconsin-Photographer was taking photos of Mars, which was rising early on 01-08-03. Mars was close to Venus, and the witness took several photographs.

He was not happy with his first photos, because of the cloud cover. So, he took a few more snaps, and just before calling the session over, he noticed a slow moving object, fairly bright to the naked eye.

He took a couple of photos of it, and was surprised later when he reviewed the photos.

What he captured on film was a definite triangle shaped object. Taken at 7:18 AM.



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Sinkhole swallows California pond overnight


The Extinction Protocol - 3/21/13




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Unexplained boom baffles experts, residents: heard in four Illinois counties


The Extinction Protocol-3/21/13





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Big Story Weather – March 20, 2013


Red Orbit.com - 3/20/13, Joshua Kelly



Big Story Weather from March 19: The big news of the day was the rain and snow that moved through the Northeast with some places getting a pretty good amount of snowfall. Another big story of the day was the strong thunderstorms that moved through Texas during the overnight hours with some places getting hail. The third story of the day comes from the Northern Plains and the return of Arctic air this late in the season with many places seeing temperatures running about 20 degrees below normal for this time of year.



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Organic computers – scientists build interfaces for brain networks


The Watchers-3/20/13, NIX


Researchers at Duke University linked brains of rats across continents via internet in a demonstration of what they call the world’s first  ’organic computer‘. Surprisingly, rats were able to share sensory information through interfaces developed by researchers and thereby performed simple tasks, trials confirmed with ‘above chance level’ success rates. Neurobiologist Miguel Nicolelis at Duke University Medical Center and his team were inspired by the notion of sensory exchange between brains electronically. Researchers experimented on sets of rats, they named encoders and decoders. They were going to transmit brain impulses of encoder rats to the decoders and find out if they were able to...



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PHOTOS: Astounding Tri-Colored Crater Lakes


Wunderground.com-3/20/13, Camille Mann






Crater lakes on their own are amazing natural wonders, but the crater lakes of Kelimutu volcano in Indonesia are even more striking. They are each a different color despite being at the crest of the same volcano.

Tiwu Ata Mbupu or the “Lake of Old People” the westernmost of the three lakes is the darkest in color, appearing to look brown in photos. Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai or the “Lake of Young Men and Maidens” is typically a greenish tint and the last lake Tiwu Ata Polo or “Bewitched or Enchanted Lake” appears to be a darker shade of green and sometimes blue in photos.


For more on this story and beautiful lake photos please see Wunderground.com


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Earth’s Magnetic Field Shifting? Geomagnetic Storm Or Something Else?


Before It's News - 3/18/13


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Love and Cash PLUS The 4 Pillars of Creation.





What an extraordinary kick-off to spring yesterday was!!  Granted, I woke up really late and didn’t have time to put a sharing together, but that extra sleep seemed to turn the joy faucet onto full capacity, because joy was running thru my veins from the first opening of my eyes to the last (and continues today.)  Maybe something within me already knew the day was going to be profound with understandings and revelations that just sent everything into holy cow-ness!!

Do you ever just read something and that something just lifts up off the page and wiggles around in a dance, like it is there to notice and feel with.  I had a precious soul send me a donation the day before yesterday with a message added to it.  I seen this come in just before I went to sleep… and (part of) her message went to sleep with me: “sending you love and cash.”  It must have expanded in my sleep because when I opened the her gift again to send a thank you and reread what she wrote, it became an even bigger present than the much appreciated monetary donation.  LOVE and CASH.  How often do we really infuse love into our money?  Into what we do with our money?


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Montague Keen - March 17, 2013



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~ Earth Ally Will Harader~You Are Here~





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Lightning strikes spark grass fires


WeatherZone.com - 3/21/13


Firefighters are battling several blazes sparked by lightning strikes across southern parts of the state overnight.
A fire at Uleybury near Gawler burnt 100 hectares of farmland near Kentish Road after it started about 4:00am.

To read the rest of this story, visit WeatherZone.com.


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Where's spring? 2nd most extreme March jet stream pattern on record extends winter


Wunderground.com - 3/20/13, Dr. Jeff Masters

After the blizzard, by springsun

Extreme severe winterconditions in the northeast of Germany, Kap Arkona. Source: wetterzentrale

Punxatawney Phil got it way wrong. Pennsylvania's famous prognosticating rodent predicted just three more weeks of winter back on February 2. It's the first day of spring, but winter remains firmly entrenched over the eastern half of the U.S., where temperatures of 5 - 25°F below average have been the rule all week. The culprit is the jet stream, which has taken on an unusually contorted shape that is allowing cold air to spill down over the Eastern U.S. and Western Europe, but bringing near-record warmth to portions of Greenland. One measure of how contorted the jet stream has become is by measuring the difference in pressure between the Icelandic Low and the Azores High. There are two indices used to do this--one called the Arctic Oscillation (AO), which treats the flow over the entire Northern Hemisphere, and another called the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which is more focused on the North Atlantic. The two are closely related about 90% of the time.



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The manuscript of survival – part 288


aisha north March 21, 2013

I am here, do you have a message for me? We certainly do dear lady, and tears of joy are running down our face as we tell you this. Beloveds, you have entered the halls of tomorrow, and you have done so in the company of thousands upon thousands of jubilant souls. For last night, you tore yourselves free from the yoke that have been holding you all back for so long. For you are free now, free to explore these lands of no boundaries, free to savour all of the pleasures inherent in a life filled with love. For the light has entered, and with it, all of the borders have been set free.


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Two injured as trees come down in strong winds


WeatherZone.com - 3/21/13


Two people have been injured as strong winds and storms lash the state.
One person was trapped in Kew when a tree came down on their car around 8:30am (AEDT).
To read the rest of this story, visit WeatherZone.com.


