Internet Love Party Today at 1:30pm Pacific~ Grand Events are In Process

Lia's picture




~ Greetings Love Beings, We are In some Very Intense Energies and Our Craft have instructed us to Host an Internet Love Party, Today Monday July 23rd to Assist Everyone In this Intense Energy. This will begin at 1:30pm Pacific until..........


We have some Major Events In Process!



Thank You for Joining us if You Can and assisting US in Bringing in the Highest Love Energy this Planet has ever seen. All Of You Reading this Are Humanity's Earth Allies. By You Showing Up and Being Present for this Event you are Providing The Highest Service to Love On This Planet.



Everyone On this Entire Planet is INVITED, Thank You For Letting Everyone Know and have an Opportunity to Participate in this Grand Event of Love Unfolding Today, Together We are Victorius.


BYOB, Bring Your Own Being!







The Gates of Heaven Are Open

And The Love is Pouring In

