Link to Today's Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings, Is it getting intense out there? What we are Discovering is that the Suns reversal which is to occur in the next 3-4 Months is already taking effect energetically. This will increase in the Months ahead and everyone will be effected. This will put increasing pressure on everything which is not in alignment with the Higher Energies. Its going to get interesting! There are lots of reports out there about big events coming up soon, whatever this looks like. Our advice, stay centered in Love and In the Truth this will assist you ahead. We have many Events Today in the 5d Room, All are welcome to Join US, IN fact we Highly recommend! all at this Link:
11am Pacific-1pm 5d Chat Sessions with Rain and Silver
1pm Pacific-3pm Healing with the Angels
4:30pm Pacific- 6pm Awakening Awareness Mission
Also, Thank you for sharing and Keeping us Here in 24 Hour Service we are still behind