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Flood of Dead Pigs, Trickle of Answers in China


Weather.com - 3/20/13, AP

Sanitation workers collect dead pigs from Shanghai's main waterway on March 11, 2013. Nearly 3,000 dead pigs have been found floating in the water. (Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images)

BEIJING -- The pig carcasses - now nearly 14,000 of them - have been floating down rivers that feed into Shanghai for nearly two weeks. The city's residents have been told not to worry, and not much else.

Where the pigs came from, how they died and why they suddenly showed up in the river system that supplies drinking water to a city of 23 million has not been explained. Officials have told residents their drinking water is safe, while authorities have censored microblog posts suggesting that the public organize peaceful protests.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.



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Jayme Price Weekly Light Blast - Being Alone


Weekly Light Blast March 21, 2013

Crystalline Soul Healing


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Northern Europe copes with extreme winter weather


CastlegarSource.com - 3/20/13, By Wikinews

Northern  Europe copes with extreme winter weather

Wintry conditions have caused widespread disruption across parts of northwestern Europe over the past week. Heavy snow as well as sub-zero temperatures have resulted in cancellations of hundreds of flights and caused traffic disruptions on major roads.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Completions


Angel Wisdom Thursday, March 21, 2013


Completions are at hand


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Volcanic activity worldwide 20 Mar 2013: Pacaya, Fuego, Popocatépetl, Shiveluch, Lokon-Empung, Batu...


Volcano Discovery Wednesday Mar 20, 2013 18:35 PM |

Seismic signal from El Hierro 19 Mar (IGN)

Seismic signal from El Hierro 19 Mar (IGN)

MODIS hot spot at the summit of Sheveluch

MODIS hot spot at the summit of Sheveluch

Thermal hot spots corresponding to Tolbachik's recent lava flows


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Germany drives Cyprus into the arms of Russia: Cash-strapped country refuses to take part in call with EU as poll says Cypriots want to exit the euro zone Cypriot parliament overwhelmingly rejected an international bailout deal Finance Minister Michalis S




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A Bolt of Lightning Jolts Me Awake




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The Muffin ~ Pleiadian Message ~ The old will dissolve!




Spacemuffinastrology March 21 2013

Before long, the power structures on planet earth will begin to visibly crumble. The collapse will occur, and it will be final. Soon afterwards, military control will cease to exist and truths will be revealed. At that time, very soon afterwards, we will be free to land and meet with you. Safety would be a large issue at this time, our safety, and there would still be planet wide fear of our approach. These are the current circumstances. Our perception of time does not parallel yours and in as much as you have difficulty accepting timelessness, we may have just as much difficulty in viewing time through your human perception. But we can say that all is in place now, and in the now, systems are, internally, failing.


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.



Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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20 Things You Didn't Know About... Inner Earth


Discover Magazine.com - 12/11/12, Rebecca Coffey


It's got solid and liquid parts, it's almost as hot as the sun, and it may be teeming with life.


1. In 1692 Edmond Halley (of comet fame) proposed that the Earth is hollow. Below the outer crust where we live, he pictured two concentric shells and a core about the size of Mercury, all floating in a luminous gas.

2. Helloooo down there: Halley even imagined that these shells might be inhabited. Jules Verne riffed on this idea in his classic Journey to the Center of the Earth.


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Transition~ A Time of Adaptation Monique Mathieu




“After the passage of December 21 st, you find yourselves really in a time of transition, this word transition that you have used so often – as we have as well – but that you have so poorly understood.

For us, the transition is a non-time, a time between what you have left (the old world), a time that separates you from your new world, from this world that is promised you and towards which you go more each day. It is a time of preparation, of adaptation to what you are becoming, because it is very important that you be able to adapt to your future, to all of the new energies of Love and of Light that are offered you.

You, on Earth, have an adaptation to make, but in all of the solar system and well beyond the same adaptation must take place at levels that obviously are totally different from yours.

Everything must change and everything is going to change within you!

Each of you, depending on the work that has been accomplished, will be able to feel and experience the new energies and some profound transformations. Take advantage of this moment between two times, of the moment of profound transformation, in order to have access to your real future!


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Hollow Earth, Book of Enoch, Secrets of all Secrets


Before It's News - 3/19/13


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Judtih Dagley ~In Case You Think You’re Not Important~The Universe Disagrees



Here we are, moving through our Spring Equinox of 2013 already!  We are moving out of the dormant stage of winter, and into the new growth of spring.  I say “we” because the seasons we see around us are also our own. We are not separate from our planet, you know–we live here! We grow here, just as all earthly life does! And, like all earthly life, we do so in rhythm with the seasons.


Spring is a time of expansion into NEW life. It is not a repeat of the old. A walk in nature illustrates that most obviously. We see NEW life being born, and NEW growth sprouting everywhere. Even our trees, many of whom have been here far longer than we have, are sprouting NEW leaves. For our spirits, it is also a time to grow NEW leaves, and to give birth to NEW versions and visions of ourselves.



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Surpising Inner Earth Discovery


Before Its News.com - 3/18/13, James Devitt



Earth and atmosphere cutaway illustration:  1: Crust, 2: Moho, 3: Upper Mantle, 4: Low-velocity Zone, 
5: Lower Mantle, 6: D"- Layer, 7: Outer core,  8: Liquid-solid boundary, 9: Inner core
A: Troposphere, B: Stratosphere, C: Mesophere, D: Thermosphere, E: Exosphere


"Mantle plumes appear to show regular cycles," Rampino explained. "So what's remarkable is there is a strong indication of a connection between changes on the earth's surface—such as volcanic activity and rising sea levels—and what's occurring deep inside the earth. This suggests a fascinating and powerful union between below-surface geological events and changes in our climate."


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