Worse yet, the dark ones, the Brothers of Biel, appeared to have won the battle between light and dark and great planetary destruction reigned for many millennia. The dark ones had successfully culled the herd, by killing millions of humans. This “culling of the herd” was the dark ones intention.
However, during your current era YOU, the Forces of Light, have won!
On the other hand, your illness has also been a symptom of transformation. Your service to the ONE has initiated your return to Lightbody. Hence, your physical forms are feeling like a skin that has grown too small for you and is very restrictive.
You may even feel like a snake that wants to rest so that you can “shed your old skin.” In fact, we encourage you to rest as much as possible because you will be called upon to calm the fears of those who are un-awakened and un-aware.
We need you, the Earth-based members of our Galactic Federation and Angelic Realms, to hold the ever-accelerating Light. We need you, who represent the Earth Based members of our Galactic and Angelic Realms, to carry the ever-accelerating light so that you can better channel your unconditional love to other incarnated ones.
Those who are uninformed may suffer fear, and the best antidote for fear is multidimensional truth and unconditional love. Thus, we send each and every one of you the truth of planetary ascension and the unconditional love that flows from the heart of our Galactic Center.
We send you this light and love to you, our dear grounded expressions of SELF, and ask that you share our gift throughout your daily life. The uninformed may fear your gift, but the best antidote for fear is TRUTH and LOVE.
from a reader...
This truly is exciting news and easier for me to put confidence in since having my vision /dream of watching those huge powerful angels dragging the dark entities up and away to their prison somewhere. boy were they angry! They tried resisting, as they were sputtering and yelling out at their captors but, those angels were not effected in the slightest. They just kept collecting those nasty guy and dragging them off! It sure was a sight to behold! The line of them went up from earth and seemed like it went on, up into eternity! Earth can breathe easier I'm certain.
So, good riddance to the dark rubbish that has tormented mankind all these centuries!